This is the home page of the Mathematical Linguistics area of the Oxford International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, not to be confused with the page for the book Mathematical Linguistics. Eventually it may turn into a more general mathematical linguistics resource page. Latex source is made available with an eye to the needs of those designing curricula, but please respect OUP's copyright.
Generative Capacity 750 words major rev Emmon Bach and Philip Miller final .tex final .pdf
Automata Theory/Chomsky Hierarchy 1500 words major rev Robert Wall and David Weir zeroth draft of automata theory part BillF has final galley
Finite State Grammars and Languages 750 words major rev Terry Langendoen second draft BillF has final galley
Context Free Grammars and Languages 750 words major rev Geoff Pullum final .tex final .pdf
Mildly Context Sensitive 750 words new Aravind Joshi final .tex final .pdf
Speech Recognition (to be done under PHONETICS area) Roger Moore first draft
OCR 500 words new Andras Kornai final .tex final .pdf
Psycholinguistic aspects 1500 words (to be done under PHONOLOGY area)
Information Theory 500 words Robin Clark final .tex or final .pdf
Hidden Markov Models 500 words new Hermann Ney final .tex final .pdf final .ps Figure in encapsulated postscript and in pdf
Statistical Linguistics 750 words major rev Geoffrey Sampson final draft
Quantitative Linguistics (blind entry)
Pattern Recognition (blind entry)
and what comes out of hyperlatex