Jerry R. Hobbs, USC Information Sciences Institute: An ontology of spatial relations for the semantic web abstract presentation
Frédérik Bilhaut, Thierry Charnois, Patrice Enjalbert and Yann Mathet, GREYC, U of Caen Geographic reference analysis for geographic document querying ws904.pdf ws904.ppt
Ian Densham and James Reid, Edinburgh Data Library: A Geo-coding service encompassing a geo-parsing tool and integrated digital gazetteer service (system demo) ws901.pdf ws901.ppt
K.L. Kwok & Q. Deng, CUNY Queens College GeoName - a system for back-transliterating chinese place names ws905.pdf ws905.ppt
Jochen Leidner, Gail Sinclair, Bonnie Webber, U of Edinburgh Grounding spatial named entities for information extraction and question answering ws908.pdf ws908.ppt
Huifeng Li, Rohini K. Srihari, Cheng Niu, Wei Li, Cymfony A hybrid approach to geographical references in information extraction ws911.pdf ws911.ppt
Dimitar Manov, Atanas Kiryakov, Borislav Popov Ontotext Lab, Kalina Bontcheva, Diana Maynard, Hamish Cunningham, U of Sheffield Experiments with geographic knowledge for information extraction ws903.pdf ws903.ppt
Erik Rauch, Michael Bukatin, and Kenneth Baker, Metacarta A confidence-based framework for disambiguating geographic terms ws917.pdf ws917.ppt
David A. Smith and Gideon S. Mann, JHU Bootstrapping toponym classifiers ws916.pdf ws916.ppt
Humphrey Southall, U of Portsmouth Defining and identifying the roles of geographic references within text ws912.pdf ws912.ppt
Olga Uryupina, Saarland University Semi-supervised learning of geographical gazetteers from the internet ws913.pdf ws913.ppt
Richard Waldinger and Peter Jarvis, SRI, Jennifer Dungan, NASA Ames Pointing to places in a deductive geospatial theory ws907.pdf ws907.ppt