MoA's usage

Date : 95.8.13 (Sun), bgjang

This page contains full explanations about MoA itself and the other utilities provided. For short brief help message, type executables without options.


Morphological Analyzer. It needs 4 kinds dictionary and 2 tables to be executed. If anyone is not supplied, then it will say an error and die. The dictionary/table locations is determined by 4 environment variables. It must be set to execute moa. For example, see supplied env-moa file. And the other two environment variable can be set. If the above necessary 4 environment variables are set, then moa can be executed. The options are like the followings :

chkcon : Connectivity Checker

datum/TRANTBL contains connectivity informations but is not human-readible. So to change this file or lookup the informations in this file, use chkcon utility. You can simply type chkcon to get help message.

dictman : Dictionary Manager

It is used to update the contents in 4-type dictionary.
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