Workshop on
Extended finite state models of language
August 11-12, 1996
ECAI '96,
Budapest, Hungary
Organizing Committee
Chair: Prof. Eva Ejerhed, Umea University
Department of Linguistics
University of Umea
90187 Umea, Sweden
Tel: 46 (0)90 - 16 56 77
Prof. Frederic Jelinek, Johns Hopkins University
Center for Language and Speech Processing,
Barton Hall,
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD, 21210
Tel: (410) 516-7730
Fax: (410) 516-5050
Dr. Lauri Karttunen, Xerox PARC and Xerox Research Center Europe
Rank Xerox Research Centre
6, chemin de Maupertuis
F-38240 Meylan, France
Tel: 33-76-61 50 95
Fax: 33-76-61 50 99
AndrĂ¡s Kornai
BBN Technologies
70 Fawcett Street
Cambridge MA 02138
Tel: (617) 873-2470
Fax: (617) 873-2534
In spite of the wide availability of more powerful (context-free, mildly
context-sensitive, and even Turing-equivalent) formalisms, the bulk of the
applied work on language and sublanguage modeling, especially for the
purposes of recognition and topic search, is still performed by various
finite state methods. In fact, the use of such methods in research labs as
well as in applied work actually increased in the past five years. The goal
of the workshop is to bring together those developing and using extended
finite state methods to text analysis, speech/OCR language modeling, and
related CL and NLP tasks with those in AI and CS interested in analyzing and
possibly extending the domain of finite-state algorithms.
To encourage a workshop atmosphere, main papers (25 minutes) will be
followed by commentaries (10 minutes) and 10 minutes of open
discussion. Altogether, we will have 21 papers and 10
arrangements and the schedule have
been finalized.
Confirmed papers
Confirmed papers
Workshop schedule
Local information
Local information
Of related interest: First Workshop on Implementing Automata
Last update: August 6 1996
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