Matcher Version 0.59PCTL [24 May 1990, 08:40] Running matchers on file `900420-001.wb': Cin-d01: Bethlehem+ Steel+ Corp.+ Ctx-d01: BETHLEHEM Pa. [Bethlehem Steel Corp. said] it will will Cfd-d00: Pa. Bethlehem [Steel Corp. said it Cfd-d02: Bethlehem Steel Corp. [said it will will Lcy-d01: Great+ Lakes+ Ldl-d00: BETHLEHEM+ Pa.+ 3 sentences, 7 hits, 0 misses, 100.00% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-002.wb': Pmr-d01: Commissioner+ Fred+ T.+ Goldberg+ Jr+ Pmr-d01: General+ Accounting+ Office+ officials Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Goldberg+ before Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Goldberg+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Goldberg+ projected Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Goldberg+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Goldberg+ indicated Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Goldberg+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Goldberg+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Goldberg+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Goldberg+ said Pmr-d00: Rep.+ Byron+ Dorgan+ D.+ *pjr-d01: year according to [Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Fred T. Goldberg Jr] Pjn-d02: Revenue Service Commissioner [Fred T. Goldberg Jr] Pjn-d00: pay said Rep. [Byron Dorgan D.] ND Pbu-d02: Mr. [Goldberg said that modernizing Pbu-d02: appropriate levels Mr. [Goldberg said Pbu-d02: While Mr. [Goldberg said the extent Pbu-d02: Mr. [Goldberg said the IRS Pbu-d02: entirely and Mr. [Goldberg indicated that the Pbu-d02: Mr. [Goldberg said the agency Pbu-d02: Mr. [Goldberg projected that it Pbu-d02: enforcement programs Mr. [Goldberg said Pbu-d02: testified with Mr. [Goldberg before the House Pbu-d02: Revenue Service Commissioner [Fred T. Goldberg] Jr Pfd-d00: Service Commissioner Fred [T. Goldberg Jr Pfd-d00: Fred T. Goldberg [Jr Pfd-d00: General General Accounting [Office officials who testified Pfd-d02: with Mr. Goldberg [before the House Ways Pfd-d02: programs Mr. Goldberg [said Pfd-d02: Mr. Goldberg [projected that it could Pfd-d02: Mr. Goldberg [said the agency is Pfd-d02: and Mr. Goldberg [indicated that the IRS Pfd-d02: Mr. Goldberg [said the IRS has Pfd-d02: While Mr. Goldberg [said the extent of Pfd-d02: levels Mr. Goldberg [said It's Pfd-d02: Mr. Goldberg [said that modernizing the Pfd-d00: said Rep. Byron [Dorgan D. ND Pfd-d01: ND+ Pfu-d00: according to General [General Accounting Office officials Cin-d01: Internal+ Revenue+ Service+ Cin-d01: General+ Cin-d01: Internal+ Revenue+ Service+ Ctx-d01: GAO+ which Ctx-d01: GAO+ said Ctx-d01: GAO+ figured Ctr-d00: IRS+ Ctr-d00: IRS+ Ctr-d00: IRS+ Ctr-d00: IRS+ Ctr-d00: IRS+ Ctr-d00: IRS+ Ctr-d00: IRS+ Ctr-d00: IRS+ Ctr-d00: IRS+ Ctr-d00: IRS+ Ctr-d00: IRS+ Ctr-d00: IRS+ Eco-dxx: General+ Cfd-d00: according to Internal [Revenue Service Commissioner Fred *cfd-d02: to Internal Revenue [Service Commissioner Fred T.] Goldberg Jr Cfd-d00: according to General [General Accounting Office officials Cfd-d00: unless the Internal [Revenue Service strengthens its Cfd-d02: Internal Revenue Service [strengthens its enforcement programs Cfd-d02: to an IRS [report released at the Cfd-d02: that the IRS [has little interest in Cfd-d02: to toughen IRS [efforts to bring in Cfd-d02: to the GAO [which analyzed the IRS Cfd-d02: analyzed the IRS [data Those Cfd-d02: deductions the IRS [said Mr. Cfd-d02: said the IRS [has begun an auditing Cfd-d02: by the IRS [as those with more Cfd-d02: offenders the GAO [said The Cfd-d02: The IRS [said improper accounting whether Cfd-d02: 1987 the GAO [figured Frequent Cfd-d02: The IRS [estimates the tax gap Cfd-d02: that the IRS [has failed to reduce Cfd-d02: example the IRS [audited 7.42% of small Cfd-d02: as the IRS [has focused more of Cfu-d02: The+ Cfu-d02: The+ Tch-d00: Commissioner+ Tch-d00: General+ Tch-d00: Rep.+ Ldl-d00: WASHINGTON+ 35 sentences, 53 hits, 5 misses, 91.38% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-003.wb': Cin-d01: Bowater+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: CRSS+ Inc.+ Eco-dxx: CRSS+ Cfd-d00: HOUSTON CRSS [Inc. said its engineering Cfd-d00: division of Bowater [Inc. for design work Cfd-d02: Calhoun Tenn. CRSS [didn't disclose the value Cfu-d01: Tenn.+ Ldl-d00: HOUSTON+ 1 sentences, 7 hits, 2 misses, 77.78% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-004.wb': Pjn-d00: Brian+ Leeland+ Pbu-d01: Armand+ Shapiro+ Pfd-d00: Calif Brian [Leeland formerly vice president Pfd-d00: unit succeeding Armand [Shapiro who resigned to Cin-d01: BUSINESSLAND+ Inc.+ Ctx-d00: Businessland+ Rents+ subsidiary Cfd-d00: BUSINESSLAND [Inc. San San Jose Cfd-d00: computer chain Businessland [Rents subsidiary was named To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: president+ *to2-d00: chain Businessland Rents [subsidiary was named president] of the ComputerCraft Lnw-d00: San+ Jose+ Lnw-d00: San+ San Ldl-d00: BUSINESSLAND+ Inc.+ San 1 sentences, 13 hits, 2 misses, 86.67% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-005.wb': Pmr-d01: General+ Saw+ Maung+ has Pjn-d01: Albert+ Museum+ has Pfd-d00: General General Saw [Maung has done little Pfd-d00: Victoria and Albert [Museum has turned over Pfu-d00: military ruler General [General Saw Maung has Cin-d00: United+ Daily+ News+ Cin-d01: General+ Cin-d00: Association+ Cin-d00: Association+ Ctx-d01: Eastern+ Europe.+ Ctr-d00: EC+ Ctr-d00: EC+ Ctr-d00: EC+ Ctr-d00: EC+ Eco-dxx: General+ Cfd-d02: Japan Shipbuilders Association [attributes the strong performance Cfd-d02: Japan Shipbuilders Association [also notes that environmentalist Cfd-d00: military ruler General [General Saw Maung has Cfd-d02: at getting EC [member states to narrow Cfd-d02: of the EC [plan for a single Cfd-d02: how the EC [can reconcile differences in Cfd-d02: The EC [tax commissioner Christiane Scrivener Cfd-d00: most of Eastern [Europe. Cfd-d00: to Taipei United [Daily News the physicians Cfd-d02: United Daily News [the physicians claim the Cfu-d02: The+ Tch-d00: General+ To1-d00: commissioner+ To1-d00: chief+ *to2-d00: news agency Albania [Communist Party chief chief] Ramiz Alia has To2-d00: EC+ tax+ commissioner+ Lnw-d01: New+ office *lnw-d01: shrink [New New New] New office space Lnw-d01: London+ Victoria+ and *lnw-d00: According to [Taipei United Daily] News the physicians *ldl-d00: JAPANESE SHIPS Japanese shipbuilders signed contracts to] build 208 ships 29 sentences, 23 hits, 53 misses, 30.26% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-006.wb': Pmr-d01: Dean+ Witter+ Reynolds+ Inc+ Pjn-d00: Jay+ P.+ Stevens+ Pjn-d01: Dean+ Dean Pjn-d01: Steve+ Milunovich+ of Pjn-d00: James+ F.+ Osterhoff+ Pjn-d01: Barry+ F.+ Willman+ of Pbu-d01: Barry+ Pbu-d01: U.S. sales suggested [Jay P. Stevens] an analyst analyst Pfd-d00: sales suggested Jay [P. Stevens an analyst Pfd-d02: Jay P. Stevens [an analyst analyst with Pfd-d00: analyst with Dean [Dean Witter Reynolds Inc Pfd-d00: Dean Dean Witter [Reynolds Inc Pfd-d02: Witter Reynolds Inc [ Pfd-d00: now said Steve [Milunovich of First Boston Pfd-d00: future said James [F. Osterhoff vice president Pfd-d02: James F. Osterhoff [vice president and chief Pfd-d00: row said Barry [Barry F. Willman of Pfd-d00: Barry Barry F. [Willman of Sanford C. Pfu-d00: row said Barry [Barry F. Willman of Pfu-d00: analyst with Dean [Dean Witter Reynolds Inc Cin-d01: Sanford+ C.+ Bernstein+ + Co+ Cin-d01: International+ *cin-d01: In [New New New New York York Stock Exchange] composite trading yesterday Cin-d01: Investors+ Cin-d01: First+ Boston+ Corp+ Cin-d01: Dean+ Dean+ Witter+ Reynolds+ Inc+ Cin-d01: Unisys+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Tandem+ Computers+ Inc.+ Cin-d00: NCR+ Corp.+ Cin-d00: International+ Business+ Machines+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Digital+ Equipment+ Corp.+ Ctx-d01: [Digital Equipment Corp. said] its third-quarter profit Ctx-d01: Digital+ also Ctx-d01: Business Machines Corp. [NCR Corp. and] Tandem Computers Inc. Ctx-d01: NCR Corp. and [Tandem Computers Inc. reported] modest improvements in Ctx-d01: revenue [Unisys Corp. said] yesterday that domestic Ctx-d01: Dean Dean Witter [Reynolds Inc ] Ctx-d01: Digital+ had Ctx-d01: Digital+ the Ctx-d01: IBM+ posted Ctx-d01: Digital+ shares Ctx-d01: Digital+ would Ctx-d01: Digital+ history Ctx-d01: Digital+ continues Ctx-d01: Digital+ disclosed Ctx-d01: Digital+ said Ctx-d01: Digital+ said Cfd-d00: Digital [Equipment Corp. said its Cfd-d02: Digital Equipment Corp. [said its third-quarter profit Cfd-d02: Digital [also reported slim but Cfd-d00: Earlier International [Business Machines Corp. NCR Cfd-d00: International Business Machines [Corp. NCR Corp. and Cfd-d00: Machines Corp. NCR [Corp. and Tandem Computers Cfd-d00: Corp. and Tandem [Computers Inc. reported modest Cfd-d02: Tandem Computers Inc. [reported modest improvements in Cfd-d00: Unisys [Corp. said yesterday that Cfd-d00: analyst with Dean [Dean Witter Reynolds Inc Cfd-d00: Dean Dean Witter [Reynolds Inc Cfd-d02: Witter Reynolds Inc [ Cfd-d02: Digital [had earlier set expectations Cfd-d00: Milunovich of First [Boston Corp Cfd-d02: First Boston Corp [ Cfd-d02: Digital [the second-largest computer maker Cfd-d02: maker after IBM [posted net income of Cfd-d02: Investors [applauded the results Cfd-d02: trading yesterday Digital [shares closed at 82.125 Cfd-d02: the charge Digital [would have reported operating Cfd-d02: charge in Digital [history Analysts Cfd-d02: greater as Digital [continues to cut its Cfd-d02: Digital [disclosed that 700 people Cfd-d02: Puerto Rico. Digital [said its plans are Cfd-d02: Digital [said international sales remained Cfd-d02: International [growth slowed measured in Cfd-d00: Willman of Sanford [C. Bernstein Co Cfd-d00: Sanford C. Bernstein [ Co Cfd-d02: Bernstein Co [ And he Cfu-d02: Puerto+ Rico.+ Cfu-d00: analyst with Dean [Dean Witter Reynolds Inc Tch-d00: Dean+ To1-d00: analyst+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: officer+ *to2-d00: vice president and [chief chief financial officer] Without *to2-d00: future said James [F. Osterhoff vice president] and chief chief To2-d00: analyst+ analyst+ *lnw-d01: New New New [New York York Stock] Exchange composite trading Lnw-d01: Boston+ Corp+ *lnw-d01: In [New New New] New York York *lnw-d01: New New New [York York Stock] Exchange composite trading 27 sentences, 59 hits, 23 misses, 71.95% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-007.wb': Cin-d01: Chrysler+ Financial+ Corp.+ *cin-d01: cents in composite [New New New New York York Stock Exchange] trading Cin-d01: Exchange+ Cin-d01: Securities+ Cin-d01: Chrysler+ Corp.+ Ctx-d01: WASHINGTON [Chrysler Corp. said] it expects to Ctx-d01: Chrysler+ would Ctx-d01: Chrysler+ closed Ctx-d01: Chrysler+ said Ctx-d01: earnings from its [Chrysler Financial Corp. subsidiary] and to some Ctx-d01: Chrysler+ previously Ctx-d01: Chrysler+ reported Ctx-d01: Chrysler+ didn't Ctx-d01: Chrysler+ did Ctx-d01: Chrysler+ estimated Ctr-d00: SEC+ Eco-dxx: Exchange+ Cfd-d00: WASHINGTON Chrysler [Corp. said it expects Cfd-d02: with the Securities [and Exchange Commission in Cfd-d02: Commission+ in Cfd-d02: been forecasting Chrysler [would break even for Cfd-d02: Chrysler [closed yesterday at 16.375 Cfd-d02: York Stock Exchange [trading Cfd-d02: the filing Chrysler [said it continued to Cfd-d00: from its Chrysler [Financial Corp. subsidiary and Cfd-d02: Chrysler Financial Corp. [subsidiary and to some Cfd-d02: savings from Chrysler [previously announced cost-reduction efforts Cfd-d02: of 1989 Chrysler [reported earnings from continuing Cfd-d02: Chrysler [didn't provide an estimate Cfd-d02: in the SEC [filing for revenue in Cfd-d02: Chrysler [did note that its Cfd-d02: Chrysler [estimated that its total *cfu-d02: New New New [York York Stock Exchange] trading *lnw-d01: New New New [New York York Stock] Exchange trading *lnw-d01: cents in composite [New New New] New York York *lnw-d01: New New New [York York Stock] Exchange trading Ldl-d00: WASHINGTON+ 12 sentences, 19 hits, 12 misses, 61.29% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-008.wb': Pjn-d00: Chris+ Manno+ Pjn-d01: Wayne+ State+ University+ economist Pjn-d00: James+ E.+ Martin+ Pjn-d01: John+ Hotard+ says Pjn-d00: Bill+ Olwell+ Pjn-d00: Louis+ J.+ Barnard+ Pjn-d00: Peter+ Cappelli+ Pjn-d00: Eric+ Weiss+ Pjn-d00: Mark+ A.+ de+ Bernardo+ Pjn-d00: Gordon+ Brehm+ Epp-dxx: University+ Pfd-d00: unborn grumbles Chris [Manno a second-tier pilot Pfd-d00: years says Wayne [State University economist James Pfd-d02: Wayne State University [economist James E. Martin Pfd-d00: University economist James [E. Martin author of Pfd-d02: James E. Martin [author of a recent Pfd-d00: Airlines spokesman John [Hotard says the two-tier Pfd-d00: reason says Bill [Olwell UFCW executive executive Pfd-d00: problems says Louis [J. Barnard Lockheed vice Pfd-d01: Lockheed+ Pfd-d00: anyway says Peter [Cappelli a management professor Pfd-d02: at the University [of Pennsylvania Pfd-d00: years says Eric [Weiss Giant director of Pfd-d00: costs says Mark [A. de Bernardo director Pfd-d00: Mark A. de [Bernardo director of labor Pfd-d00: management laments Gordon [Brehm an executive executive Cin-d01: United+ Paperworkers+ International+ Cin-d01: Giant+ Food+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: University+ Cin-d01: Wharton+ School+ Cin-d01: Alaska+ Airlines+ Cin-d01: American+ Cin-d01: Association+ Cin-d00: American+ Airlines+ Cin-d01: United+ Food+ Cin-d00: American+ Cin-d01: American+ Cin-d01: People+ Express+ Cin-d01: American+ Cin-d01: American+ Airlines+ Cin-d01: Wayne+ State+ University+ Cin-d01: Northwest+ Airlines+ Cin-d01: Lockheed+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: American+ Cin-d01: American+ Airlines+ Ctx-d01: notable exceptions [Lockheed Corp. machinists] and Northwest Airlines Ctx-d00: National+ Affairs+ Ctx-d01: Lockheed+ did Ctx-d01: Lockheed+ vice Eco-dxx: Giant+ Cfd-d00: pilot at American [Airlines of Dallas where Cfd-d02: such as American [in a few cases Cfd-d00: exceptions Lockheed [Corp. machinists and Northwest Cfd-d00: machinists and Northwest [Airlines pilots recently agreed Cfd-d00: Bureau of National [Affairs a private research Cfd-d00: years says Wayne [State University economist James Cfd-d02: Wayne State University [economist James E. Martin Cfd-d00: American [Airlines spokesman John Hotard Cfd-d02: 1980s when American [found itself besieged by Cfd-d00: such as People [Express American Cfd-d02: American [thought it could cut Cfd-d02: two-tiered system American [has grown sharply from Cfd-d00: Consider the United [Food and Commercial Workers Cfd-d00: the 17000 American [Airlines employees represented by Cfd-d02: by the Association [of Professional Flight Attendants Cfd-d02: in negotiating American [initial two-tier contract Cfd-d00: attendants at Alaska [Airlines agreed to a Cfd-d02: Lockheed [did so this year Cfd-d02: J. Barnard Lockheed [vice president for human Cfd-d00: at the Wharton [School at the University Cfd-d02: at the University [of Pennsylvania Cfd-d00: Giant [Food Inc. a Washington Cfd-d02: Giant Food Inc. [a Washington Washington area Cfd-d02: Eric Weiss Giant [director of labor relations Cfd-d00: with the United [Paperworkers International Union Cfd-d02: Union+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: director+ To1-d00: director+ To1-d00: executive+ To2-d00: executive+ executive+ *to2-d00: costs says Mark [A. de Bernardo director] of labor law *to2-d00: half-dozen years says [Eric Weiss Giant director] of labor relations *to2-d00: says Louis J. [Barnard Lockheed vice president] for human resources *to2-d00: [ Johnny Rodriguez president] of a UFCW *to2-d00: Olwell UFCW executive [executive executive vice president] for collective bargaining Lnw-d01: Dallas+ where Lnw-d01: Seattle+ Lnw-d00: Dallas+ meatcutters Lnw-d01: Washington+ Washington+ area Lnw-d01: Washington+ Washington+ metro *ldl-d00: Two-tier pay scales the rage of corporate] cost-cutters in the 49 sentences, 77 hits, 24 misses, 76.24% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-009.wb': Pjn-d00: William+ L.+ Mayer+ Pfd-d00: Miami William [L. Mayer 51 years Pfd-d02: William L. Mayer [51 years old previously To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: officer+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: president+ *to2-d00: officer and executive [executive executive vice president] filling a vacancy *to2-d00: thrift was elected [chief chief operating officer] and executive executive Lnw-d01: Miami+ Ldl-d00: AMERIFIRST+ BANK+ Miami 1 sentences, 11 hits, 0 misses, 100.00% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-010.wb': Pmr-d01: General+ Public+ Utilities+ Corp.+ said Pmr-d01: Chairman+ Wesley+ W.+ von+ Schack+ said Pmr-d01: Chairman+ and Pmr-d01: President+ Standley+ H.+ Hoch+ said Pjn-d00: Daniel+ Scotto+ Pfd-d00: General General Public [Utilities Corp. said it Pfd-d02: Public Utilities Corp. [said it signed a Pfd-d00: DQE Chairman Wesley [W. von Schack said Pfd-d00: Wesley W. von [Schack said he expects Pfd-d00: and President Standley [H. Hoch said that Pfd-d02: Standley H. Hoch [said that although the Pfd-d00: region said Daniel [Scotto utilitybond analyst analyst Pfu-d00: General [General Public Utilities Corp. Cin-d00: Lufkin+ + Jenrette+ Securities+ Corp+ Cin-d01: Duquesne+ Light+ Co.+ Cin-d01: DQE+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: General+ General+ Public+ Utilities+ Corp.+ Ctx-d01: Northeast+ Ctx-d01: Northeast+ by Eco-dxx: DQE+ Eco-dxx: DQE+ Eco-dxx: DQE+ Eco-dxx: DQE+ Eco-dxx: DQE+ Eco-dxx: DQE+ Eco-dxx: DQE+ Eco-dxx: DQE+ Cfd-d00: General [General Public Utilities Corp. Cfd-d00: General General Public [Utilities Corp. said it Cfd-d02: Public Utilities Corp. [said it signed a Cfd-d00: electricity from DQE [Inc. parent of Duquesne Cfd-d00: parent of Duquesne [Light Co. in a Cfd-d02: Duquesne Light Co. [in a deal reflecting Cfd-d02: in the Northeast [ Cfd-d02: a now-mothballed DQE [power plant for 150 Cfd-d02: from Pittsburgh-based DQE [generating facilities in western Cfd-d02: DQE [said revenue derived from Cfd-d02: year alone DQE [could receive about 185 Cfd-d02: DQE [further said it will *cfd-d02: utilities [DQE Chairman Wesley W.] von Schack said Cfd-d02: in the Northeast [by the mid-1990s when Cfd-d02: should put DQE [generating facilities in big Cfd-d02: although the DQE [power won't help GPU Cfd-d00: for Donaldson Lufkin [ Jenrette Securities Corp Cfd-d00: Lufkin Jenrette [Securities Corp Cfd-d02: Jenrette Securities Corp [ Cfu-d02: Pittsburgh-based+ Cfu-d00: General [General Public Utilities Corp. Tch-d00: General+ Tch-d00: Chairman+ Tch-d00: Chairman+ Tch-d00: President+ To1-d00: analyst+ *to2-d00: region said Daniel [Scotto utilitybond analyst analyst] for Donaldson Lufkin Lnw-d01: New+ Jersey+ Lnw-d01: New+ Jersey+ and *lnw-d01: eastern Pennsylvania and [New New New] New Jersey *lnw-d01: case is Pennsylvania [New New New] New Jersey and 13 sentences, 43 hits, 19 misses, 69.35% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-011.wb': Pmr-d01: General+ Dynamics+ Corp.+ was Pfd-d00: General General Dynamics [Corp. was given a Pfu-d00: General [General Dynamics Corp. was Cin-d00: Air+ Cin-d01: Air+ Cin-d01: US+ Cin-d01: ICF+ Kaiser+ Engineers+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Air+ Cin-d01: General+ General+ Dynamics+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Johns+ Hopkins+ University+ Ctr-d00: Navy+ Cfd-d00: WASHINGTON Johns [Hopkins University applied research Cfd-d02: Johns Hopkins University [applied research laboratory received Cfd-d02: 16.7 million Navy [contract for military and Cfd-d00: General [General Dynamics Corp. was Cfd-d00: General General Dynamics [Corp. was given a Cfd-d02: Force+ contract Cfd-d00: ICF [Kaiser Engineers Inc. said Cfd-d00: ICF Kaiser Engineers [Inc. said it was Cfd-d02: by the US [ Air Force Cfd-d02: Force+ to Cfd-d02: Force+ bases Cfu-d00: General [General Dynamics Corp. was Tch-d00: General+ Ldl-d00: WASHINGTON+ 5 sentences, 20 hits, 0 misses, 100.00% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-012.wb': Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Arner+ said Pjn-d00: Roger+ B.+ Arner+ Pbu-d01: Moody+ Pbu-d01: Moody+ Pbu-d01: Moody+ Pfd-d02: Investor+ Service+ Inc.+ here Pfd-d00: here said Roger [B. Arner executive executive Pfd-d02: Roger B. Arner [executive executive executive] vice president of Pfd-d02: president of Moody [in Japan Pfd-d02: Mr. Arner [said that over the Pfd-d01: Moody [however is confident about Cin-d00: Investor+ Service+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: International+ Cin-d01: Bank+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Cfd-d02: 1992 the Bank [for International Settlements will Cfd-d02: Settlements+ will Cfd-d00: of Moody Investor [Service Inc. here said Cfd-d02: Investor Service Inc. [here said he believes Cfd-d01: as U.S. Treasury [securities analysts said Cfd-d01: holdings of Treasury [securities according to market Cfu-d02: U.S.+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: president+ *to2-d00: B. Arner executive [executive executive vice president] of Moody in Lnw-d01: Tokyo+ stock Ldl-d00: TOKYO+ 25 sentences, 21 hits, 32 misses, 39.62% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-013.wb': Pjn-d00: James+ Hanbury+ Pjn-d00: Alan+ C.+ Greenberg+ Pbu-d01: Merrill+ Lynch+ Pfd-d00: James [Hanbury an analyst analyst Pfd-d00: firms including Merrill [Lynch Co. and Pfd-d00: Alan [C. Greenberg chairman and Pfd-d02: Alan C. Greenberg [chairman and chief chief Cin-d01: Lipper+ Analytical+ Securities+ Corp.+ Cin-d00: Shearson+ Lehman+ Hutton+ Holdings+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: PaineWebber+ Group+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Merrill+ Lynch+ + Co.+ Cin-d01: Wertheim+ Schroder+ + Co.+ Cin-d01: Bear+ Stearns+ Cos.+ Ctx-d00: Co. and [PaineWebber Group Inc.] have managed modest Ctx-d01: weak year-earlier quarters [Shearson Lehman Hutton Holdings Inc. posted] the biggest quarterly Eco-dxx: Bear+ Eco-dxx: Bear+ Eco-dxx: Bear+ Eco-dxx: Bear+ Eco-dxx: Stearns+ Eco-dxx: Stearns+ Eco-dxx: Stearns+ Eco-dxx: Stearns+ Cfd-d00: Bear [Stearns Cos. renowned for Cfd-d02: Bear Stearns Cos. [renowned for keeping a Cfd-d00: analyst at Wertheim [Schroder Co. said Cfd-d00: Wertheim Schroder [Co. said It's a Cfd-d00: a typical Bear [Stearns quarter they're Cfd-d00: Bear [Stearns performance falls in Cfd-d00: firms including Merrill [Lynch Co. and Cfd-d00: Merrill Lynch [Co. and PaineWebber Group Cfd-d00: Co. and PaineWebber [Group Inc. have managed Cfd-d02: PaineWebber Group Inc. [have managed modest profit Cfd-d00: year-earlier quarters Shearson [Lehman Hutton Holdings Inc. Cfd-d00: Shearson Lehman Hutton [Holdings Inc. posted the Cfd-d02: Hutton Holdings Inc. [posted the biggest quarterly Cfd-d00: Bear [Stearns results would have Cfd-d00: Keat of Lipper [Analytical Securities Corp. In Cfd-d00: Lipper Analytical Securities [Corp. In good times Cfd-d00: one of Bear [Stearns bread-and-butter businesses risk To1-d00: analyst+ To1-d00: chairman+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: officer+ *to2-d00: and chief chief [executive executive executive officer] acknowledged the problems *to2-d00: Alan C. Greenberg [chairman and chief chief] executive executive executive To2-d00: analyst+ analyst+ Ldl-d00: NEW+ YORK+ 17 sentences, 44 hits, 12 misses, 78.57% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-014.wb': Ldl-d00: STOCKHOLM+ 3 sentences, 1 hits, 7 misses, 12.50% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-015.wb': Pbu-d01: Gold+ Pbu-d01: Gold+ Bug+ Support+ Sack.+ J.C.+ Penney+ Pbu-d01: Gold+ Pbu-d01: Gold+ Pbu-d01: J.C.+ Penney+ Pbu-d01: Gold+ Pbu-d01: J.C.+ Penney+ Epp-dxx: Support+ Epp-dxx: Support+ Epp-dxx: Support+ Pfd-d00: J.C. [Penney Co. of Dallas Pfd-d02: Inc.+ of Pfd-d00: J.C. [Penney and the Army Pfd-d02: Inc.+ product Pfd-d02: Inc.+ cushion Pfd-d00: as the Gold [Bug Support Sack. J.C. Pfd-d00: Gold Bug Support [Sack. J.C. Penney sold Pfd-d00: Support Sack. J.C. [Penney sold 4700 of Pfd-d02: Inc.+ cushions Pfd-d01: Sack+ Pfd-d02: Sack+ and Pfd-d02: Sack+ Pfu-d02: Sesame+ Street+ Pfu-d00: Sleepy+ Time+ Bears+ Pfu-d02: Disney+ Babies+ Toddletime+ Cin-d01: Sesame+ Street+ Support+ Cin-d00: Sleepy+ Time+ Bears+ Support+ Cin-d01: Disney+ Babies+ Toddletime+ Support+ Cin-d01: Gold+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Gold+ Bug+ Support+ Cin-d01: Gold+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Gold+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Army+ Air+ Force+ Exchange+ Service+ Cin-d01: Gold+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: J.C.+ Penney+ Co.+ Ctx-d01: Time Bears Support Sack+ and Ctr-d00: Army+ Eco-dxx: J.C.+ Eco-dxx: J.C.+ Eco-dxx: Penney+ Eco-dxx: Penney+ Eco-dxx: Sack+ Eco-dxx: Sack+ Cfd-d00: J.C. [Penney Co. of Dallas Cfd-d02: J.C. Penney Co. [of Dallas as well Cfd-d00: cushions and Gold [Inc. of Denver which Cfd-d00: J.C. [Penney and the Army Cfd-d00: and the Army [Air Force Exchange Service Cfd-d00: Army Air Force [Exchange Service which supplies Cfd-d02: Force Exchange Service [which supplies military bases Cfd-d00: sold the Gold [Inc. product Cfd-d00: and the Gold [Inc. cushion was known Cfd-d00: as the Gold [Bug Support Sack. J.C. Cfd-d00: Sack.+ J.C. Cfd-d02: Sack. J.C. Penney [sold 4700 of the Cfd-d00: of the Gold [Inc. cushions under the Cfd-d00: the names Disney [Babies Toddletime Support Sack Cfd-d00: Disney Babies Toddletime [Support Sack Sleepy Time Cfd-d00: Toddletime Support Sack [Sleepy Time Bears Support Cfd-d00: Sack Sleepy Time [Bears Support Sack and Cfd-d00: Time Bears Support [Sack and Sesame Street Cfd-d00: Sack and Sesame [Street Support Sack Cfd-d00: Sesame Street Support [Sack Lcy-d01: Hollander+ Home+ Lnw-d01: Dallas+ as Lnw-d00: Newark+ N.J.+ Lnw-d01: Denver+ which Ldl-d00: WASHINGTON+ 13 sentences, 45 hits, 10 misses, 81.82% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-016.wb': Pmr-d01: President+ Corazon+ Aquino+ Pmr-d01: President+ Aquino+ has Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Chien+ said Pmr-d01: Mrs.+ Aquino+ Pmr-d01: Secretary+ Fidel+ Ramos+ warned Pjn-d00: Philip+ Chien+ Pbu-d02: to topple Mrs. [Aquino Pbu-d02: in 1986 President [Aquino has pointed with Pbu-d02: began under President [Corazon Aquino] Pfd-d00: under President Corazon [Aquino Pfd-d02: 1986 President Aquino [has pointed with pride Pfd-d00: Philip [Chien president of the Pfd-d02: Mr. Chien [said some Taiwanese were Pfd-d02: topple Mrs. Aquino [ Pfd-d00: Defense Secretary Fidel [Ramos warned that public Cin-d01: The+ U.S.+ State+ Department+ Cin-d01: Business+ Ctx-d01: Star+ newspaper Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Cfd-d02: The [government has announced a Cfd-d02: The [energy crisis has already Cfd-d00: told the Business [Star newspaper that most Cfd-d00: The [U.S. State Department meanwhile Cfd-d00: The U.S. State [Department meanwhile has advised Tch-d00: President+ Tch-d00: President+ Tch-d00: Secretary+ To1-d00: president+ *to2-d00: foreign investors [ Philip Chien president] of the Taiwan Lnw-d01: Manila+ is Ldl-d00: MANILA+ 16 sentences, 22 hits, 17 misses, 56.41% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-017.wb': Pjn-d00: Robert+ P.+ Luciano+ Pfd-d00: Robert [P. Luciano chairman and Pfd-d02: Robert P. Luciano [chairman and chief chief *cin-d01: In [New New New New York York Stock Exchange] composite trading Schering-Plough Cin-d01: Genetic+ Systems+ Cin-d01: Sanofi+ S.A.+ Cin-d01: Genetic+ Systems+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Sales+ Cin-d01: Schering-Plough+ Health-Care+ Products+ Cin-d01: International+ Cin-d01: Pharmaceutical+ Cin-d01: Sales+ Cin-d00: Bristol-Myers+ Squibb+ Co.+ Cin-d01: Schering-Plough+ Corp.+ Ctx-d01: [Schering-Plough Corp. reported] a 20% rise Ctx-d00: another health-care company [Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.] posted a 19% Ctx-d01: Schering-Plough+ bolstered Ctx-d01: [Schering-Plough Health-Care Products had] a 5% sales Ctx-d01: Bristol-Myers+ Squibb+ said Ctx-d01: Bristol-Myers+ said Ctx-d01: Schering-Plough+ closed Ctx-d01: Bristol-Myers+ closed Eco-dxx: Sanofi+ Cfd-d00: Schering-Plough [Corp. reported a 20% Cfd-d00: health-care company Bristol-Myers [Squibb Co. posted a Cfd-d02: Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. [posted a 19% increase Cfd-d02: Schering-Plough [bolstered by its world-wide Cfd-d02: Sales [rose to 865.1 million Cfd-d02: Pharmaceutical [business sales rose 14% Cfd-d02: International [sales would have risen Cfd-d00: Schering-Plough [Health-Care Products had a Cfd-d02: Schering-Plough Health-Care Products [had a 5% sales Cfd-d00: Bristol-Myers [Squibb said it had Cfd-d02: Sales [rose 8.5% to 2.46 Cfd-d02: Separately Bristol-Myers [said it agreed to Cfd-d00: to sell Genetic [Systems Corp. a marketer Cfd-d02: Genetic Systems Corp. [a marketer of diagnostic Cfd-d00: diseases to Sanofi [S.A. a French pharmaceutical Cfd-d00: Genetic [Systems has annual revenue Cfd-d02: Sanofi [is majority owned by Cfd-d02: composite trading Schering-Plough [closed at 80.875 down Cfd-d02: 1.125 while Bristol-Myers [closed at 53.375 down To1-d00: chairman+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: executive+ *to2-d00: Luciano chairman and [chief chief executive executive] executive reiterated his *to2-d00: [Robert P. Luciano chairman] and chief chief *lnw-d01: New New New [New York York Stock] Exchange composite trading *lnw-d01: In [New New New] New York York *lnw-d01: New New New [York York Stock] Exchange composite trading 17 sentences, 32 hits, 17 misses, 65.31% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-018.wb': Cin-d01: MELLON+ BANK+ Corp.+ Ctx-d01: Mellon+ common Cfd-d00: MELLON [BANK Corp. Pittsburgh said Cfd-d01: Pittsburgh+ Cfd-d02: share of Mellon [common for each warrant Lnw-d01: Pittsburgh+ said 2 sentences, 5 hits, 2 misses, 71.43% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-019.wb': Cin-d00: Telerate+ Systems+ Inc+ Cin-d00: Telerate+ Systems+ Inc+ Cin-d01: FEDERAL+ HOME+ LOAN+ MORTGAGE+ CORP.+ *cin-d01: by the New [New New New York York Federal Reserve Bank] Cin-d00: USA+ Inc+ Ctx-d01: Source [Telerate Systems Inc ] Ctx-d01: Source [Telerate Systems Inc ] Eco-dxx: USA+ Eco-dxx: FEDERAL+ Eco-dxx: FEDERAL+ Eco-dxx: MORTGAGE+ Cfd-d01: FUNDS+ Cfd-d00: Fulton Prebon USA [USA Inc Cfd-d02: USA USA Inc [ Cfd-d00: FEDERAL [HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP. Cfd-d00: FEDERAL HOME LOAN [MORTGAGE CORP. Freddie Mac Cfd-d01: Freddie+ Mac+ Cfd-d00: Source Telerate [Systems Inc Cfd-d02: Telerate Systems Inc [ Cfd-d00: NATIONAL+ MORTGAGE Cfd-d00: Source Telerate [Systems Inc Cfd-d02: Telerate Systems Inc [ Cfu-d00: Fulton Prebon USA [USA Inc Cfu-d01: Fulton+ Prebon+ *lnw-d01: New New New [New York York Federal] Reserve Bank Lnw-d01: New+ York+ York+ banks *lnw-d01: institutions by the [New New New] New York York *lnw-d01: New New New [York York Federal] Reserve Bank *lnw-d01: paid by major [New New New] New York York Lnw-d01: New New New [York York banks] on primary new Lnw-d01: London+ market 26 sentences, 27 hits, 44 misses, 38.03% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-020.wb': Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Corrigan+ attributed Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Corrigan.+ LSI+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Corrigan+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Corrigan+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Corrigan+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Corrigan+ said Pbu-d02: Mr. [Corrigan said he expected Pbu-d02: Mr. [Corrigan said he expects Pbu-d01: Gross+ Pbu-d02: last year Mr. [Corrigan said Pbu-d02: previous quarter Mr. [Corrigan said Pbu-d02: Mr. [Corrigan attributed the favorable Pbu-d01: Wilfred+ J.+ Corrigan+ Epp-dxx: LSI+ Epp-dxx: LSI+ Epp-dxx: LSI+ Epp-dxx: LSI+ Epp-dxx: LSI+ Epp-dxx: LSI+ Epp-dxx: LSI+ Epp-dxx: LSI+ Epp-dxx: LSI+ Epp-dxx: LSI+ Epp-dxx: LSI+ Epp-dxx: LSI+ Epp-dxx: LSI+ Pfd-d02: Logic+ Corp.+ said Pfd-d00: earlier said Wilfred [J. Corrigan LSI chairman Pfd-d00: Wilfred J. Corrigan [LSI chairman and chief Pfd-d02: Mr. Corrigan [attributed the favorable results Pfd-d02: LSI [first-quarter sales were up Pfd-d02: LSI [surprise earnings improvement adds Pfd-d02: LSI [improved profits are welcome Pfd-d02: 1989 and LSI [saw a third-quarter net Pfd-d02: LSI [ended the year with Pfd-d00: said Mr. Corrigan. [LSI earnings were also Pfd-d02: a share LSI [said But Pfd-d02: quarter Mr. Corrigan [said The Pfd-d02: trading yesterday LSI [stock closed at 9.25 Pfd-d02: LSI [first-quarter profit also reflects Pfd-d02: year Mr. Corrigan [said Gross Pfd-d02: Gross [margins were 29% for Pfd-d02: LSI [order backlog and the Pfd-d02: Mr. Corrigan [said he expects revenue Pfd-d02: Mr. Corrigan [said he expected added Pfd-d02: previously introduced LSI [chip set that allows Pfd-d02: in other LSI [chips too he said Cin-d01: Sun+ Microsystems+ Inc.+ *cin-d01: In [New New New New York York Stock Exchange] composite trading yesterday Cin-d01: Advanced+ Micro+ Devices+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Cypress+ Semiconductor+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Motorola+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Intel+ Corp.+ Cin-d00: LSI+ Logic+ Corp.+ Ctx-d01: chip companies including [Intel Corp. and] Motorola Inc. reported Ctx-d01: Intel Corp. and [Motorola Inc. reported] improved chip revenue Ctx-d01: of a popular [Sun Microsystems Inc. workstation] There's Eco-dxx: LSI+ Eco-dxx: LSI+ Eco-dxx: LSI+ Eco-dxx: LSI+ Eco-dxx: LSI+ Eco-dxx: LSI+ Eco-dxx: LSI+ Eco-dxx: LSI+ Eco-dxx: LSI+ Eco-dxx: LSI+ Eco-dxx: LSI+ Eco-dxx: LSI+ Eco-dxx: LSI+ Cfd-d00: be ending LSI [Logic Corp. said it Cfd-d02: LSI Logic Corp. [said it expects to Cfd-d02: J. Corrigan LSI [chairman and chief chief Cfd-d02: LSI [first-quarter sales were up Cfd-d02: LSI [surprise earnings improvement adds Cfd-d00: companies including Intel [Corp. and Motorola Inc. Cfd-d00: Corp. and Motorola [Inc. reported improved chip Cfd-d00: Cypress [Semiconductor Corp. reporting improved Cfd-d02: Cypress Semiconductor Corp. [reporting improved earnings earlier Cfd-d00: Advanced [Micro Devices Inc. partly Cfd-d00: Advanced Micro Devices [Inc. partly attributed a Cfd-d02: LSI [improved profits are welcome Cfd-d02: 1989 and LSI [saw a third-quarter net Cfd-d02: LSI [ended the year with Cfd-d02: Mr. Corrigan. LSI [earnings were also hurt Cfd-d02: a share LSI [said But Cfd-d02: trading yesterday LSI [stock closed at 9.25 Cfd-d02: LSI [first-quarter profit also reflects Cfd-d02: LSI [order backlog and the Cfd-d02: previously introduced LSI [chip set that allows Cfd-d00: a popular Sun [Microsystems Inc. workstation Cfd-d02: Sun Microsystems Inc. [workstation There's Cfd-d02: in other LSI [chips too he said Cfu-d02: Mr.+ Corrigan.+ To1-d00: chairman+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: officer+ *to2-d00: and chief chief [executive executive executive officer] The *to2-d00: J. Corrigan LSI [chairman and chief chief] executive executive executive *lnw-d01: New New New [New York York Stock] Exchange composite trading *lnw-d01: In [New New New] New York York *lnw-d01: New New New [York York Stock] Exchange composite trading 33 sentences, 50 hits, 19 misses, 72.46% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-021.wb': Pbu-d01: Brown+ Pbu-d01: Brown+ Pfd-d02: + Root+ International+ Inc.+ unit Pfd-d02: + Root+ will Cin-d01: US+ Cin-d01: Offshore+ Pipelines+ Inc+ Cin-d01: Brown+ + Root+ International+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Halliburton+ Co.+ Eco-dxx: Halliburton+ Eco-dxx: Brown+ Eco-dxx: + Eco-dxx: Root+ Cfd-d00: DALLAS Halliburton [Co. said its Brown Cfd-d00: said its Brown [ Root International Inc. Cfd-d00: Brown Root [International Inc. unit terminated Cfd-d02: Root International Inc. [unit terminated a letter Cfd-d00: assets to Offshore [Pipelines Inc Cfd-d02: Offshore Pipelines Inc [ Cfd-d02: and the US [ Cfd-d02: Halliburton [an oil service and Cfd-d00: firm said Brown [ Root will will Cfd-d02: Brown Root [will will] continue to use Lnw-d01: East+ Middle+ East+ and Ldl-d00: DALLAS+ 3 sentences, 19 hits, 1 misses, 95.00% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-022.wb': Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Lewis+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Lewis+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Lewis+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Lewis+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Lewis+ was Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Lloyd+ changed Pjn-d01: Lewis+ chief Pjn-d01: Mr. [Lewis said] Union Pacific Railroad Pjn-d01: Mr. [Lewis said] he expects the Pjn-d01: an IPO Mr. [Lewis said] He Pjn-d01: Mr. [Lewis said] he would not Pjn-d01: Mr. [Lewis was] still talking publicly Pjn-d00: Michael+ Lloyd+ Pfd-d02: Drew Lewis [chief chief] executive executive executive Pfd-d02: Mr. Lewis [said Union Pacific Railroad Pfd-d02: Mr. Lewis [said he expects the Pfd-d02: IPO Mr. Lewis [said He Pfd-d02: Mr. Lewis [said he would not Pfd-d02: Mr. Lewis [was still talking publicly Pfd-d00: shareholders said Michael [Lloyd an analyst analyst Pfd-d02: announcement Mr. Lloyd [changed his Union Pacific Pfu-d02: Drew+ Cin-d00: If+ Union+ Pacific+ Resources+ Cin-d01: Salomon+ Brothers+ Inc+ Cin-d01: Resources+ Cin-d01: Union+ Pacific+ Resources+ Cin-d01: Resources+ Cin-d01: Union+ Pacific+ Resources+ Cin-d00: Union+ Pacific+ Resources+ Cin-d01: Union+ Pacific+ Corp.+ Ctx-d00: Bethlehem+ Pa.+ Ctx-d01: Lloyd+ an Ctx-d01: analyst analyst at [Salomon Brothers Inc ] After the Ctx-d01: Lloyd+ changed Eco-dxx: Union+ Eco-dxx: Union+ Eco-dxx: Union+ Eco-dxx: Union+ Eco-dxx: Union+ Eco-dxx: Union+ Eco-dxx: Union+ Eco-dxx: Union+ Eco-dxx: Union+ Eco-dxx: Union+ Eco-dxx: Union+ Eco-dxx: Pacific+ Eco-dxx: Pacific+ Eco-dxx: Pacific+ Eco-dxx: Pacific+ Eco-dxx: Pacific+ Eco-dxx: Pacific+ Eco-dxx: Pacific+ Eco-dxx: Pacific+ Eco-dxx: Pacific+ Eco-dxx: Pacific+ Eco-dxx: Pacific+ Cfd-d00: YORK Union [Pacific Corp. first-quarter net Cfd-d02: Union Pacific Corp. [first-quarter net income declined Cfd-d00: based in Bethlehem [Pa. sidetracked plans to Cfd-d00: the company Union [Pacific Resources unit at Cfd-d02: Union Pacific Resources [unit at this time Cfd-d00: Union [Pacific posted first-quarter net Cfd-d00: Lewis said Union [Pacific Railroad earnings increased Cfd-d00: Union [Pacific Resources income increased Cfd-d02: Union Pacific Resources [income increased 31% to Cfd-d00: In 1989 Union [Pacific earned 5.62 a Cfd-d00: earnings of Union [Pacific trucking unit Overnite Cfd-d00: Union [Pacific also said its Cfd-d02: to put Resources [out now and have Cfd-d00: offering of Union [Pacific Resources unless we Cfd-d02: Union Pacific Resources [unless we see the Cfd-d00: 3 billion Union [Pacific outside advisers had Cfd-d02: had valued Resources [in the neighborhood of Cfd-d00: resources unit Union [Pacific had sold off Cfd-d00: portion of Union [Pacific Resources. Union Pacific Cfd-d00: Pacific Resources. Union [Pacific continues to liquidate Cfd-d00: Union [Pacific has decided to Cfd-d02: said Michael Lloyd [an analyst analyst at Cfd-d00: analyst at Salomon [Brothers Inc Cfd-d02: Salomon Brothers Inc [ After the Cfd-d02: announcement Mr. Lloyd [changed his Union Pacific Cfd-d00: changed his Union [Pacific rating to a Cfd-d00: He said If [Union Pacific Resources was Cfd-d00: If Union Pacific [Resources was a free-standing Cfu-d01: Mr.+ Cfu-d02: Michael+ Cfu-d00: Resources.+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: analyst+ To2-d00: analyst+ analyst+ To2-d00: executive+ executive+ *to2-d00: Drew Lewis [chief chief executive executive] executive told a Ldl-d00: NEW+ YORK+ 24 sentences, 70 hits, 6 misses, 92.11% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-023.wb': Cin-d01: BERGEN+ BRUNSWIG+ Corp.+ Cfd-d00: BERGEN [BRUNSWIG Corp. an Orange Cfd-d02: BERGEN BRUNSWIG Corp. [an Orange Calif. health-care 1 sentences, 3 hits, 8 misses, 27.27% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-024.wb': Pmr-d01: Mr.+ le+ Carre+ discovered Pmr-d01: Justice+ Department+ under Pmr-d01: Ms.+ Kopp+ resigned Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Strahm+ promptly Pmr-d00: Minister+ Kaspar+ Villiger+ grumbled Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Villiger+ has Pmr-d01: Justice+ Department+ as Pmr-d01: Prof.+ Gruner+ thinks Pjn-d00: John+ le+ Carre+ BERN+ Pjn-d00: Hans+ Ulrich+ Doerig+ Pjn-d01: Thomas+ Onken+ said Epp-dxx: Department+ Epp-dxx: Department+ Epp-dxx: Kopp+ Epp-dxx: Strahm+ Epp-dxx: Gruner+ Pfd-d00: Spy by John [le Carre BERN Switzerland Pfd-d00: John le Carre [BERN Switzerland The Pfd-d00: which Mr. le [Carre discovered during his Pfd-d02: Swiss Justice Department [under Elisabeth Kopp former Pfd-d02: under Elisabeth Kopp [former justice minister Pfd-d02: Ms. Kopp [resigned her post in Pfd-d02: Rudolf H. Strahm [a first lieutenant in Pfd-d02: Mr. Strahm [promptly went to the Pfd-d02: Swiss Defense Department [had denied the existence Pfd-d00: Defense Minister Kaspar [Villiger grumbled I really Pfd-d02: the Defense Department [the investigation is limited Pfd-d02: Mr. Villiger [has warned that foreign Pfd-d02: the Justice Department [as citizens seek to Pfd-d00: problems said Hans [Ulrich Doerig an executive Pfd-d02: Hans Ulrich Doerig [an executive executive executive Pfd-d02: said Erich Gruner [a leading Swiss political Pfd-d02: Nevertheless Prof. Gruner [thinks changes are needed Pfd-d00: Social Democrat Thomas [Onken said recently in Pfu-d02: Social+ Democrat+ Pfu-d02: Erich+ Pfu-d02: Defense+ Pfu-d02: The+ Swiss+ Defense+ Pfu-d02: Social+ Democrat+ Rudolf+ H.+ Pfu-d02: Elisabeth+ Cin-d01: Credit+ Cin-d01: Justice+ Department+ Cin-d01: Defense+ Department+ Cin-d01: The+ Swiss+ Defense+ Department+ Cin-d01: Swiss+ Justice+ Department+ Cin-d01: Bern+ University+ Ctx-d01: Renault+ was Ctr-d00: Fed+ Eco-dxx: Bern+ Eco-dxx: Swiss+ Eco-dxx: Swiss+ Eco-dxx: Swiss+ Eco-dxx: Swiss+ Eco-dxx: Swiss+ Eco-dxx: Swiss+ Eco-dxx: Swiss+ Eco-dxx: Swiss+ Eco-dxx: Swiss+ Eco-dxx: Swiss+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: Defense+ Cfd-d02: Switzerland The [secretive Swiss are having Cfd-d02: The secretive Swiss [are having trouble with Cfd-d02: It's the Swiss [spying on each other Cfd-d01: This little-known Swiss [pastime which Mr. le Cfd-d00: days at Bern [University has surfaced to Cfd-d02: in recent Swiss [history Cfd-d00: investigate the Swiss [Justice Department under Elisabeth Cfd-d02: Swiss Justice Department [under Elisabeth Kopp former Cfd-d02: The [228-page PUK diligently examines Cfd-d02: a bombshell The [federal police for decades Cfd-d02: but the Swiss [weren't concerned about those Cfd-d02: files on Swiss [citizens and organizations that Cfd-d02: Fed [by village policemen fellow Cfd-d02: a red Renault [was of significance Cfd-d02: The [country of 6.4 million Cfd-d02: The [report suggested that a Cfd-d02: The [investigating members of parliament Cfd-d02: parliament said The [gathering of useless material Cfd-d02: An embarrassed Swiss [government apologized for the Cfd-d02: write to Bern [to request a look Cfd-d00: The [Swiss Defense Department had Cfd-d00: The Swiss Defense [Department had denied the Cfd-d02: Meanwhile Swiss [government officials seem to *cfd-d01: the Bachmann affair [Defense Minister Kaspar Villiger] grumbled I really Cfd-d00: of the Defense [Department the investigation is Cfd-d00: into the Justice [Department as citizens seek Cfd-d02: The [problem with Switzerland is Cfd-d02: Suisse+ Cfd-d02: The [federal police and prosecutor Cfd-d02: a leading Swiss [political scientist Cfd-d02: from the Swiss [norm is a potential Tch-d00: Justice+ Tch-d00: Minister+ Tch-d00: Justice+ To1-d00: minister+ To1-d00: minister+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: president+ *to2-d00: our national security [insisted Eva Segmueller president] of the Christian To2-d00: executive+ executive+ To2-d00: defense+ minister+ *to2-d00: Department under Elisabeth [Kopp former justice minister] Ms. *ldl-d00: If the ordinary Swissies knew about him] they'd inform against 65 sentences, 71 hits, 35 misses, 66.98% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-025.wb': Pmr-d00: General+ Mills+ Inc.+ Pjn-d00: Mark+ H.+ Willes+ Pfd-d00: Md Mark [H. Willes 48 years Pfd-d02: Mark H. Willes [48 years old president Pfd-d00: General General Mills [Inc. was elected a Pfu-d00: officer of General [General Mills Inc. was Cin-d01: General+ General+ Mills+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: BLACK+ + DECKER+ Corp.+ Cfd-d00: BLACK [ DECKER Corp. Towson Cfd-d00: BLACK DECKER [Corp. Towson Md Cfd-d00: officer of General [General Mills Inc. was Cfd-d00: General General Mills [Inc. was elected a Cfu-d00: officer of General [General Mills Inc. was Tch-d00: General+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: officer+ To1-d00: director+ To2-d00: director+ Lcy-d01: General+ General+ Mills+ Ldl-d00: BLACK+ + DECKER+ Corp.+ Towson+ Md+ 1 sentences, 17 hits, 0 misses, 100.00% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-026.wb': Pmr-d01: General+ Agreement+ on Pmr-d01: President+ Bush+ will Pbu-d02: said that President [Bush will will make Pfd-d02: General General Agreement [on Tariffs and Trade Pfd-d02: that President Bush [will will] make that decision Pfu-d00: joins the General [General Agreement on Tariffs Cin-d01: American+ Cin-d01: General+ Eco-dxx: General+ Cfd-d00: joins the General [General Agreement on Tariffs Cfd-d02: claims that American [tobacco companies market their Tch-d00: General+ Tch-d00: President+ To1-d00: president+ To2-d00: president+ Lnw-d01: South+ Korea+ Lnw-d01: South+ Korea+ from Lnw-d01: South+ Korea+ is Lnw-d01: South+ Korean+ government Lnw-d01: Seoul+ joins Lnw-d01: Seoul+ for Lnw-d01: Washington+ Washington+ official Lnw-d01: Washington+ Washington+ last Ldl-d00: SEOUL+ South+ South+ South 19 sentences, 24 hits, 30 misses, 44.44% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-027.wb': Ldl-d00: CANBERRA+ Australia+ 1 sentences, 2 hits, 12 misses, 14.29% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-028.wb': Ldl-d00: STOCKHOLM+ 3 sentences, 1 hits, 8 misses, 11.11% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-029.wb': Pjn-d01: Stanley+ + Co.+ of Epp-dxx: Co.+ Pfd-d02: Shell Oil Co. [a unit of Royal Pfd-d00: retained Morgan Stanley [ Co. of New Pfd-d02: Stanley Co. [of New New New Pfu-d02: Morgan+ Pfu-d02: Shell+ Oil+ Cin-d01: Morgan+ Stanley+ + Co.+ Cin-d01: Triton+ Biosciences+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Royal+ Dutch/Shell+ Group+ Cin-d01: Shell+ Oil+ Co.+ Ctx-d00: HOUSTON [Shell Oil Co.] a unit of Ctx-d01: Shell+ said Ctx-d01: Shell+ principal Eco-dxx: Triton+ Eco-dxx: Triton+ Eco-dxx: Triton+ Cfd-d00: HOUSTON Shell [Oil Co. a unit Cfd-d02: Shell Oil Co. [a unit of Royal Cfd-d00: unit of Royal [Dutch/Shell Group said that Cfd-d02: Royal Dutch/Shell Group [said that it is Cfd-d00: considering selling Triton [Biosciences Inc. its wholly-owned Cfd-d02: Triton Biosciences Inc. [its wholly-owned health-care subsidiary Cfd-d00: it retained Morgan [Stanley Co. of Cfd-d00: Morgan Stanley [Co. of New New Cfd-d02: Shell [said it views Triton Cfd-d02: it views Triton [as a successful health-care Cfd-d02: review that Triton [is not sufficiently related Cfd-d02: related to Shell [principal petrochemical business to Cfd-d02: long term Triton [has about 300 employees To1-d00: adviser+ *to2-d00: New New York [York as financial adviser] for the project Lnw-d01: New+ York+ York+ as *lnw-d01: Co. of [New New New] New York York Lnw-d01: New New New [York York as] financial adviser for Ldl-d00: HOUSTON+ 2 sentences, 23 hits, 5 misses, 82.14% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-030.wb': Pmr-d01: President+ Ghulam+ Ishaq+ Khan+ vowed Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Anthony+ and Pmr-d01: Minister+ Rajiv+ Gandhi+ late Pmr-d00: Minister+ V.P.+ Singh+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Nadkarni+ said Pjn-d01: Anthony+ an Pjn-d01: Mr. [Anthony and] other Western military Epp-dxx: Nadkarni+ Pfd-d00: Pakistan President Ghulam [Ishaq Khan vowed to Pfd-d02: Ghulam Ishaq Khan [vowed to continue stockpiling Pfd-d02: said Ian Anthony [an expert on the Pfd-d02: Mr. Anthony [and other Western military Pfd-d00: Prime Minister Rajiv [Gandhi late last year Pfd-d00: Prime Minister V.P. [Singh government would channel Pfd-d02: Adm. J.G. Nadkarni [argued that military might Pfd-d02: plans Mr. Nadkarni [said Pfu-d01: Adm.+ J.G.+ Pfu-d02: Ian+ Cin-d01: Stockholm+ International+ Peace+ Research+ Institute+ Ctx-d01: Eastern+ Europe+ and Cfd-d00: troops from Eastern [Europe and the U.S. Cfd-d00: at the Stockholm [International Peace Research Institute Cfd-d00: Stockholm International Peace [Research Institute in Sweden. Cfd-d02: Peace Research Institute [in Sweden. India thinks Tch-d00: President+ Tch-d00: Minister+ Tch-d00: Minister+ To1-d00: director+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: officer+ *to2-d00: gunboat diplomacy said [one Western military officer] We *to2-d00: speech late last [month India chief chief] of naval staff *to2-d00: guaranteed its security [said Giri Deshingkar director] of the Center Lnw-d01: New+ Delhi+ Lnw-d01: Center+ Center+ for Lcy-d01: director of the [Center Center] for the Study *lnw-d01: military at the [Stockholm International Peace] Research Institute in *lnw-d01: military official in [New New New] New Delhi Ldl-d00: NEW+ DELHI+ AP+ 33 sentences, 36 hits, 52 misses, 40.91% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-031.wb': Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Brant+ Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Brant+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Brant+ took Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Pei+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Brant+ studied Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Pei+ the Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Brant+ has Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Brant+ intended Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Brant+ referred Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Spiegelman+ often Pjn-d01: Henry+ Brant+ Pjn-d01: Henry+ Brant+ is Pjn-d01: James+ Rives-Jones+ and Pjn-d00: Charles+ Ives+ Pjn-d00: Peter+ Pan+ Pjn-d00: Russell+ Johnson+ Pbu-d02: be what Mr. [Brant referred to as Pbu-d02: realized that Mr. [Brant intended it to Pbu-d01: Woody+ Allen+ Pbu-d02: space but Mr. [Brant has been practicing Pbu-d02: technological gave Mr. [Pei the idea for Pbu-d02: Mr. Pei Mr. [Brant studied Piranesi series Pbu-d02: Like Mr. [Pei Mr. Brant studied Pbu-d01: I.M.+ Pei+ Pbu-d02: And Mr. [Brant took his cue Pbu-d01: Brant+ Pbu-d02: batons of Mr. [Brant James Rives-Jones and Pbu-d00: the visual arts [Henry Brant] is to music Pbu-d02: out of Mr. [Brant basic practice as Pbu-d01: too soon for [Henry Brant] For Pfd-d00: soon for Henry [Brant For Pfd-d02: of Mr. Brant [basic practice as a Pfd-d00: visual arts Henry [Brant is to music Pfd-d00: of Mr. Brant [James Rives-Jones and six Pfd-d02: Brant James Rives-Jones [and six others premiered Pfd-d01: the latest Brant [work Prisons of the Pfd-d02: And Mr. Brant [took his cue from Pfd-d00: that inspired I.M. [Pei design for the Pfd-d00: Like Mr. Pei [Mr. Brant studied Piranesi Pfd-d02: Pei Mr. Brant [studied Piranesi series of Pfd-d02: gave Mr. Pei [the idea for the Pfd-d02: but Mr. Brant [has been practicing a Pfd-d00: thereafter conducted Charles [Ives The Unanswered Question Pfd-d00: combination of Woody [Allen and Peter Pan Pfd-d00: Allen and Peter [Pan revealed some of Pfd-d00: by acoustician Russell [Johnson at the top Pfd-d02: that Mr. Brant [intended it to have Pfd-d02: what Mr. Brant [referred to as the Pfd-d02: Mr. Spiegelman [often writes on the Cin-d01: American+ *ctx-d01: Mind at the [Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center Center] here Cfd-d02: this peculiarly American [composer has written music Lnw-d00: San+ Francisco+ Lnw-d00: San+ Jose+ Lnw-d01: Center+ Center+ here Lcy-d01: Meteor+ Farm+ *lcy-d01: the Morton H. [Meyerson Symphony Center Center] here Lcy-d00: Saratoga+ Springs+ Lnw-d01: Dallas+ *lnw-d00: are forthcoming in [Boston San San] Francisco Saratoga Springs Lnw-d00: Boston San San [Francisco Saratoga Springs] N.Y. and San Lnw-d00: San+ San Lnw-d00: Dallas+ Symphony+ Orchestra+ Lnw-d01: Paris+ and Lnw-d01: Amsterdam+ Fire+ on Lnw-d01: Dallas+ Ldl-d00: [ Dallas] Earth Day 42 sentences, 57 hits, 43 misses, 57.00% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-032.wb': Pjn-d00: Mark+ chairman Pfd-d01: said Reuben Mark [chairman president and chief Pfu-d02: Reuben+ *cin-d01: at 56.625 in [New New New New York York Stock Exchange] composite trading Cin-d01: Sales+ Cin-d01: Sales+ Cin-d01: Colgate-Palmolive+ Co.+ Ctx-d01: Colgate+ said Ctx-d01: Colgate+ conscious Ctx-d01: Colgate+ U.S.+ is Ctx-d01: Colgate+ shares Eco-dxx: U.S.+ Cfd-d00: YORK Colgate-Palmolive [Co. first-quarter profit surged Cfd-d02: Sales [rose to 1.3 billion Cfd-d02: Profits from U.S. [operations were ahead of Cfd-d02: significant margin Colgate [said Sales Cfd-d02: Sales [and volume decreased but Cfd-d02: that reflects Colgate [conscious effort to eliminate Cfd-d00: same time Colgate [U.S. is increasing the Cfd-d02: Colgate [shares rose 25 cents To1-d00: chairman+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: officer+ *to2-d00: and chief chief [executive executive executive officer] In *to2-d00: Reuben Mark chairman [president and chief chief] executive executive executive *to2-d00: growing global strength [said Reuben Mark chairman] president and chief *lnw-d01: New New New [New York York Stock] Exchange composite trading *lnw-d01: at 56.625 in [New New New] New York York *lnw-d01: New New New [York York Stock] Exchange composite trading Ldl-d00: NEW+ YORK+ 12 sentences, 19 hits, 21 misses, 47.50% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-033.wb': Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Will+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Will+ is Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Will+ breaks Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Wills+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Faulkner+ employs Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Will+ Pmr-d01: Prof.+ Adair+ illustrates Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Will+ to Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Mead+ does Pjr-d01: Cal+ Ripken+ Jr.+ Pjn-d00: George+ F.+ Will+ Pjn-d01: Baseball writes Mr. [Will is] a game that Pjn-d01: Mr. [Will is] nothing if not Pjn-d01: Tony+ LaRussa+ Pjn-d01: Mr. [Will breaks] his book into Pjn-d01: David+ Faulkner.+ Mr. Pjn-d01: than does Mr. [Will concentrating] on the art Pjn-d00: Bobby+ Richardson+ Pjn-d01: Robert+ K.+ Adair.+ Read+ it Pjn-d00: Mark+ Winegardner+ Pjn-d00: Tony+ Lucadello+ Pjn-d00: Dan+ Ewald+ Pjn-d01: it to Mr. [Will to] dispute him Pjn-d01: Lyle+ and Pjn-d00: David+ Fisher+ Pjn-d01: Lyle+ in Pjn-d01: William+ B.+ Mead+ Pjn-d01: Carl+ Yastrzemski+ and Pjn-d00: Gerald+ Eskenazi+ Pjn-d01: John+ Thorne+ and Pjn-d00: Bob+ Carroll+ Pjn-d00: Robert+ W.+ Creamer+ Pbu-d02: Mr. [Mead does particularly well Pbu-d01: pages 17.95 by [William B. Mead] It's Pbu-d00: Macmillan+ Pbu-d01: Reggie+ Jackson+ Pbu-d01: Sparky+ Anderson+ Pbu-d00: Macmillan+ Epp-dxx: Lucadello+ Epp-dxx: Lucadello+ Epp-dxx: Sparky+ Epp-dxx: Sparky+ Epp-dxx: Sparky+ Pfd-d00: according to George [F. Will we were Pfd-d02: George F. Will [we were Pfd-d02: writes Mr. Will [is a game that Pfd-d02: Mr. Will [is nothing if not Pfd-d02: of Baseball Macmillan [353 pages 1995 Pfd-d00: A manager Tony [LaRussa That Pfd-d02: Mr. Will [breaks his book into Pfd-d00: Oriole shortstop Cal [Ripken Jr. confides that Pfd-d02: Mr. Wills [seriousness is matched in Pfd-d00: 18.95 by David [Faulkner. Mr. Faulkner employs Pfd-d02: Faulkner. Mr. Faulkner [employs a narrower focus Pfd-d02: does Mr. Will [concentrating on the art Pfd-d00: such as Bobby [Richardson two-page explanation of Pfd-d00: 7.95 by Robert [K. Adair. Read it Pfd-d00: Robert K. Adair. [Read it and you'll Pfd-d02: Prof. Adair [illustrates those things mathematically Pfd-d00: 18.95 by Mark [Winegardner chronicles a season Pfd-d00: the late Tony [Lucadello the storied longtime Pfd-d02: Philadelphia Phillies. Lucadello [dispenses bird-dog wisdom 87% Pfd-d02: or friends Lucadello [blows out his brains Pfd-d01: Prentice+ Hall+ Pfd-d00: Tigers manager Sparky [Anderson with Dan Ewald Pfd-d00: Anderson with Dan [Ewald would be full Pfd-d02: it ain't. Sparky [devotes but one chapter Pfd-d02: to Mr. Will [to dispute him Pfd-d00: 17.95 by Sparky [Lyle and David Fisher Pfd-d00: Lyle and David [Fisher has a few Pfd-d02: puts ex-pitcher Lyle [in charge of the Pfd-d00: like hiring Reggie [Jackson as team ego Pfd-d02: Spectacular Seasons Macmillan [288 pages 17.95 by Pfd-d00: 17.95 by William [B. Mead Pfd-d02: William B. Mead [ It's about Pfd-d02: Mr. Mead [does particularly well with Pfd-d00: 19.95 by Carl [Yastrzemski and Gerald Eskenazi Pfd-d00: Yastrzemski and Gerald [Eskenazi is a bit Pfd-d00: edited by John [Thorne and Bob Carroll Pfd-d00: Thorne and Bob [Carroll tells about baseball Pfd-d00: 9.95 by Robert [W. Creamer is a Pfd-d02: Robert W. Creamer [is a welcome paperback Pfu-d02: Philadelphia+ Phillies.+ Cin-d01: Times+ Cin-d00: His+ Life+ Cin-d00: Perennial+ Library+ Cin-d01: Yanks-Giants+ World+ Series+ Cin-d00: McPherson+ School+ Ctx-d00: Diamond+ Random+ House+ Cfd-d00: in Chicago McPherson [School playground my pals Cfd-d00: of the Diamond [Random House 371 pages Cfd-d02: Diamond Random House [371 pages 18.95 by Cfd-d00: the 1962 Yanks-Giants [World Series Cfd-d02: Yanks-Giants World Series [ The book Cfd-d00: of Baseball Perennial [Library 110 pages 7.95 Cfd-d00: Stengel His [Life and Times Fireside Cfd-d01: Fireside+ To1-d00: manager+ To1-d00: manager+ To1-d00: manager+ To2-d00: manager+ *to2-d00: pages 18.95 by [veteran Detroit Tigers manager] Sparky Anderson with *to2-d00: stuff goes on [notes Oakland A manager] Tony LaRussa Lnw-d01: Little+ did Lnw-d00: New+ Jersey+ dentist Lcy-d00: Prentice+ Hall+ Lcy-d01: Carnegie+ Hall+ *lnw-d00: playing softball in [Chicago McPherson School] playground my pals Lnw-d01: Baltimore+ Oriole+ shortstop *lnw-d01: scout for the [Philadelphia Phillies. Lucadello] dispenses bird-dog wisdom Lnw-d01: Detroit+ Tigers+ manager *lnw-d00: A 46-year-old [New New New] New Jersey dentist *ldl-d00: When I was a kid playing softball] in Chicago McPherson 45 sentences, 99 hits, 55 misses, 64.29% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-034.wb': Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Tuz+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Russell+ points Pmr-d01: Chairman+ Martin+ C.+ Miler+ has Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Russell+ says Pjn-d00: Peter+ Tuz+ Pjn-d00: Howard+ Weil+ Pjn-d00: Frank+ Anderson+ Pjn-d00: Jim+ Walter+ Corp.+ Federated+ Pjn-d01: Jim+ Walter+ have Pjn-d01: Russell+ vice Pjn-d01: Mr. [Russell points] out that Hibernia Pjn-d01: Hibernia Chairman [Martin C. Miler has] referred to the Pjn-d00: John+ Russell+ Pjn-d01: HLT realm Mr. [Russell says] Pbu-d01: Federated Doskocil and [Jim Walter] have since filed Pbu-d01: Doskocil Cos. and [Jim Walter] Corp. Federated Doskocil Pbu-d01: [Frank Anderson] an analyst analyst Epp-dxx: Corp.+ Epp-dxx: Corp.+ Epp-dxx: Corp.+ Epp-dxx: Corp.+ Epp-dxx: Corp.+ Epp-dxx: Corp.+ Epp-dxx: Federated+ Pfd-d02: seemed Hibernia Corp. [had discovered the secret Pfd-d02: Poor Corp. [noting that the loss Pfd-d00: bad says Peter [Tuz an analyst analyst Pfd-d00: analyst with Howard [Weil Labouisse Friedrichs Inc. Pfd-d00: Frank [Anderson an analyst analyst Pfd-d02: to Mr. Tuz [the bank recent loan Pfd-d00: of Campeau Corp. [Federated Department Stores Inc. Pfd-d00: Cos. and Jim [Walter Corp. Federated Doskocil Pfd-d00: Jim Walter Corp. [Federated Doskocil and Jim Pfd-d00: Doskocil and Jim [Walter have since filed Pfd-d02: buy-outs O.C. Russell [vice chairman of Hibernia Pfd-d02: Mr. Russell [points out that Hibernia Pfd-d00: Hibernia Chairman Martin [C. Miler has referred Pfd-d02: Martin C. Miler [has referred to the Pfd-d02: as NCNB Corp. [of Charlotte N.C. which Pfd-d01: Chemical Banking Corp. [18 billion-asset Texas Commerce Pfd-d01: Columbus+ Pfd-d00: is says John [Russell a Banc One Pfd-d02: realm Mr. Russell [says Pfu-d02: Banc+ One+ Pfu-d01: Chemical+ Banking+ Pfu-d02: NCNB+ Pfu-d01: O.C.+ Pfu-d02: Campeau+ Pfu-d02: Hibernia+ Cin-d01: Banc+ One+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Commerce+ Bancshares+ Inc.+ Cin-d00: Chemical+ Banking+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: NCNB+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Hibernia+ National+ Bank+ Cin-d01: Sheshunoff+ Information+ Services+ Inc+ Cin-d01: Jim+ Walter+ Corp.+ Cin-d00: Doskocil+ Cos.+ Cin-d00: Federated+ Department+ Stores+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Campeau+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Stephens+ Inc.+ Cin-d00: Friedrichs+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Hibernia+ National+ Bank+ Cin-d00: Corp.+ Cin-d01: Hibernia+ Corp.+ Ctx-d00: Standard+ + Poor+ Ctx-d00: ratings on Hibernia [National Bank] certificates of deposit Ctx-d00: a unit of [Campeau Corp.] Federated Department Stores Ctx-d00: of Campeau Corp. [Federated Department Stores Inc.] Doskocil Cos. and Ctx-d01: Federated+ Doskocil+ and Ctx-d00: chairman of Hibernia [National Bank] said that 30 Ctx-d01: giants such as [NCNB Corp. of] Charlotte N.C. which Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Hibernia+ Eco-dxx: Jim+ Eco-dxx: Walter+ Eco-dxx: Texas+ Eco-dxx: Texas+ Eco-dxx: Texas+ Eco-dxx: Texas+ Eco-dxx: Texas+ Eco-dxx: Texas+ Eco-dxx: Banc+ Eco-dxx: One+ Cfd-d00: it seemed Hibernia [Corp. had discovered the Cfd-d02: Since 1986 Hibernia [has cut its energy Cfd-d02: Then Hibernia [hiccuped Cfd-d02: loan-loss provision Hibernia [reported a first-quarter net Cfd-d02: Hibernia [shrugged off the loss Cfd-d00: Standard [ Poor Corp. noting Cfd-d00: Standard Poor [Corp. noting that the Cfd-d00: ratings on Hibernia [National Bank certificates of Cfd-d02: Hibernia National Bank [certificates of deposit to Cfd-d02: Even if Hibernia [rapidly returns to profitability Cfd-d02: centers around Hibernia [participation in loan syndicates Cfd-d00: Weil Labouisse Friedrichs [Inc. New New New Cfd-d00: analyst with Stephens [Inc. Little Rock Ark. Cfd-d02: economy nosedives Hibernia [may see an additional Cfd-d02: signs for Hibernia [ According to Cfd-d00: unit of Campeau [Corp. Federated Department Stores Cfd-d00: Campeau Corp. Federated [Department Stores Inc. Doskocil Cfd-d00: Federated Department Stores [Inc. Doskocil Cos. and Cfd-d00: Stores Inc. Doskocil [Cos. and Jim Walter Cfd-d00: Cos. and Jim [Walter Corp. Federated Doskocil Cfd-d00: Jim Walter Corp. [Federated Doskocil and Jim Cfd-d02: Corp. Federated Doskocil [and Jim Walter have Cfd-d00: Doskocil and Jim [Walter have since filed Cfd-d02: concerns about Hibernia [rapid growth it Cfd-d02: year end Hibernia [had about 1.78 billion Cfd-d00: according to Sheshunoff [Information Services Inc Cfd-d00: Sheshunoff Information Services [Inc That's Cfd-d01: Hibernia [officials while declining to Cfd-d00: chairman of Hibernia [National Bank said that Cfd-d02: Hibernia National Bank [said that 30 million Cfd-d02: year end Hibernia [officials note just 9.9 Cfd-d02: HLT+ portfolio Cfd-d02: million and Hibernia [says it plans to Cfd-d02: out that Hibernia [scrutinizes every loan participation Cfd-d02: or not Hibernia [is the lead bank Cfd-d02: provision maintained Hibernia [reserve level at a Cfd-d02: Hibernia [officials insist that the Cfd-d02: During 1989 Hibernia [acquired 10 failed banks Cfd-d02: company total Texas [deposits to 586 million Cfd-d02: And Hibernia [isn't through Cfd-d02: four major Texas [markets Dallas Houston Cfd-d02: San Antonio. Hibernia [currently has about 600 *cfd-d02: [Hibernia Chairman Martin C.] Miler has referred Cfd-d02: survive in Texas [against giants such as Cfd-d00: such as NCNB [Corp. of Charlotte N.C. Cfd-d01: billion in Texas [assets Chemical Banking Corp. Cfd-d00: Texas assets Chemical [Banking Corp. 18 billion-asset Cfd-d01: Chemical Banking Corp. [18 billion-asset Texas Commerce Cfd-d00: 18 billion-asset Texas [Commerce Bancshares Inc. unit Cfd-d00: Texas Commerce Bancshares [Inc. unit and Banc Cfd-d00: unit and Banc [One Corp. Columbus Ohio Cfd-d01: Columbus+ Cfd-d02: business in Texas [is =5P4hP get even Cfd-d00: Russell a Banc [One spokesman Cfd-d02: Hibernia [won't disclose its results Cfd-d02: results in Texas [but officials insist the Cfd-d02: Hibernia [most effective argument that *cfu-d02: Houston Austin and [San San Antonio. Hibernia] currently has about Cfu-d02: And+ Cfu-d02: Then+ Tch-d00: Chairman+ To1-d00: analyst+ To1-d00: analyst+ To1-d00: chairman+ *to2-d00: troubled leveraged buy-outs [O.C. Russell vice chairman] of Hibernia National To2-d00: analyst+ analyst+ To2-d00: analyst+ analyst+ Lnw-d01: New+ Orleans+ Lnw-d00: Little+ Rock+ Lnw-d01: San+ Antonio.+ Hibernia+ currently Lnw-d01: New+ Orleans+ market Lcy-d00: with Stephens Inc. [Little Rock] Ark. worries that *lnw-d01: Labouisse Friedrichs Inc. [New New New] New Orleans Lnw-d01: New New New [Orleans ] It's just Lnw-d00: Dallas+ Houston+ Lnw-d01: Austin+ and *lnw-d01: Houston Austin and [San San Antonio.] Hibernia currently has Lnw-d00: Columbus+ Ohio+ *lnw-d01: also-ran in the [New New New] New Orleans market Lnw-d01: New New New [Orleans market] to the dominant Ldl-d00: NEW+ ORLEANS+ 50 sentences, 122 hits, 29 misses, 80.79% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-035.wb': Pbu-d01: Dow+ Jones+ Pfd-d00: compiled by Dow [Jones Capital Markets Report Cin-d01: Bankers+ Trust+ International+ Ltd+ Cin-d01: Credit+ Cin-d01: Finland+ Ltd+ Cin-d01: Union+ Bank+ Cin-d01: Swedish+ Export+ Credit+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Nomura+ International+ Ltd+ Cin-d01: Inter-American+ Development+ Bank+ Cin-d01: Societe+ Generale+ Cin-d01: EUROBONDS+ Compagnie+ Generale+ Cin-d00: MORTGAGES+ Federal+ Home+ Loan+ Mortgage+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Dow+ Jones+ Capital+ Markets+ Ctx-d00: Dow Jones Capital Markets Report+ Ctx-d01: yield 7.34% via [Nomura International Ltd ] Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Cfd-d00: compiled by Dow [Jones Capital Markets Report Cfd-d00: Dow Jones Capital [Markets Report MORTGAGES Federal Cfd-d00: Capital Markets Report [MORTGAGES Federal Home Loan Cfd-d00: Report MORTGAGES Federal [Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Cfd-d00: Federal Home Loan [Mortgage Corp. 300 Cfd-d02: Loan Mortgage Corp. [ 300 million of Cfd-d02: above the Treasury [five-year note Cfd-d00: EUROBONDS [Compagnie Generale d'Electricite France Cfd-d02: EUROBONDS Compagnie Generale [d'Electricite France 5.58 Cfd-d00: tranche via Societe [Generale Each Cfd-d00: Inter-American [Development Bank agency Cfd-d01: Inter-American Development Bank [agency 30 billion Cfd-d00: 7.34% via Nomura [International Ltd Cfd-d02: Nomura International Ltd [ Cfd-d00: Swedish [Export Credit Corp. Sweden Cfd-d00: Swedish Export Credit [Corp. Sweden 150 Cfd-d00: fees via Union [Bank of Finland Ltd Cfd-d00: Bank of Finland [Ltd Fees *cfd-d01: [Credit Local de France] France 75 Cfd-d00: outstanding via Bankers [Trust International Ltd Cfd-d00: Bankers Trust International [Ltd To1-d00: manager+ *to2-d00: capital markets with [terms and syndicate manager] as compiled by Lcy-d00: MORTGAGES+ Federal+ Home+ *ldl-d00: The following were among yesterday offerings and] pricings in U.S. 15 sentences, 37 hits, 22 misses, 62.71% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-036.wb': Pmr-d01: General+ Motors+ Corp.+ has Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Brest+ figures Pjn-d00: Robert+ Brest+ Epp-dxx: Corp.+ Epp-dxx: Corp.+ Pfd-d00: General General Motors [Corp. has quietly raised Pfd-d00: Toyota+ Motor+ Corp. Pfd-d00: Boston dealer Robert [Brest who sells several Pfd-d02: soon Mr. Brest [figures GM will will Pfu-d02: Chrysler+ Pfu-d00: its cars General [General Motors Corp. has Cin-d01: Sales+ Cin-d01: Honda+ Motor+ Co.+ Cin-d00: Toyota+ Motor+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Chrysler+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Ford+ Ford+ Motor+ Co.+ Cin-d00: General+ General+ Motors+ Corp.+ Ctx-d01: GM+ pricing Ctx-d01: GM+ and Ctx-d01: GM+ officials Ctx-d00: Officials of [Chrysler Corp.] Toyota Motor Corp. Ctx-d01: of Chrysler Corp. [Toyota Motor Corp. and] Honda Motor Co. Ctx-d01: GM+ didn't Ctx-d01: GM+ lines Ctx-d01: GM+ will Ctx-d01: GM+ and Ctx-d01: GM+ total Ctx-d01: GM+ spokesman Ctx-d01: GM+ spokesman Ctx-d01: GM+ most Ctx-d01: GM+ didn't Ctx-d01: Price+ increases Ctx-d01: GM+ also Ctx-d01: GM+ auto Ctx-d01: GM+ cars Eco-dxx: Ford+ Eco-dxx: Ford+ Eco-dxx: Ford+ Eco-dxx: Ford+ Eco-dxx: Ford+ Eco-dxx: Ford+ Eco-dxx: Ford+ Eco-dxx: Ford+ Eco-dxx: Ford+ Eco-dxx: Ford+ Cfd-d00: its cars General [General Motors Corp. has Cfd-d00: General General Motors [Corp. has quietly raised Cfd-d02: GM [pricing action follows a Cfd-d00: auto maker Ford [Ford Motor Co. and Cfd-d00: Ford Ford Motor [Co. and continues a Cfd-d02: set by GM [and Ford Ford last Cfd-d00: GM and Ford [Ford last year of Cfd-d00: This year Ford [Ford raised the prices Cfd-d02: GM [officials said they couldn't Cfd-d00: Officials of Chrysler [Corp. Toyota Motor Corp. Cfd-d00: Chrysler Corp. Toyota [Motor Corp. and Honda Cfd-d02: Toyota Motor Corp. [and Honda Motor Co. Cfd-d00: Corp. and Honda [Motor Co. said their Cfd-d02: Honda Motor Co. [said their companies haven't Cfd-d00: Unlike Ford [Ford GM didn't officially Cfd-d02: Ford Ford GM [didn't officially announce its Cfd-d02: sells several GM [lines With Cfd-d02: Brest figures GM [will will] do something to Cfd-d02: Both GM [and Ford Ford have Cfd-d00: GM and Ford [Ford have been struggling Cfd-d02: Sales [of all domestic and Cfd-d02: GM [total vehicle sales dropped Cfd-d00: March while Ford [Ford fell 61% Cfd-d02: A GM [spokesman said yesterday the Cfd-d02: adjustments a GM [spokesman said adding that Cfd-d02: will affect GM [most popular options such Cfd-d02: GM [didn't change prices on Cfd-d02: Price [increases on power seats Cfd-d02: GM [also hit some of Cfd-d02: all of GM [auto divisions but Cadillac Cfd-d02: increases affect GM [cars built after April Cfu-d02: A+ Cfu-d02: Both+ Cfu-d00: Unlike Ford [Ford GM didn't officially Cfu-d02: Unlike+ Cfu-d00: auto maker Ford [Ford Motor Co. and Cfu-d00: its cars General [General Motors Corp. has Tch-d00: General+ Lnw-d01: New+ Jersey+ Lcy-d01: Ford+ Lcy-d01: Ford+ Lcy-d01: Unlike+ Ford+ Lcy-d00: Ford+ Lcy-d01: Ford+ Lcy-d01: Ford+ Lnw-d01: Boston+ dealer *lnw-d01: Pontiac dealer in [New New New] New Jersey Ldl-d00: DETROIT+ 29 sentences, 52 hits, 13 misses, 80.00% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-037.wb': Pjn-d00: James+ W.+ Schwerdt+ Pfd-d00: Milwaukee James [W. Schwerdt president and Pfd-d02: James W. Schwerdt [president and chief chief Cin-d01: AUTOTROL+ Corp.+ Cfd-d00: AUTOTROL [Corp. Milwaukee James To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: officer+ To1-d00: director+ To2-d00: director+ Lnw-d01: Milwaukee+ Ldl-d00: AUTOTROL+ Corp.+ Milwaukee 1 sentences, 10 hits, 0 misses, 100.00% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-038.wb': Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Boeschenstein+ Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Weber+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Boeschenstein+ Oct.+ 1 Pjn-d00: Max+ O.+ Weber+ Pjn-d00: William+ W.+ Boeschenstein.+ Mr. Pfd-d00: Toledo Max [O. Weber 60 years Pfd-d02: Max O. Weber [60 years old was Pfd-d00: products succeeding William [W. Boeschenstein. Mr. Boeschenstein Pfd-d00: William W. Boeschenstein. [Mr. Boeschenstein 64 will Pfd-d01: Boeschenstein. Mr. Boeschenstein [64 will will retire Pfd-d02: Mr. Weber [who joined Owens-Corning in Pfd-d00: succeeding Mr. Boeschenstein [Oct. 1 To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: officer+ To1-d00: director+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: officer+ *to2-d00: named president and [chief chief operating officer] in 1988 *to2-d00: joined Owens-Corning in [1955 was named president] and chief chief To2-d00: director+ Lnw-d01: Toledo+ Ldl-d00: OWENS-CORNING+ FIBERGLAS+ Toledo 4 sentences, 23 hits, 2 misses, 92.00% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-039.wb': Cin-d01: Labor+ Department+ Cfd-d00: week the Labor [Department said Ldl-d00: WASHINGTON+ 4 sentences, 3 hits, 4 misses, 42.86% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-040.wb': Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Seib+ Pmr-d00: President+ Bush+ Pjn-d00: Gerald+ F.+ Seib+ Pjn-d01: Gerald+ R.+ Ford+ Ford+ Prize+ for Pjn-d00: Gerald+ R.+ Ford+ Ford+ Foundation+ Pbu-d02: Bush presidency President [Bush style of personal Pbu-d01: Bush+ Pbu-d02: Mr. [Seib 34 years old Pbu-d00: Journal+ White+ Pbu-d01: NEW YORK [Gerald F. Seib] The Wall Street Epp-dxx: Journal+ Epp-dxx: Journal+ Epp-dxx: Journal+ Pfd-d00: YORK Gerald [F. Seib The Wall Pfd-d00: The+ Wall+ Street+ Journal Pfd-d01: House+ reporter Pfd-d00: the annual Gerald [R. Ford Ford Prize Pfd-d00: Gerald R. Ford [Ford Prize for Distinguished Pfd-d02: Ford Ford Prize [for Distinguished Reporting on Pfd-d00: by the Gerald [R. Ford Ford Foundation Pfd-d00: Gerald R. Ford [Ford Foundation recognizes journalists Pfd-d02: Ford Ford Foundation [recognizes journalists whose high Pfd-d02: Mr. Seib [34 years old who Pfd-d00: Wall Street Journal [Journal Dallas bureau in Pfd-d01: of the Bush [presidency President Bush style Pfd-d02: presidency President Bush [style of personal diplomacy Pfu-d02: The+ Wall+ Street+ Pfu-d00: Gerald R. Ford [Ford Foundation recognizes journalists Pfu-d00: Gerald R. Ford [Ford Prize for Distinguished Pfu-d00: Wall Street Journal [Journal White House reporter Cin-d01: State+ Department+ Cin-d00: Journal+ Cin-d01: Gerald+ R.+ Ford+ Ford+ Foundation+ Cin-d00: Journal+ Ctx-d00: Journal+ Journal Ctx-d00: Journal+ Journal Ctr-d00: Pentagon+ Eco-dxx: Gerald+ Eco-dxx: Gerald+ Eco-dxx: R.+ Eco-dxx: Ford+ Eco-dxx: Ford+ Cfd-d01: F.+ Seib+ Cfd-d00: Wall Street Journal [Journal White House reporter Cfd-d00: the annual Gerald [R. Ford Ford Prize Cfd-d00: Gerald R. Ford [Ford Prize for Distinguished Cfd-d00: by the Gerald [R. Ford Ford Foundation Cfd-d00: Gerald R. Ford [Ford Foundation recognizes journalists Cfd-d02: Ford Ford Foundation [recognizes journalists whose high Cfd-d00: Wall Street Journal [Journal Dallas bureau in Cfd-d02: covered the Pentagon [and the State Department Cfd-d00: and the State [Department before transferring to *cfu-d02: old who joined [The Wall Street Journal] Journal Dallas bureau Cfu-d00: Gerald R. Ford [Ford Foundation recognizes journalists *cfu-d00: Gerald F. Seib [The Wall Street Journal] Journal White House Tch-d00: President+ Lnw-d01: Middle+ East+ Lcy-d01: Gerald+ R.+ Ford+ Lcy-d01: Gerald+ R.+ Ford+ Lnw-d01: Dallas+ bureau Lnw-d01: Washington+ Washington+ in Ldl-d00: NEW+ YORK+ 5 sentences, 40 hits, 4 misses, 90.91% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-041.wb': Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Collor+ is Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Solomon+ is Pbu-d02: Mr. [Solomon is executive executive Epp-dxx: Collor+ Pfd-d01: de+ Mello+ Pfd-d02: important Mr. Collor [is attempting to settle Pfd-d02: Mr. Solomon [is executive executive executive Pfu-d01: Fernando+ Cin-d01: North+ North+ America+ Cin-d01: Latin+ America+ Cin-d01: Latin+ America+ Cin-d01: In+ Latin+ America+ Cin-d01: Latin+ America+ Ctx-d00: Eastern+ Europe+ Ctx-d01: Eastern+ Bloc+ life Ctx-d01: Eastern+ Europeans+ can Ctx-d01: Eastern+ Europe.+ Central+ planning Ctx-d01: Eastern+ Europe+ and Ctr-d00: UN+ Eco-dxx: Europeans+ Eco-dxx: In+ Eco-dxx: In+ Eco-dxx: In+ Eco-dxx: In+ Cfd-d00: democratization of Latin [America Cfd-d00: Take Eastern [Europe the dirtiest most Cfd-d00: Throughout the Eastern [Bloc life expectancy has Cfd-d00: Some Eastern [Europeans can expect to Cfd-d02: than Western Europeans [ Cfd-d02: East+ Germany+ the Cfd-d00: In [Latin America too the Cfd-d01: In Latin America [too the winds of Cfd-d00: those of Eastern [Europe. Central planning authorities Cfd-d02: Eastern Europe. Central [planning authorities were recklessly Cfd-d00: in both Eastern [Europe and Latin America Cfd-d00: Europe and Latin [America powerful bureaucracies Cfd-d02: isn't universal In [regions such as Africa Cfd-d00: counterparts in Latin [America did under military Cfd-d01: Brazil+ Cfd-d00: has rid North [North America of most Cfd-d02: North North America [of most new tar Cfd-d01: Britain+ Cfd-d02: that the UN [and other outsiders saw Cfu-d00: has rid North [North America of most Cfu-d02: Western+ Cfu-d02: Some+ Cfu-d02: Take+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: founder+ To1-d00: owner+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: director+ *to2-d00: Mr. Solomon is [executive executive executive director] of Environment Probe To2-d00: owner+ To2-d00: founder+ To2-d00: first+ elected+ president+ Lnw-d01: Lake+ Lake+ Erie+ is Lnw-d00: East+ Germany+ Lnw-d01: East+ Germany+ the Lnw-d00: West+ German+ help Lnw-d01: East+ Germans+ are Lnw-d01: North+ America+ of Lcy-d01: Vistula+ River+ Lcy-d01: And+ Lake Lnw-d01: Berlin+ Wall+ and Lnw-d00: Jose+ Lutzemberger+ Lnw-d01: Toronto+ *ldl-d00: Since the first Earth Day in 1970] there has been 46 sentences, 67 hits, 54 misses, 55.37% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-042.wb': Cin-d01: Hicks+ Data+ Cin-d01: Hicks+ Data+ Ltd.+ Cin-d01: Carlisle+ Cos.+ Eco-dxx: Carlisle+ Cfd-d00: N.Y. Carlisle [Cos. said its agreement Cfd-d00: division to Hicks [Data Ltd. has been Cfd-d02: Hicks Data Ltd. [has been terminated Cfd-d02: Carlisle [a maker of construction Cfd-d00: tapes said Hicks [Data failed to satisfy Ldl-d00: SYRACUSE+ N.Y.+ 2 sentences, 10 hits, 2 misses, 83.33% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-043.wb': Ldl-d00: BEIJING+ 7 sentences, 1 hits, 10 misses, 9.09% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-044.wb': Pmr-d00: Senior+ Statesman+ Pmr-d01: Executive+ Search+ Review+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Kravis+ spoke Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Kravis+ declined Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Garrison+ may Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Garrison+ proselytized Pmr-d01: Chief+ Quality+ Officer+ Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Robinson+ Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Robinson+ Pjr-d00: James+ D.+ Robinson+ III+ Pjr-d01: Paul+ R.+ Ray+ Jr.+ Pjn-d01: Anthony+ Saxton+ of Pjn-d00: Scott+ Scanlon+ Pjn-d00: fire mentality says [Paul R. Ray Jr.] a recruiter with Pjn-d01: Henry+ Kravis+ of Pjn-d00: Carolyn+ Roehm+ Pjn-d00: Stephen+ Garrison+ Pjn-d00: chairman and CEO [James D. Robinson III] had his directors Pbu-d02: measure of Mr. [Robinson vow Pbu-d02: Mr. [Robinson who lately has Pbu-d00: chairman and CEO [James D. Robinson] III had his Pbu-d02: meeting where Mr. [Garrison proselytized says the Pbu-d02: Mr. [Garrison may get as Pbu-d01: on board says [Stephen Garrison] chairman of Ward Pbu-d01: Scott+ Epp-dxx: Saxton+ Epp-dxx: Saxton+ Epp-dxx: Kravis+ Epp-dxx: Quality+ Pfd-d01: Bampfylde+ International+ Pfd-d02: the Senior Statesman [who hails from a Pfd-d00: plus says Anthony [Saxton of Saxton Bampfylde Pfd-d01: Bampfylde+ Pfd-d00: there notes Scott [Scott Scanlon co-editor of Pfd-d02: Scott Scott Scanlon [co-editor of Executive Search Pfd-d00: of Executive Search [Review Pfd-d00: mentality says Paul [R. Ray Jr. a Pfd-d00: Paul R. Ray [Jr. a recruiter with Pfd-d00: Henry [Kravis of Kohlberg Kravis Pfd-d01: Roberts+ Pfd-d02: March. Mr. Kravis [spoke about his business Pfd-d00: fashion designer Carolyn [Roehm about her business Pfd-d02: Mr. Kravis [declined to address either Pfd-d00: board says Stephen [Garrison chairman of Ward Pfd-d02: Mr. Garrison [may get as much Pfd-d02: where Mr. Garrison [proselytized says the idea Pfd-d02: IN+ THE+ ESCALATING+ war Pfd-d00: and CEO James [D. Robinson III had Pfd-d00: James D. Robinson [III had his directors Pfd-d00: title Chief Quality [Officer Pfd-d02: Mr. Robinson [who lately has juggled Pfd-d02: of Mr. Robinson [vow In Pfu-d02: Kohlberg+ Pfu-d00: there notes Scott [Scott Scanlon co-editor of Cin-d01: American+ Express+ Cin-d01: Ward+ Howell+ International+ Cin-d01: Group+ Cin-d00: Association+ Cin-d01: Financial+ Cin-d01: American+ Cin-d01: American+ Cin-d01: American+ Cin-d01: Saxton+ Bampfylde+ International+ Cin-d01: American+ Ctx-d00: Kohlberg+ Kravis+ Roberts+ Ctx-d01: KKR+ are Ctx-d01: Shearson+ unit Eco-dxx: Saxton+ Eco-dxx: Saxton+ Eco-dxx: Bampfylde+ Eco-dxx: Kravis+ Eco-dxx: Kravis+ Eco-dxx: Kravis+ Cfd-d02: found on American [shores According Cfd-d00: by recruiter Saxton [Bampfylde International demand is Cfd-d02: Saxton Bampfylde International [demand is exploding for Cfd-d02: to an American [living in Brussels who Cfd-d02: multinational often American [ He is Cfd-d02: says Anthony Saxton [of Saxton Bampfylde Their Cfd-d00: Saxton of Saxton [Bampfylde Their 50-states background Cfd-d02: Way+ Cfd-d02: Henry Kravis [of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts Cfd-d00: Kravis of Kohlberg [Kravis Roberts for instance Cfd-d02: Kohlberg Kravis Roberts [for instance provoked loud Cfd-d01: Women+ Cfd-d02: Financial Women Association [meeting in New New Cfd-d02: March. Mr. Kravis [spoke about his business Cfd-d02: Group [members are still debating Cfd-d02: associates at KKR [are men Cfd-d02: Mr. Kravis [declined to address either Cfd-d00: chairman of Ward [Howell International a search Cfd-d02: Ward Howell International [a search firm Cfd-d00: American [Express chairman and CEO Cfd-d02: his troubled Shearson [unit and top executive Cfu-d02: Mr.+ Cfu-d02: March.+ Mr.+ Cfu-d02: Henry+ Cfu-d02: Anthony+ Tch-d00: Senior+ Tch-d00: Executive+ Tch-d00: Chief+ Tch-d00: Officer+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: chairman+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: chairman+ To1-d00: executive+ *to2-d00: troubled Shearson unit [and top executive executive] executive resignations announced *to2-d00: quality czar [ American Express chairman] and CEO James *to2-d00: New New York [York bank executive executive] executive who attended *to2-d00: them on board [says Stephen Garrison chairman] of Ward Howell *to2-d00: of Fortune 500 [chief chief executive executive] executive officers admitted *to2-d00: the Euro-Exec THE [HOTTEST international executive executive] executive may not Lnw-d00: East+ Europe+ Lnw-d01: East+ European+ languages Lnw-d01: New+ York+ York+ group Lnw-d01: New+ York+ York+ in Lnw-d01: New+ York+ York+ bank Lnw-d00: London+ firm Lnw-d01: Brussels+ who Lnw-d01: Paris+ social *lnw-d01: by Catalyst a [New New New] New York York Lnw-d01: New New New [York York group] that promotes women *lnw-d01: Association meeting in [New New New] New York York Lnw-d01: New New New [York York in] March. Mr. Kravis *lnw-d01: A [New New New] New York York Lnw-d01: New New New [York York bank] executive executive executive *ldl-d00: When in Europe Firms Want the Euro-Exec] THE HOTTEST international 45 sentences, 91 hits, 54 misses, 62.76% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-045.wb': Pjn-d01: Stuart+ A.+ Lipton+ and Pfd-d00: cell neurologist Stuart [A. Lipton and his Pfd-d02: Stuart A. Lipton [and his colleagues reported Cin-d01: Roche+ Products+ Ltd.+ Cin-d01: Miles+ Pharmaceutical+ Cin-d01: Monsanto+ Co.+ Cin-d00: Abbott+ Laboratories+ Cin-d00: SmithKline+ Beecham+ PLC+ Cin-d00: Upjohn+ Co.+ Cin-d01: Merck+ + Co.+ Cin-d01: F.+ Hoffmann-La+ Roche+ + Co.+ Cin-d01: Bayer+ AG+ Cin-d01: Miles+ Inc.+ Ctx-d00: a race with [Merck Co.] Upjohn Co. SmithKline Ctx-d00: Merck Co. [Upjohn Co.] SmithKline Beecham PLC Ctx-d01: Abbott Laboratories and [Monsanto Co. to] develop a new Ctx-d01: Merck+ uncovered Eco-dxx: Miles+ Eco-dxx: Miles+ Cfd-d00: that a Miles [Inc. drug used in Cfd-d02: Miles [is a U.S. subsidiary Cfd-d00: subsidiary of Bayer [AG the West West Cfd-d00: team from F. [Hoffmann-La Roche Co. Cfd-d00: F. Hoffmann-La Roche [ Co. said they Cfd-d02: Roche Co. [said they had synthesized Cfd-d00: race with Merck [ Co. Upjohn Co. Cfd-d00: Merck Co. [Upjohn Co. SmithKline Beecham Cfd-d00: Co. Upjohn Co. [SmithKline Beecham PLC Abbott Cfd-d00: Co. SmithKline Beecham [PLC Abbott Laboratories and Cfd-d00: Beecham PLC Abbott [Laboratories and Monsanto Co. Cfd-d00: Laboratories and Monsanto [Co. to develop a Cfd-d01: on a Miles [drug nimodipine sold under Cfd-d00: for the Miles [Pharmaceutical division in West Cfd-d00: chemists from Roche [Products Ltd. at Welwyn Cfd-d02: Roche Products Ltd. [at Welwyn Garden City Cfd-d02: those at Merck [uncovered the molecular structure Lnw-d01: West+ German+ drug Lnw-d00: West+ Haven+ Lcy-d01: Welwyn+ Garden+ City+ Lcy-d01: West+ West Lnw-d01: Boston+ researchers Lnw-d01: Boston+ report 22 sentences, 42 hits, 22 misses, 65.62% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-046.wb': Pmr-d01: President+ Carlos+ Menem+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Gonzalez+ Fraga+ was Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Menem+ Pmr-d01: Minister+ Nestor+ Rapanelli+ was Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Gonzalez+ Fraga+ suggested Pjn-d01: government of President [Carlos Menem ] Pjn-d00: Antonio+ Gonzalez+ Pbu-d02: dirty float Mr. [Gonzalez Fraga suggested last Pbu-d00: His successor [Antonio Gonzalez] freed the exchange Pbu-d02: Mr. [Gonzalez Fraga was Mr. Pbu-d01: Javier+ Gonzalez+ Epp-dxx: Fraga+ Pfd-d00: AIRES Javier [Gonzalez Fraga will will Pfd-d02: Javier Gonzalez Fraga [will will] take over as Pfd-d00: of President Carlos [Menem Pfd-d00: Mr. Gonzalez [Fraga was Mr. Menem Pfd-d02: was Mr. Menem [first Central Bank president Pfd-d00: Economy Minister Nestor [Rapanelli was replaced last Pfd-d00: His successor Antonio [Gonzalez freed the exchange Pfd-d00: float Mr. Gonzalez [Fraga suggested last year Cin-d01: Central+ Bank+ Cin-d00: Central+ Bank+ Cfd-d00: as Argentina Central [Bank president a second Cfd-d00: Menem first Central [Bank president after the Tch-d00: President+ Tch-d00: Minister+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: president+ *to2-d00: was Mr. Menem [first Central Bank president] after the Peronist Ldl-d00: BUENOS+ AIRES+ 6 sentences, 27 hits, 10 misses, 72.97% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-047.wb': Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Lipstein+ Pmr-d00: Mother+ Earth+ News+ Pmr-d01: Mother+ Earth+ News+ Pmr-d00: Mother+ Earth+ Pmr-d01: Pope+ John+ Paul+ II+ spoke Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Meyer+ says Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Lipstein+ recently Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Lipstein+ concedes Pmr-d00: Mother+ Earth+ News+ Pjr-d01: lamented [Pope John Paul II] spoke of a Pjn-d00: Alfred+ Meyer+ Pjn-d00: Ann+ Landers+ Pjn-d02: Pope [John Paul II] spoke of a Pjn-d00: Michael+ Kramer+ Pbu-d02: It's promotional Mr. [Lipstein concedes but it's Pbu-d02: Mr. [Lipstein recently ran into Pbu-d02: be hostile Mr. [Meyer says Pbu-d01: Hunter+ S.+ Thompson+ Pbu-d01: condition [Alfred Meyer] Mother Earth editor Pbu-d02: incredible heights Mr. [Lipstein owner of Mother Pbu-d01: Owen+ Lipstein+ Epp-dxx: Earth+ Epp-dxx: Earth+ Epp-dxx: Earth+ Epp-dxx: Earth+ Pfd-d02: Earth [to Owen Lipstein Pfd-d00: Earth to Owen [Lipstein With Pfd-d02: Day+ media Pfd-d02: heights Mr. Lipstein [owner of Mother Earth Pfd-d00: of Mother Earth [News wants to do Pfd-d02: Day+ that Pfd-d00: of Mother Earth [News It Pfd-d00: Alfred [Meyer Mother Earth editor Pfd-d02: Meyer Mother Earth [editor in chief chief Pfd-d00: Ann [Landers usually a hopeful Pfd-d00: Pope John [Paul II spoke of Pfd-d00: Gonzo journalist Hunter [S. Thompson was simply Pfd-d02: Hunter S. Thompson [was simply gonzo Yesterday Pfd-d00: reason why Michael [Kramer a third grader Pfd-d02: hostile Mr. Meyer [says Pfd-d02: Mr. Lipstein [recently ran into a Pfd-d01: promotional Mr. Lipstein [concedes but it's also Pfd-d02: saving the Earth [is reminiscent of the Pfd-d00: called Mother Earth [News Pfu-d02: With+ Cin-d01: Mother+ Earth+ News+ Cin-d01: American+ Cin-d01: Mother+ Earth+ News+ Cin-d01: Mother+ Earth+ News+ Eco-dxx: Mother+ Eco-dxx: Earth+ Eco-dxx: Earth+ Eco-dxx: Earth+ Eco-dxx: Earth+ Eco-dxx: Earth+ Cfd-d02: Earth [to Owen Lipstein Cfd-d02: Day+ media Cfd-d00: owner of Mother [Earth News wants to Cfd-d02: Mother Earth News [wants to do the Cfd-d02: Day+ that Cfd-d00: issue of Mother [Earth News Cfd-d02: Mother Earth News [ It contains Cfd-d00: Alfred Meyer Mother [Earth editor in chief Cfd-d02: Health+ magazine Cfd-d02: saving the Earth [is reminiscent of the Cfd-d00: magazine called Mother [Earth News Cfd-d02: Mother Earth News [ Cfu-d02: With+ Tch-d00: Mother+ Tch-d00: Mother+ Tch-d00: Mother+ Tch-d00: Pope+ Tch-d00: Mother+ To1-d00: owner+ To1-d00: chief+ *to2-d00: Meyer Mother Earth [editor in chief chief] asked an assortment Lnw-d01: Mount+ Mount+ Everest+ Lnw-d01: Camp+ Camp+ *lcy-d01: battery-powered equipment at [Everest Base Camp Camp] Lcy-d01: satellite transmission from [Mount Mount] Everest Lnw-d00: Stamford+ Conn.+ *ldl-d00: Earth to Owen Lipstein With] Earth Day media 21 sentences, 52 hits, 10 misses, 83.87% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-048.wb': Pmr-d01: General+ Media+ International+ Inc.+ said Pmr-d01: General+ Media+ Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Guccione+ Pmr-d01: Ms.+ Keeton+ Pmr-d01: Ms.+ Keeton+ said Pjn-d00: Bob+ Guccione+ Pjn-d00: Kathy+ Keeton+ Pbu-d02: N.C. but Ms. [Keeton said she didn't Pbu-d02: home said Ms. [Keeton The Pbu-d01: [Kathy Keeton] president of Omni Pfd-d00: YORK Bob [Guccione General General Media Pfd-d00: General General Media [International Inc. said it Pfd-d02: Media International Inc. [said it will will Pfd-d02: General General Media [ The purchase Pfd-d02: Mr. Guccione [best known as the Pfd-d00: Kathy [Keeton president of Omni Pfd-d02: said Ms. Keeton [ The magazines Pfd-d02: but Ms. Keeton [said she didn't know Pfu-d00: closely held General [General Media Pfu-d00: Bob Guccione General [General Media International Inc. Cin-d01: General+ Cin-d01: Capital+ Cities/ABC+ Inc+ Cin-d01: ABC+ Publishing+ Cos.+ Cin-d00: General+ General+ Media+ International+ Inc.+ Ctx-d00: computer magazines from [ABC Publishing Cos.] a subsidiary of Ctx-d01: Omni+ magazine Ctx-d00: Omni+ magazine Ctx-d01: Omni+ frequently Ctx-d01: Omni+ can Eco-dxx: General+ Eco-dxx: Media+ Cfd-d00: Bob Guccione General [General Media International Inc. Cfd-d00: General General Media [International Inc. said it Cfd-d02: Media International Inc. [said it will will Cfd-d00: magazines from ABC [Publishing Cos. a subsidiary Cfd-d02: ABC Publishing Cos. [a subsidiary of Capital Cfd-d00: subsidiary of Capital [Cities/ABC Inc Cfd-d02: Capital Cities/ABC Inc [ Cfd-d02: of the Omni [magazine division of closely Cfd-d00: closely held General [General Media Cfd-d02: General General Media [ The purchase Cfd-d01: president of Omni [magazine said Omni frequently Cfd-d02: magazine said Omni [frequently features stories on Cfd-d02: computer magazines Omni [can realize some synergy Cfu-d00: closely held General [General Media Cfu-d00: Bob Guccione General [General Media International Inc. Tch-d00: General+ Tch-d00: General+ To1-d00: founder+ To1-d00: president+ *to2-d00: [ Kathy Keeton president] of Omni magazine To2-d00: founder+ Ldl-d00: NEW+ YORK+ 11 sentences, 32 hits, 15 misses, 68.09% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-049.wb': Cin-d01: Group+ Cin-d01: The+ Financial+ Cin-d01: International+ Ctx-d01: National+ measures Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Cfd-d02: TOKYO International [cooperation and financial vigilance Cfd-d00: The [Financial Action Task Force Cfd-d02: The [task force was created Cfd-d02: of the Group [of Seven in July Cfd-d02: The [task force noted that Cfd-d02: National [measures to fight the Lnw-d01: Paris+ summit Ldl-d00: TOKYO+ 10 sentences, 6 hits, 8 misses, 42.86% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-050.wb': Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Boggs+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Boggs+ Pmr-d00: Ms.+ Hills+ Pmr-d00: Ms.+ Hills+ Pjn-d00: Timothy+ A.+ Boggs+ Pbu-d02: abroad said Mr. [Boggs They Pbu-d02: Mr. [Boggs said Time Warner Pbu-d01: trade representative said [Timothy A. Boggs] vice president for Epp-dxx: Hills+ Pfd-d00: representative said Timothy [A. Boggs vice president Pfd-d02: Timothy A. Boggs [vice president for public Pfd-d02: Mr. Boggs [said Time Warner turned Pfd-d02: to Carla Hills [the U.S. trade representative Pfd-d02: said Mr. Boggs [ They have Pfd-d02: Ms. Hills [office said she was Pfd-d02: assisted Ms. Hills [was also out of Pfu-d02: Carla+ Cin-d01: DC+ Comics+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Kukje+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Time+ Warner+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Warner+ Bros.+ Inc.+ Ctx-d01: Just as [Warner Bros. Inc. was] poised to open Ctx-d01: its parent company [Time Warner Inc. discovered] it had been Ctx-d01: Time+ Warner+ labeled Ctx-d01: Time+ Warner+ unit Ctx-d01: Time+ Warner+ said Ctx-d01: Time+ Warner+ by Ctx-d01: Time+ Warner+ in Ctx-d01: Time+ Warner+ turned Ctx-d01: Time+ Warner+ would Ctx-d00: Time+ Warner+ Ctx-d01: Time+ Warner+ document Ctx-d01: Time+ Warner+ filed Eco-dxx: Kukje+ Eco-dxx: Kukje+ Eco-dxx: Kukje+ Eco-dxx: Kukje+ Eco-dxx: Kukje+ Eco-dxx: Kukje+ Cfd-d00: Just as Warner [Bros. Inc. was poised Cfd-d02: Warner Bros. Inc. [was poised to open Cfd-d00: parent company Time [Warner Inc. discovered it Cfd-d02: Time Warner Inc. [discovered it had been Cfd-d00: Kukje [Corp. a Korean-based company Cfd-d00: with what Time [Warner labeled an unauthorized Cfd-d00: that outraged Time [Warner unit DC Comics Cfd-d00: Warner unit DC [Comics Inc. which has Cfd-d02: DC Comics Inc. [which has owned the Cfd-d00: Time [Warner said yesterday that Cfd-d02: under which Kukje [agreed not to use Cfd-d00: 35612 to Time [Warner by Saturday which Cfd-d02: Also Kukje [said it would cease Cfd-d00: affairs at Time [Warner in Washington Washington Cfd-d00: Boggs said Time [Warner turned to Carla Cfd-d02: to halt Kukje [sneakers went unheeded Cfd-d02: initiated against Kukje [by Time Warner would Cfd-d00: Kukje by Time [Warner would make even Cfd-d00: They included Time [Warner request for assistance Cfd-d00: to a Time [Warner document outlining the Cfd-d00: in March Time [Warner filed a criminal Cfd-d02: Seoul against Kukje [alleging a violation of Cfd-d02: left with Kukje [headquarters in Seoul weren't To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: assistant+ *to2-d00: comment [Sandy Christoff assistant assistant] U.S. trade representative *to2-d00: representative said Timothy [A. Boggs vice president] for public affairs Lnw-d01: South+ Korea+ in Lnw-d01: South+ Korean+ government Lcy-d01: Ms.+ Hills+ Lcy-d01: Ms.+ Hills+ Lcy-d01: Carla+ Hills+ Lnw-d01: Washington+ Washington+ Lnw-d01: Seoul+ Lnw-d01: Seoul+ against Lnw-d01: Seoul+ weren't Ldl-d00: NEW+ YORK+ 19 sentences, 63 hits, 39 misses, 61.76% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-051.wb': Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Coffee+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Coffee+ and Pbu-d01: Alex.+ Brown+ Pbu-d00: Harris+ Upham+ Pbu-d01: Smith+ Barney+ Pfd-d00: shares via Smith [Barney Harris Upham Pfd-d00: Smith Barney Harris [Upham Co Pfd-d02: Mr. Coffee [initial offering of four Pfd-d02: by Mr. Coffee [and one million by Pfd-d00: holders via Alex. [Brown Sons Inc Cin-d01: Goldman+ Sachs+ International+ Ltd+ Cin-d00: Sachs+ + Co.+ Cin-d01: Transatlantic+ Holdings+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Alex.+ Brown+ + Sons+ Inc+ Cin-d00: Harris+ Upham+ + Co+ Cin-d00: Fleer+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Exchange+ Cin-d01: Securities+ Ctx-d01: Goldman+ Sachs Ctx-d01: Co. and [Goldman Sachs International Ltd ] Cfd-d02: with the Securities [and Exchange Commission Fleer Cfd-d01: Commission+ Cfd-d00: Exchange Commission Fleer [Corp. initial offering of Cfd-d00: Smith Barney Harris [Upham Co Cfd-d00: Harris Upham [Co Cfd-d00: holders via Alex. [Brown Sons Inc Cfd-d00: Alex. Brown [Sons Inc Cfd-d02: Sons Inc [ Cfd-d00: Transatlantic [Holdings Inc. proposed initial Cfd-d02: Transatlantic Holdings Inc. [proposed initial offering of Cfd-d00: stock via Goldman [Sachs Co. and Cfd-d00: Goldman Sachs [Co. and Goldman Sachs Cfd-d00: Co. and Goldman [Sachs International Ltd Cfd-d00: Goldman Sachs International [Ltd Ldl-d00: WASHINGTON+ 3 sentences, 32 hits, 1 misses, 96.97% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-052.wb': Cin-d01: Seattle-based+ Boeing+ Co.+ Cin-d01: Rohr+ Industries+ Inc.+ Ctx-d01: contract from Seattle-based [Boeing Co. valued] at more than Ctx-d01: Boeing+ 757 Ctx-d01: Boeing+ 757s Eco-dxx: Rohr+ Cfd-d00: Calif. Rohr [Industries Inc. which makes Cfd-d02: Rohr Industries Inc. [which makes aircraft engine Cfd-d00: contract from Seattle-based [Boeing Co. valued at Cfd-d02: Seattle-based Boeing Co. [valued at more than Cfd-d02: struts for Boeing [757 aircraft Cfd-d02: in January Rohr [has delivered struts for Cfd-d02: than 300 Boeing [757s since 1981 under Ldl-d00: CHULA+ VISTA+ Calif.+ 3 sentences, 12 hits, 1 misses, 92.31% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-053.wb': Pmr-d01: Ms.+ Kay+ directed Epp-dxx: Kay+ Pfd-d02: Jan B. Kay [senior vice president planning Pfd-d02: Ms. Kay [directed development of the Pfu-d02: Jan+ B.+ To1-d00: president+ Lnw-d00: New+ York+ York+ *lnw-d00: YORK MERCANTILE EXCHANGE [New New New] New York York Lnw-d00: New New New [York York] Jan B. *ldl-d00: NEW YORK MERCANTILE EXCHANGE New New New] New York York 2 sentences, 9 hits, 7 misses, 56.25% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-054.wb': Pjn-d01: Michael+ Dukakis+ has Pbu-d01: [Michael Dukakis] has said that Pfd-d00: Michael [Dukakis has said that Cin-d01: Norton+ Co.+ Ctx-d01: law to protect [Norton Co. from] BTR Ctx-d00: Norton+ shareholders Cfd-d00: to protect Norton [Co. from BTR Cfd-d01: We imagine Norton [shareholders denied a vote 3 sentences, 5 hits, 4 misses, 55.56% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-055.wb': Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Shugrue+ Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Lorenzo+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Zweibel+ conceded Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Lorenzo+ may Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Shugrue+ officially Pmr-d01: Judge+ Burton+ R.+ Lifland+ who Pmr-d01: Judge+ Lifland+ disclosed Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Shugrue+ Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Lorenzo+ said Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Shugrue+ reasonable Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Lorenzo+ Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Lorenzo+ Pmr-d00: Capt.+ Henry+ Duffy+ Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Lorenzo+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Lorenzo+ said Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Zweibel+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Lorenzo+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Lorenzo+ and Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Lorenzo+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Shugrue+ met Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Zweibel+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Shugrue+ didn't Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Shugrue+ at Pjn-d00: Martin+ R.+ Shugrue+ Pjn-d01: Frank+ Lorenzo+ late Pjn-d00: Joel+ Zweibel+ Pjn-d01: Bankruptcy Judge [Burton R. Lifland who] named him his Pjn-d00: Paul+ Ruden+ Pjn-d00: us declared Capt. [Henry Duffy] head of the Pjn-d01: David+ I.+ Shapiro+ last Pjn-d00: Phil+ Bakes+ Pjn-d00: Barry+ Simon+ Pbu-d01: Jose+ Smith+ Pbu-d00: Barry+ Pbu-d02: carrier with Mr. [Shugrue at the helm Pbu-d02: Zweibel said Mr. [Shugrue didn't have a Pbu-d02: Mr. [Zweibel said Mr. Shugrue Pbu-d02: Mr. [Shugrue met yesterday with Pbu-d02: the PBGC Mr. [Lorenzo said Pbu-d02: Yesterday Mr. [Lorenzo and the pension Pbu-d02: Mr. [Lorenzo said it was Pbu-d02: Mr. [Zweibel the creditors attorney Pbu-d01: investigation court-appointed examiner [David I. Shapiro] last month found Pbu-d02: the interview Mr. [Lorenzo said that with Pbu-d00: that under Mr. [Lorenzo Pbu-d02: We said Mr. [Lorenzo couldn't run an Pbu-d02: had been Mr. [Lorenzo staunchest enemies and Pbu-d02: selection of Mr. [Shugrue reasonable and said Pbu-d02: an interview Mr. [Lorenzo said We'd hoped Pbu-d02: Lifland disclosed Mr. [Shugrue appointment he also Pbu-d02: And while Mr. [Shugrue officially reports to Pbu-d02: Mr. [Lorenzo may be gone Pbu-d02: complex situation Mr. [Zweibel conceded Pbu-d02: president of Mr. [Lorenzo Continental Airlines is Pbu-d02: Mr. [Shugrue the surprise appointee Pbu-d01: settle down predicted [Joel Zweibel] attorney for the Pbu-d01: Air Corp. chairman [Frank Lorenzo] late Wednesday night Pbu-d00: newly named trustee [Martin R. Shugrue] and the unsecured Pfd-d00: named trustee Martin [R. Shugrue and the Pfd-d02: Martin R. Shugrue [and the unsecured creditors Pfd-d00: Corp. chairman Frank [Lorenzo late Wednesday night Pfd-d00: down predicted Joel [Zweibel attorney for the Pfd-d02: Mr. Shugrue [the surprise appointee who Pfd-d01: Continental+ Airlines+ Pfd-d02: situation Mr. Zweibel [conceded Pfd-d02: Mr. Lorenzo [may be gone but Pfd-d02: while Mr. Shugrue [officially reports to US Pfd-d00: Bankruptcy Judge Burton [R. Lifland who named Pfd-d02: Burton R. Lifland [who named him his Pfd-d02: as Judge Lifland [disclosed Mr. Shugrue appointment Pfd-d01: disclosed Mr. Shugrue [appointment he also released Pfd-d00: obviously said Paul [Ruden a senior vice Pfd-d01: interview Mr. Lorenzo [said We'd hoped the Pfd-d01: of Mr. Shugrue [reasonable and said We Pfd-d02: been Mr. Lorenzo [staunchest enemies and had Pfd-d02: said Mr. Lorenzo [couldn't run an airline Pfd-d00: declared Capt. Henry [Duffy head of the Pfd-d02: under Mr. Lorenzo [ Pfd-d02: interview Mr. Lorenzo [said that with Eastern Pfd-d00: court-appointed examiner David [I. Shapiro last month Pfd-d02: David I. Shapiro [last month found that Pfd-d02: Mr. Zweibel [the creditors attorney said Pfd-d02: Mr. Lorenzo [said it was premature Pfd-d02: Yesterday Mr. Lorenzo [and the pension agency Pfd-d02: PBGC Mr. Lorenzo [said Individuals Pfd-d02: Mr. Shugrue [met yesterday with representatives Pfd-d02: Mr. Zweibel [said Mr. Shugrue didn't Pfd-d02: said Mr. Shugrue [didn't have a list Pfd-d00: Phil [Bakes Eastern current president Pfd-d02: with Mr. Shugrue [at the helm Pfd-d00: general counsel Barry [Barry Simon also is Pfd-d02: Barry Barry Simon [also is expected to Pfd-d00: vice president Jose [Smith resigned to accept Pfu-d00: general counsel Barry [Barry Simon also is Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d00: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: The+ Pension+ Benefit+ Guarantee+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: Air+ Line+ Pilots+ Association+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Cin-d01: American+ Society+ Cin-d01: US+ Cin-d00: Continental+ Airlines+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Eastern+ Airlines+ Ctx-d00: That's what [Eastern Airlines] newly named trustee Ctx-d01: Eastern+ from Ctx-d00: of Mr. Lorenzo [Continental Airlines] is stepping into Ctx-d01: Eastern+ now Ctx-d01: Eastern+ does Ctx-d01: Eastern+ insiders Ctx-d01: Eastern+ second-quarter Ctx-d01: Eastern+ could Ctx-d01: Eastern+ under Ctx-d01: Eastern+ situation Ctx-d01: Eastern+ in Ctx-d01: Eastern+ labor Ctx-d01: Eastern+ to Ctx-d01: Eastern+ may Ctx-d01: Eastern+ no Ctx-d01: Eastern+ on Ctx-d01: Eastern+ was Ctx-d01: Eastern+ deficits Ctx-d00: Eastern+ 280 Ctx-d01: Eastern+ by Ctx-d01: Eastern+ underfunded Ctx-d01: Continental+ into Ctx-d01: Eastern+ has Ctx-d00: Eastern+ officers Ctx-d01: Eastern+ Ctx-d01: Eastern+ current Ctx-d01: Eastern+ current Ctx-d01: Eastern+ vice Eco-dxx: Texas+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Cfd-d00: That's what Eastern [Airlines newly named trustee Cfd-d02: control of Eastern [from Texas Air Corp. Cfd-d00: Eastern from Texas [Air Corp. chairman Frank Cfd-d02: Texas Air Corp. [chairman Frank Lorenzo late Cfd-d00: Mr. Lorenzo Continental [Airlines is stepping into Cfd-d02: reports to US [ Bankruptcy Judge Cfd-d02: essentially own Eastern [now To Cfd-d02: Eastern [does have some breathing Cfd-d02: representatives and Eastern [insiders alike Cfd-d02: to fund Eastern [second-quarter operations Cfd-d02: The [promise of that money Cfd-d02: calm at Eastern [could go a long Cfd-d00: of the American [Society of Travel Agents Cfd-d00: Texas [Air which had fought Cfd-d02: to keep Eastern [under its mantle formally Cfd-d02: hoped the Eastern [situation would have been Cfd-d02: and help Eastern [in every way we Cfd-d02: Eastern [labor groups who had Cfd-d00: of the Air [Line Pilots Association Cfd-d00: Air Line Pilots [Association This Cfd-d02: chance for Eastern [to survive or at Cfd-d00: Curiously for Texas [Air aside from being Cfd-d02: loss of Eastern [may not be entirely Cfd-d02: that with Eastern [no longer under the Cfd-d00: under the Texas [Air umbrella the parent Cfd-d02: to include Eastern [on its consolidated balance Cfd-d00: Air.+ Eastern Cfd-d00: carried on Texas [Air books at 1.2 Cfd-d00: Texas [Air also has been Cfd-d02: because of Eastern [deficits Texas Cfd-d00: Texas [Air reported a 718 Cfd-d00: Texas [Air may be able Cfd-d01: avoid paying Eastern [280 million in promised Cfd-d00: argued that Texas [Air underpaid Eastern by Cfd-d02: Air underpaid Eastern [by as much as Cfd-d00: Texas [Air agreed to settle Cfd-d00: money from Texas [Air by suing on Cfd-d00: Texas [Air is still on Cfd-d02: part of Eastern [underfunded pension plans Cfd-d00: The [Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp. Cfd-d00: The Pension Benefit [Guarantee Corp. the federal Cfd-d02: Benefit Guarantee Corp. [the federal agency that Cfd-d00: 984 million Texas [Air claims the total Cfd-d02: The [agency has authority to Cfd-d00: and force Texas [Air to come up Cfd-d00: could force Texas [Air and Continental into Cfd-d02: Air and Continental [into a Chapter 11 Cfd-d00: insist that Texas [Air pay up right Cfd-d00: commitment from Texas [Air that it would Cfd-d02: Miami where Eastern [has its headquarters Cfd-d01: in on Eastern [officers usual meeting today Cfd-d02: to manage Eastern [ Clearly however Cfd-d02: Phil Bakes Eastern [current president under Texas Cfd-d00: president under Texas [Air declined yesterday to Cfd-d00: capacity to Texas [Air where he had Cfd-d02: Eastern [current general counsel Barry Cfd-d02: trustee Wednesday Eastern [vice president Jose Smith Tch-d00: Judge+ Tch-d00: Judge+ Tch-d00: Capt.+ To1-d00: trustee+ To1-d00: chairman+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: trustee+ To1-d00: trustee+ To1-d00: trustee+ To1-d00: trustee+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: trustee+ To1-d00: president+ *to2-d00: of the trustee [Wednesday Eastern vice president] Jose Smith resigned To2-d00: trustee+ To2-d00: executive+ executive+ *to2-d00: Phil [Bakes Eastern current president] under Texas Air To2-d00: trustee+ To2-d00: trustee+ To2-d00: trustee+ To2-d00: trustee+ To2-d00: senior+ vice+ president+ *to2-d00: year ago was [squeezed out as president] of Mr. Lorenzo *to2-d00: of Eastern from [Texas Air Corp. chairman] Frank Lorenzo late Lnw-d01: Miami+ where Lnw-d01: Jose+ Smith+ resigned 50 sentences, 166 hits, 8 misses, 95.40% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-056.wb': Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Nicklin+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Healer+ Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Healer+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Tavelli+ says Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Agardy+ says Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Nicklin+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Tavelli+ Pjn-d00: Harry+ Healer+ Pjn-d00: Richard+ Tavelli+ Pjn-d01: Matthew+ Mackowski+ of Pbu-d01: Robertson+ Pbu-d02: says Galson Mr. [Tavelli Pbu-d02: waste incinerators Mr. [Tavelli says Pbu-d01: to incineration says [Richard Tavelli] president of Galson Epp-dxx: Nicklin+ Epp-dxx: Agardy+ Pfd-d00: businesses says Harry [Healer managing partner of Pfd-d02: to Oliver Nicklin [president of First Analysis Pfd-d02: contends Mr. Nicklin [ Besides they Pfd-d02: says Mr. Healer [ Pfd-d02: Venture+ Capital+ Fund+ and Pfd-d00: incineration says Richard [Tavelli president of Galson Pfd-d02: incinerators Mr. Tavelli [says With Pfd-d02: says Franklin Agardy [chief chief] executive executive executive Pfd-d02: company Mr. Agardy [says Pfd-d02: by Mr. Nicklin [venture funds in Tetra Pfd-d02: Galson Mr. Tavelli [ Pfd-d00: venture capitalist Matthew [Mackowski of Robertson Stephens Pfd-d01: Stephens+ + Co.+ Pfu-d02: Franklin+ Pfu-d02: Oliver+ Cin-d01: Robertson+ Stephens+ + Co.+ Cin-d01: Investors+ Cin-d01: Mycogen+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: And+ IAI+ Venture+ Capital+ Group+ Cin-d01: Bio-Care+ Inc+ Cin-d01: Grace+ Ventures+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: BioTrol+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Plant+ Resources+ Venture+ Cin-d01: Tetra+ Technologies+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Groundwater+ Technology+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Venture+ Capital+ Fund+ Cin-d01: Compaq+ Computer+ Corp.+ Cin-d00: Lotus+ Development+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Apple+ Computer+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Technologic+ Computer+ Cin-d01: Dow+ Chemical+ Co.+ Cin-d01: Times+ Cin-d00: Venture+ Capital+ Fund+ Cin-d01: Burr+ Egan+ Deleage+ + Co.+ Cin-d01: First+ Analysis+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: American+ Waste+ Services+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Partek+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: In-Process+ Technologies+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Galson+ Remediation+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Venture+ Capital+ Fund+ Cin-d01: Venture+ Ctx-d00: Franklin+ Agardy+ Ctx-d01: system to a [Dow Chemical Co. plant] in California says Ctx-d00: companies such as [Apple Computer Inc.] Lotus Development Corp. Ctx-d01: Apple Computer Inc. [Lotus Development Corp. and] Compaq Computer Corp. Ctx-d01: Development Corp. and [Compaq Computer Corp. experienced] Ctx-d00: Campbell+ Calif.+ Eco-dxx: Galson+ Eco-dxx: Galson+ Eco-dxx: Galson+ Eco-dxx: Galson+ Eco-dxx: Galson+ Eco-dxx: In-Process+ Eco-dxx: In-Process+ Eco-dxx: Burr+ Eco-dxx: Egan+ Eco-dxx: Deleage+ Eco-dxx: Agardy+ Eco-dxx: Tetra+ Eco-dxx: Calif.+ Eco-dxx: Calif.+ Eco-dxx: And+ Eco-dxx: And+ Eco-dxx: IAI+ Cfd-d01: Venture [capitalists sated on computer Cfd-d00: partner of Venture [Capital Fund of New Cfd-d02: Venture Capital Fund [of New New New Cfd-d00: concerns as Galson [Remediation Corp. a Syracuse Cfd-d02: Galson Remediation Corp. [a Syracuse N.Y. company Cfd-d00: PCBs and In-Process [Technologies Inc. a Sunnyvale Cfd-d02: In-Process Technologies Inc. [a Sunnyvale Calif. provider Cfd-d02: a Sunnyvale Calif. [provider of industrial-waste processing Cfd-d00: such as Partek [Corp. of Vancouver Wash. Cfd-d00: such as American [Waste Services Inc. of Cfd-d00: American Waste Services [Inc. of Youngstown Ohio Cfd-d00: president of First [Analysis Corp. a Chicago Cfd-d02: First Analysis Corp. [a Chicago investment research Cfd-d00: partner at Burr [Egan Deleage Co. Cfd-d00: Burr Egan Deleage [ Co. a big Cfd-d02: Deleage Co. [a big Boston venture-capital Cfd-d00: Mr. Healer Venture [Capital Fund and Burr Cfd-d02: Venture Capital Fund [and Burr Egan Deleage Cfd-d00: Fund and Burr [Egan Deleage have invested Cfd-d02: Burr Egan Deleage [have invested a total Cfd-d00: Remediation.+ Galson Cfd-d01: Beach+ Cfd-d02: president of Galson [ Cfd-d02: other hazards Galson [method takes place in Cfd-d00: well says Franklin [Agardy chief chief executive Cfd-d02: officer of In-Process [ His company Cfd-d02: In-Process [which already has sold Cfd-d00: to a Dow [Chemical Co. plant in Cfd-d02: Dow Chemical Co. [plant in California says Cfd-d02: company Mr. Agardy [says Cfd-d00: According to Technologic [Computer Letter an industry Cfd-d02: And [the niches that remain Cfd-d00: such as Apple [Computer Inc. Lotus Development Cfd-d00: Apple Computer Inc. [Lotus Development Corp. and Cfd-d00: Inc. Lotus Development [Corp. and Compaq Computer Cfd-d00: Corp. and Compaq [Computer Corp. experienced Cfd-d02: Compaq Computer Corp. [experienced Cfd-d00: 600000 that Venture [Capital Fund of New Cfd-d02: Venture Capital Fund [of New New New Cfd-d00: invested in Groundwater [Technology Inc. a Norwood Cfd-d02: Groundwater Technology Inc. [a Norwood Mass. pollution-control Cfd-d02: And [an estimated 1 million Cfd-d00: funds in Tetra [Technologies Inc. a Woodlands Cfd-d02: Tetra Technologies Inc. [a Woodlands Texas recycling Cfd-d02: Tetra [went public earlier this Cfd-d00: Plant [Resources Venture Funds Boston Cfd-d01: Funds+ Cfd-d00: investor in BioTrol [Inc. a Chaska Minn. Cfd-d00: Grace [Ventures Corp. Cupertino Calif. Cfd-d01: Cupertino+ Cfd-d02: Corp. Cupertino Calif. [last year invested 1 Cfd-d00: million in Bio-Care [Inc The Cfd-d00: The Campbell [Calif. concern uses a Cfd-d00: And [IAI Venture Capital Group Cfd-d00: And IAI Venture [Capital Group Minneapolis has Cfd-d01: Minneapolis+ Cfd-d00: 700000 in Mycogen [Corp. a San San Cfd-d02: Almog of IAI [ But successful Cfd-d02: Mr.+ Tavelli+ Cfd-d02: Investors [must be particularly cautious Cfd-d00: Mackowski of Robertson [Stephens Co. San Cfd-d00: Robertson Stephens [Co. San San Francisco Cfu-d02: The+ Cfu-d01: Mr.+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: officer+ *to2-d00: Agardy chief chief [executive executive executive officer] of In-Process *to2-d00: as well says [Franklin Agardy chief chief] executive executive executive *to2-d00: alternative to incineration [says Richard Tavelli president] of Galson *to2-d00: two years according [to Oliver Nicklin president] of First Analysis Lnw-d01: New+ England+ Lnw-d01: New+ England+ invested Lnw-d01: San+ Diego+ company Lnw-d01: San+ Francisco+ Lcy-d01: Times+ Beach+ *lnw-d01: Capital Fund of [New New New] New England Lnw-d00: Vancouver+ Wash.+ Lnw-d01: Chicago+ investment Lnw-d01: Boston+ venture-capital *lnw-d01: Capital Fund of [New New New] New England invested Lnw-d01: Boston+ for Lnw-d01: Minneapolis+ has *lnw-d01: Mycogen Corp. a [San San Diego] company that uses *lnw-d01: Stephens Co. [San San Francisco] *ldl-d00: Venture capitalists sated on computer chips and] disk drives are 42 sentences, 138 hits, 37 misses, 78.86% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-057.wb': Pjn-d01: William+ R.+ Jackson+ holds Pbu-d01: Jackson+ Pbu-d01: of chairman emeritus [William R. Jackson] holds a total Pbu-d01: Jackson+ Pfd-d02: from certain Jackson [family charitable trusts Pfd-d00: chairman emeritus William [R. Jackson holds a Pfd-d02: William R. Jackson [holds a total of Pfd-d02: of the Jackson [family providing for the Cin-d01: Pitt-Des+ Moines+ Inc.+ Cfd-d00: PITTSBURGH Pitt-Des [Moines Inc. said it Cfd-d02: Pitt-Des Moines Inc. [said it will will To1-d00: chairman+ To2-d00: family+ of+ chairman+ Ldl-d00: PITTSBURGH+ 6 sentences, 12 hits, 2 misses, 85.71% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-058.wb': Pmr-d01: Ms.+ Dodd+ tackles Pmr-d00: Ms.+ Dodd+ Pmr-d00: Ms.+ Dodd+ Pmr-d01: Ms.+ Coyle+ knows Pmr-d01: Ms.+ Rubin+ is Pjn-d00: Susan+ Dodd+ Pjn-d00: Lee+ Smith+ Pjn-d01: Sharon+ the Pjn-d01: Raymond+ the Pbu-d01: fiction [Lee Smith] Me and My Pbu-d02: contrast to Ms. [Dodd wide interests and Pbu-d02: Ms. [Dodd themes include Jewish-Gentile Pbu-d02: Wives Tales Ms. [Dodd tackles a considerable Pbu-d01: 15 stories in [Susan Dodd] new collection Hell-Bent Epp-dxx: Coyle+ Pfd-d00: stories in Susan [Dodd new collection Hell-Bent Pfd-d02: Tales Ms. Dodd [tackles a considerable range Pfd-d02: Ms. Dodd [themes include Jewish-Gentile relationships Pfd-d02: to Ms. Dodd [wide interests and settings Pfd-d02: Beverly Coyle [engaging first novel The Pfd-d02: Although Ms. Coyle [knows how to capture Pfd-d00: Lee [Smith Me and My Pfd-d02: case of Sharon [the large pretty slow-moving Pfd-d02: affair with Raymond [the goofily flamboyant vaguely Pfd-d02: Ms. Rubin [is a free-lance critic Pfu-d02: Beverly+ Ctr-d00: Navy+ Cfd-d02: in the Navy [ And I To1-d00: minister+ To2-d00: Methodist+ minister+ Lnw-d00: Old+ Wives+ Lnw-d01: New+ York+ York+ the Lnw-d01: Los+ Angeles+ Lcy-d01: My+ Baby+ View+ Lcy-d00: Ticknor+ + Fields+ Lnw-d00: Beverly+ Coyle+ *lnw-d01: was taken to [New New New] New York York Lnw-d01: New New New [York York the] summer I turned *lnw-d01: critic living in [Los Los Angeles] *ldl-d00: The 15 stories in Susan Dodd new] collection Hell-Bent Men 35 sentences, 34 hits, 45 misses, 43.04% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-059.wb': Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Symons+ noted Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Symons+ maintained Pjn-d00: John+ W.+ Symons+ Pbu-d02: be reversed Mr. [Symons maintained Pbu-d02: Mr. [Symons noted that the Pbu-d01: [John W. Symons] executive executive executive Pfd-d00: John [W. Symons executive executive Pfd-d02: John W. Symons [executive executive executive] vice president in Pfd-d02: Mr. Symons [noted that the tight Pfd-d02: reversed Mr. Symons [maintained Cin-d01: Gillette+ Co.+ Ctx-d00: BOSTON Mass. [Gillette Co.] citing strong sales Ctx-d01: Gillette+ also Ctx-d01: Gillette+ said Ctx-d01: Gillette+ said Ctx-d01: Gillette+ achieve Ctx-d00: Gillette+ products Ctx-d01: Gillette+ noted Ctx-d01: Gillette+ considers Ctx-d00: Gillette+ razors Cfd-d00: Mass. Gillette [Co. citing strong sales Cfd-d02: Gillette [also announced at its Cfd-d02: Gillette [said its North North Cfd-d02: Gillette [said it already has Cfd-d02: is helping Gillette [achieve its goal of Cfd-d01: used other Gillette [products and 26% used Cfd-d02: and December Gillette [noted While Cfd-d02: small shift Gillette [considers it significant because Cfd-d01: with other Gillette [razors he said To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: president+ *to2-d00: W. Symons executive [executive executive vice president] in charge of Lnw-d01: North+ Atlantic+ shaving Lnw-d01: North+ Atlantic+ shaving Ldl-d00: BOSTON+ Mass.+ 16 sentences, 25 hits, 25 misses, 50.00% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-060.wb': Cin-d01: US+ Cin-d01: North+ North+ America+ Cin-d00: Latin+ America+ Cin-d01: South+ South+ South+ America+ Cin-d01: Central+ America+ Cin-d01: Nissan+ Motor+ Co.+ Ctx-d01: [Nissan Motor Co. has] begun construction on Ctx-d01: Nissan+ is Ctx-d01: Nissan+ vehicle Ctx-d01: Nissan+ hasn't Ctx-d01: Nissan+ expects Ctx-d01: Nissan+ will Ctx-d01: Nissan+ is Ctx-d01: Nissan+ total Cfd-d00: Nissan [Motor Co. has begun Cfd-d02: Nissan Motor Co. [has begun construction on Cfd-d02: maker said Nissan [is building the new Cfd-d02: would double Nissan [vehicle assembly capability in Cfd-d02: spokesman said Nissan [hasn't decided yet what Cfd-d00: exported to Central [America and South South Cfd-d00: America and South [South South] America the rest Cfd-d02: South South America [the rest are sold Cfd-d00: to Japan Latin [America and North North Cfd-d00: America and North [North America Cfd-d02: North North America [ Cfd-d02: Nissan [expects to hire about Cfd-d02: expansion but Nissan [will will] hire an additional Cfd-d02: come as Nissan [is expanding capacity in Cfd-d02: in the US [ The auto Cfd-d02: Nissan [total investment at Smyrna Cfu-d00: America and North [North America Cfu-d00: America and South [South South] America the rest Lnw-d00: South+ America+ Lnw-d01: North+ America+ Lcy-d01: Mexico+ Mexico+ City+ Lcy-d01: Mexico+ Mexico+ City+ Lnw-d01: Smyrna+ Tenn+ Lnw-d01: Smyrna+ will Lnw-d01: Smyrna+ which 15 sentences, 32 hits, 23 misses, 58.18% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-061.wb': Cin-d01: German+ Electric+ Utilities+ Cin-d01: Association+ Cfd-d02: 1989 the Association [of German Electric Utilities Cfd-d00: Association of German [Electric Utilities said Cfd-d02: German Electric Utilities [said Lnw-d01: West+ Germany+ Lnw-d01: West+ Germany+ by Ldl-d00: FRANKFURT+ West+ West 3 sentences, 10 hits, 4 misses, 71.43% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-062.wb': Pjn-d00: David+ Geffen+ Co.+ Pjn-d00: David+ Hoberman+ Pjn-d00: John+ Goldwyn+ Epp-dxx: Co.+ Pfd-d00: with the David [Geffen Co. an independent Pfd-d02: David Geffen Co. [an independent producer he Pfd-d02: Walt Disney Co. [and Columbia Pictures ended Pfd-d00: rewrites said David [Hoberman head of Disney Pfd-d00: script said John [Goldwyn executive executive executive Pfu-d01: Walt+ Disney+ Cin-d01: MGM/UA+ Communications+ Co+ Cin-d00: Walt+ Disney+ Co.+ Cin-d01: David+ Geffen+ Co.+ Ctx-d01: Fox+ Walt Ctx-d01: world-wide production at [MGM/UA Communications Co ] Eco-dxx: David+ Eco-dxx: Disney+ Cfd-d00: with the David [Geffen Co. an independent Cfd-d02: David Geffen Co. [an independent producer he Cfd-d00: Twentieth Century Fox [Walt Disney Co. and Cfd-d00: Fox Walt Disney [Co. and Columbia Pictures Cfd-d01: Hoberman+ Cfd-d02: Touchstone+ unit Cfd-d00: production at MGM/UA [Communications Co Cfd-d02: MGM/UA Communications Co [ Cfu-d02: Twentieth+ Century+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: president+ *to2-d00: John Goldwyn executive [executive executive vice president] of world-wide production Ldl-d00: LOS+ ANGELES+ AP+ 12 sentences, 23 hits, 9 misses, 71.88% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-063.wb': Pjn-d00: Marc+ Cohen+ Pbu-d01: industry trend said [Marc Cohen] an analyst analyst Pfd-d00: trend said Marc [Cohen an analyst analyst Cin-d00: American+ Brands+ *cin-d01: In [New New New New York York Stock Exchange] composite trading yesterday Cin-d01: First+ Boston+ Corp+ Cin-d01: Sales+ Cin-d01: Sanford+ C.+ Bernstein+ + Co.+ Cin-d01: American+ Brands+ Cin-d01: American+ Brands+ Cin-d01: Southland+ Life+ Cin-d01: American+ Brands+ Cin-d01: UST+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: American+ Brands+ Inc.+ Eco-dxx: UST+ Eco-dxx: UST+ Eco-dxx: UST+ Cfd-d00: American [Brands Inc. and UST Cfd-d02: American Brands Inc. [and UST Inc. both Cfd-d00: Inc. and UST [Inc. both reported strong Cfd-d00: American [Brands net income rose Cfd-d00: absence of Southland [Life an insurance company Cfd-d00: profit from American [Brands core tobacco business Cfd-d00: American [Brands U.S. tobacco volume Cfd-d00: analyst with Sanford [C. Bernstein Co. Cfd-d00: Sanford C. Bernstein [ Co. but the Cfd-d02: Bernstein Co. [but the company as Cfd-d02: At UST [the U.S. leading marketer Cfd-d02: Sales [grew 11% to 175.3 Cfd-d00: analyst with First [Boston Corp Cfd-d02: First Boston Corp [ Cfd-d02: UST [earnings included a pretax Cfd-d00: trading yesterday American [Brands closed at 64.75 Cfd-d02: 1.50 and UST [closed at 26.875 down Cfu-d02: At+ To1-d00: analyst+ To1-d00: analyst+ To2-d00: analyst+ analyst+ To2-d00: analyst+ analyst+ Lnw-d00: Old+ Greenwich+ *lnw-d01: New New New [New York York Stock] Exchange composite trading Lnw-d00: Greenwich Conn.+ Lnw-d00: Greenwich+ Conn.+ Lnw-d01: Boston+ Corp+ *lnw-d01: In [New New New] New York York *lnw-d01: New New New [York York Stock] Exchange composite trading 16 sentences, 39 hits, 22 misses, 63.93% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-064.wb': Pjn-d00: Richard+ Ferrari+ Pjn-d00: Jack+ Olshansky+ Pfd-d00: Calif Richard [Ferrari formerly executive executive Pfd-d00: He succeeds Jack [Olshansky a director who Cin-d01: ADAC+ Laboratories+ Cin-d01: MEDSTONE+ INTERNATIONAL+ Inc.+ Cfd-d00: MEDSTONE [INTERNATIONAL Inc. Irvine Calif Cfd-d01: Irvine+ Cfd-d00: president for ADAC [Laboratories was named president To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: officer+ To1-d00: director+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: officer+ *to2-d00: interim president and [chief chief operating officer] since November 1989 *to2-d00: a director who [served as interim president] and chief chief To2-d00: director+ Ldl-d00: MEDSTONE+ INTERNATIONAL+ Inc.+ Irvine+ Calif+ 3 sentences, 20 hits, 1 misses, 95.24% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-065.wb': Pjn-d01: Will+ Seize+ Their+ Funds+ Pfd-d00: That Governments Will [Seize Their Funds Pfd-d00: Will Seize Their [Funds Bank Accounts Pfu-d01: Fearful+ That+ Governments+ Cin-d01: Bank+ Cin-d01: Latin+ American+ Ctx-d00: WSJ+ April+ 16 Eco-dxx: Latin+ Cfd-d00: article about Latin [American countries struggling with *cfd-d02: See [Latin Americans Are Keeping] Lots of Cash *cfd-d02: Their Funds [Bank Accounts Are Risky] as Nations Wage Cfd-d00: Down WSJ [April 16 1990 *ldl-d00: ARGENTINA faced a monthly inflation rate of] 71% in January 3 sentences, 13 hits, 18 misses, 41.94% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-066.wb': Pmr-d01: Chairman+ Richard+ Breeden+ argues Pmr-d01: Secretary+ Nicholas+ Brady+ and Pmr-d00: Rep.+ Edward+ Markey+ D.+ Pmr-d01: Sen.+ Gorton+ is Pmr-d00: Rep.+ John+ Dingell+ Pmr-d01: Secretary+ Brady+ to Pmr-d01: Sen.+ Phil+ Gramm+ of Pmr-d01: Mrs.+ Gramm+ argues Pmr-d00: Rep.+ Glenn+ English+ Pjn-d01: SEC Chairman [Richard Breeden argues] that jurisdiction over Pjn-d01: of Treasury Secretary [Nicholas Brady and] his right-hand man Pjn-d01: Robert+ Glauber+ Pjn-d00: merger says Rep. [Edward Markey D.] Mass. chairman of Pjn-d00: Dan+ Glickman+ D.+ Pjn-d00: Dennis+ Eckart+ D.+ Pjn-d00: Rep. [John Dingell] chairman of the Pjn-d00: Mary+ Schapiro+ Pjn-d00: Alan+ Greenspan+ Pjn-d01: husband GOP Sen. [Phil Gramm of] Texas who sits Pjn-d00: standpoint says Rep. [Glenn English] head of the Pbu-d02: shifting jurisdiction Mrs. [Gramm argues Pbu-d02: husband GOP Sen. [Phil Gramm] of Texas who Pbu-d01: CFTC+ Chairwoman+ Wendy+ Gramm+ Pbu-d01: Even usually stoic [Alan Greenspan] Federal Reserve chairman Pbu-d02: asked Treasury Secretary [Brady to submit proposals Pbu-d02: Rep. [John Dingell] chairman of the Pbu-d01: Brady+ Pbu-d01: The+ Bush+ Pbu-d02: of Treasury Secretary [Nicholas Brady] and his right-hand Pbu-d02: SEC Chairman [Richard Breeden] argues that jurisdiction Epp-dxx: Glauber+ Epp-dxx: The+ Epp-dxx: The+ Epp-dxx: The+ Epp-dxx: The+ Epp-dxx: The+ Epp-dxx: Gorton+ Epp-dxx: CFTC+ Epp-dxx: CFTC+ Epp-dxx: CFTC+ Epp-dxx: CFTC+ Epp-dxx: CFTC+ Epp-dxx: CFTC+ Epp-dxx: CFTC+ Epp-dxx: CFTC+ Epp-dxx: CFTC+ Epp-dxx: CFTC+ Epp-dxx: CFTC+ Epp-dxx: CFTC+ Pfd-d02: The [takeover target is the Pfd-d01: R.+ Pfd-d02: oversees the CFTC [ Pfd-d02: rapidly laments CFTC [member Fowler West West Pfd-d02: Indeed the CFTC [suddenly finds itself with Pfd-d02: While the CFTC [tries to stand tough Pfd-d02: of the CFTC [jurisdiction to the SEC Pfd-d02: scandal the CFTC [looks ripe for a Pfd-d00: SEC Chairman Richard [Breeden argues that jurisdiction Pfd-d00: Treasury Secretary Nicholas [Brady and his right-hand Pfd-d00: right-hand man Robert [Glauber We Pfd-d02: regulation Undersecretary Glauber [told senators recently Pfd-d00: The [Bush administration backing was Pfd-d02: power of Brady [in forging ahead with Pfd-d00: says Rep. Edward [Markey D. Mass. chairman Pfd-d01: Mass.+ Pfd-d02: by the CFTC [ Pfd-d02: Sen. Gorton [is proposing to shift Pfd-d02: SEC from CFTC [leaving the futures regulator Pfd-d00: side Reps. Dan [Glickman D. Kan. and Pfd-d01: Kan.+ Pfd-d00: Kan. and Dennis [Eckart D. Ohio have Pfd-d01: Ohio+ Pfd-d00: Rep. John [Dingell chairman of the Pfd-d02: Treasury Secretary Brady [to submit proposals by Pfd-d02: The [futures industry folks are Pfd-d00: SEC member Mary [Schapiro It may not Pfd-d00: usually stoic Alan [Greenspan Federal Reserve chairman Pfd-d02: by the CFTC [were rocked by 48 Pfd-d02: That led CFTC [critics to wonder just Pfd-d02: The [dispute sounds technical but Pfd-d00: argument infuriates CFTC [Chairwoman Wendy Gramm who Pfd-d00: CFTC Chairwoman Wendy [Gramm who contends that Pfd-d02: from the CFTC [purview would deeply weaken Pfd-d00: GOP Sen. Phil [Gramm of Texas who Pfd-d02: jurisdiction Mrs. Gramm [argues Pfd-d02: The [discussions on Capitol Hill Pfd-d00: says Rep. Glenn [English head of the Pfd-d02: oversees the CFTC [ The reasons Pfd-d02: The [reasons may change from Pfu-d01: Reps.+ Pfu-d01: Undersecretary+ Pfu-d02: Slade+ Cin-d01: Investment+ Cin-d01: Securities+ Cin-d01: Exchange+ Cin-d01: Securities+ Ctx-d01: CFTC+ Ctx-d01: CFTC+ member Ctx-d01: CFTC+ suddenly Ctx-d01: CFTC+ tries Ctx-d01: CFTC+ jurisdiction Ctx-d01: CFTC+ looks Ctx-d01: CFTC+ Ctx-d01: CFTC+ leaving Ctx-d01: CFTC+ were Ctx-d01: CFTC+ critics Ctx-d00: CFTC+ Chairwoman+ Wendy+ Gramm+ Ctx-d01: CFTC+ purview Ctx-d01: CFTC+ Ctr-d00: Senate+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: Senate+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: Senate+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Eco-dxx: Gramm+ Eco-dxx: Gramm+ Cfd-d02: takeovers the Securities [and Exchange Commission is Cfd-d02: Commission+ is Cfd-d01: Agriculture+ Committee+ Cfd-d02: oversees the CFTC [ Cfd-d02: rapidly laments CFTC [member Fowler West West Cfd-d02: Indeed the CFTC [suddenly finds itself with Cfd-d02: While the CFTC [tries to stand tough Cfd-d02: of the CFTC [jurisdiction to the SEC Cfd-d02: to the SEC [ That's a Cfd-d02: to the SEC [was fiercely opposed by Cfd-d02: scandal the CFTC [looks ripe for a Cfd-d02: And the SEC [holds a far stronger *cfd-d02: [SEC Chairman Richard Breeden] argues that jurisdiction *cfd-d02: the backing of [Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady] and his right-hand Cfd-d02: by the SEC [and the regulation of Cfd-d02: by the CFTC [ Cfd-d02: meet the SEC [halfway That's Cfd-d02: to the SEC [from CFTC leaving the Cfd-d02: SEC from CFTC [leaving the futures regulator Cfd-d02: Securities [committees in both houses Cfd-d02: Secretary+ Brady+ to Cfd-d02: A Treasury [official said the administration Cfd-d02: to the SEC [ This is Cfd-d02: Banking+ Committee+ Cfd-d02: Adds SEC [member Mary Schapiro It Cfd-d02: of the SEC [bid claim that momentum Cfd-d02: by the CFTC [were rocked by 48 Cfd-d02: That led CFTC [critics to wonder just Cfd-d02: Investment [in stocks has dwindled Cfd-d00: argument infuriates CFTC [Chairwoman Wendy Gramm who Cfd-d00: CFTC Chairwoman Wendy [Gramm who contends that Cfd-d02: from the CFTC [purview would deeply weaken Cfd-d02: Sen. Phil Gramm [of Texas who sits Cfd-d01: Banking+ Committee+ Cfd-d02: oversees the SEC [ No problems Cfd-d02: jurisdiction Mrs. Gramm [argues Cfd-d02: to the SEC [backers Cfd-d02: oversees the CFTC [ The reasons Cfu-d01: Mrs.+ *cfu-d01: by her husband [GOP Sen. Phil Gramm] of Texas who Cfu-d02: Adds+ Cfu-d02: A+ Tch-d00: Chairman+ Tch-d00: Secretary+ Tch-d00: Rep.+ Tch-d00: Sen.+ Tch-d00: Rep.+ Tch-d00: Secretary+ Tch-d00: Sen.+ Tch-d00: Rep.+ To1-d00: chairman+ To1-d00: chairman+ To1-d00: chairman+ To1-d00: chairman+ *to2-d00: usually stoic Alan [Greenspan Federal Reserve chairman] told senators last *to2-d00: [Rep. John Dingell chairman] of the House *to2-d00: says Rep. Edward [Markey D. Mass. chairman] of the House *to2-d00: Led by a [politically savvy well-connected chairman] the agency is Lnw-d01: West+ Lnw-d00: New+ York+ York+ Lcy-d01: Capitol+ Hill+ Lcy-d01: Capitol+ Hill+ Lcy-d01: Capitol+ Hill+ Lnw-d01: Chicago+ futures Lnw-d01: Chicago+ markets Lnw-d01: Chicago+ exchanges *lnw-d00: stocks traded in [New New New] New York York Lnw-d00: New New New [York York] but are traded Lnw-d01: Chicago+ futures Ldl-d00: WASHINGTON+ 59 sentences, 109 hits, 50 misses, 68.55% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-067.wb': Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Milligan+ worked Pjn-d01: James+ D.+ Milligan+ to Pfd-d00: Allegheny tapped James [D. Milligan to head Pfd-d02: James D. Milligan [to head its new Pfd-d02: that Mr. Milligan [worked closely with DLJ Cin-d00: Lufkin+ + Jenrette+ Securities+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Japonica+ Partners+ Cin-d01: Allegheny+ International+ Inc.+ Eco-dxx: Allegheny+ Eco-dxx: Allegheny+ Eco-dxx: Allegheny+ Eco-dxx: Allegheny+ Eco-dxx: Allegheny+ Eco-dxx: Allegheny+ Eco-dxx: Allegheny+ Eco-dxx: Allegheny+ Eco-dxx: Allegheny+ Eco-dxx: Japonica+ Eco-dxx: Japonica+ Eco-dxx: Japonica+ Eco-dxx: Japonica+ Eco-dxx: Japonica+ Eco-dxx: Japonica+ Eco-dxx: Japonica+ Eco-dxx: Japonica+ Eco-dxx: Japonica+ Eco-dxx: Japonica+ Eco-dxx: Japonica+ Eco-dxx: Japonica+ Cfd-d00: PITTSBURGH Allegheny [International Inc. and Japonica Cfd-d02: Allegheny International Inc. [and Japonica Partners a Cfd-d00: Inc. and Japonica [Partners a New New Cfd-d02: Allegheny [reorganization plan calls for Cfd-d02: stock while Japonica [plan to buy Allegheny Cfd-d02: to buy Allegheny [for 655 million would Cfd-d02: Allegheny [said Japonica bought enough Cfd-d02: Allegheny said Japonica [bought enough bank claims Cfd-d02: Allegheny [attorneys argued yesterday that Cfd-d02: yesterday that Japonica [wasn't acting in good Cfd-d02: example that Japonica [began acquiring bank claims Cfd-d02: interesting twist Japonica [said that Donaldson Lufkin Cfd-d00: that Donaldson Lufkin [ Jenrette Securities Corp. Cfd-d00: Lufkin Jenrette [Securities Corp. which tried Cfd-d02: Jenrette Securities Corp. [which tried to buy Cfd-d02: to buy Allegheny [three times in the Cfd-d02: Japonica [produced a letter from Cfd-d02: DLJ to Allegheny [secured banks saying that Cfd-d02: Japonica [charged that DLJ is Cfd-d01: tied to Allegheny [management and that the Cfd-d02: against the Japonica [plan Japonica Cfd-d02: Japonica [said that Allegheny tapped Cfd-d02: said that Allegheny [tapped James D. Milligan Cfd-d02: choice for Allegheny [chief chief] executive executive executive Cfd-d02: to nullify Japonica [vote against the company Cfd-d02: argued that Japonica [by blocking the company Cfd-d02: to the Japonica [plan To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: officer+ *to2-d00: Allegheny chief chief [executive executive executive officer] when DLJ was *to2-d00: was DLJ choice [for Allegheny chief chief] executive executive executive Lnw-d01: New+ York+ York+ investor *lnw-d01: Japonica Partners a [New New New] New York York Lnw-d01: New New New [York York investor] group trying to Ldl-d00: PITTSBURGH+ 13 sentences, 43 hits, 14 misses, 75.44% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-068.wb': Pmr-d01: President+ Capital+ + Business+ Planning+ Inc+ *pjn-d01: [James E. Newdick President Capital Business] Planning Inc Epp-dxx: Planning+ Pfd-d02: Cloud Financial Planning [the role of due Pfd-d00: Newdick President Capital [ Business Planning Inc Pfd-d00: Capital Business [Planning Inc Pfd-d02: Business Planning Inc [ Pfu-d02: Conflict+ Issues+ Cloud+ Financial+ *cin-d01: James [E. Newdick President Capital Business Planning Inc] Cin-d01: Conflict+ Issues+ Cloud+ Financial+ Cfd-d00: 22 article Conflict [Issues Cloud Financial Planning Cfd-d00: Conflict Issues Cloud [Financial Planning the role Tch-d00: President+ To1-d00: adviser+ *to2-d00: not entirely rely [on one investment adviser] recommendation until the 7 sentences, 12 hits, 5 misses, 70.59% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-069.wb': Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Sowell+ is Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Sowell+ states Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Sowell+ would Pmr-d00: Director+ Vicorp+ Exec+ Inc.+ Placement+ Services+ Terre+ Haute+ Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Sowell+ Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Sowell+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Sowell+ also Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Sowell+ states Pmr-d01: Professor+ Sociology+ Harris-Stowe+ State+ College+ St.+ Louis+ Pjr-d01: War+ II+ Pjn-d00: Thomas+ Sowell+ *pjn-d00: [Charles E. Seeney Managing Director Vicorp Exec] Inc. Placement Services Pjn-d00: Susan+ Richman+ Pjn-d01: Phillip+ Rhodes+ Detroit+ *pjn-d01: [John P. Burke Associate Professor Sociology Harris-Stowe] State College St. Pjn-d01: State College St. [Louis ] Pfd-d00: Regarding Thomas [Sowell March 6 editorial-page Pfd-d02: Mr. Sowell [is attempting to justify Pfd-d01: as Mr. Sowell [states they attempted to Pfd-d02: But Mr. Sowell [would have us believe Pfd-d00: Managing Director Vicorp [Exec Inc. Placement Services Pfd-d00: Vicorp Exec Inc. [Placement Services Terre Haute Pfd-d00: Inc. Placement Services [Terre Haute Ind Pfd-d02: Ind+ Pfd-d00: in pre-World War [II Europe were clustered Pfd-d02: for Mr. Sowell [article Pfd-d00: Susan [Richman MD Pfd-d02: Mr. Sowell [clever reasoning that majorities Pfd-d02: Mr. Sowell [also claims that the Pfd-d00: Phillip [Rhodes Detroit The Pfd-d02: Phillip Rhodes Detroit [ The assumption behind Pfd-d01: as Mr. Sowell [states that different Pfd-d00: Associate Professor Sociology [Harris-Stowe State College St. Pfd-d00: Sociology Harris-Stowe State [College St. Louis Pfd-d00: State College St. [Louis Pfu-d02: Regarding+ *cin-d01: John [P. Burke Associate Professor Sociology Harris-Stowe State College] St. Louis Cin-d01: American+ Cin-d01: American+ Cin-d01: US+ *cin-d01: Charles E. [Seeney Managing Director Vicorp Exec Inc. Placement Services] Terre Haute Ind Cin-d01: American+ Cfd-d02: danger to American [society as a whole Cfd-d02: in the US [ He attempts Cfd-d01: danger to American [society The Cfd-d02: policies of American [elitists who tried to Tch-d00: Director+ Tch-d00: Professor+ Lnw-d01: Middle+ Ages+ Lnw-d00: New+ Haven+ *lcy-d01: New [New New New Haven] Conn *lnw-d00: [New New New] New Haven Conn Lnw-d01: Detroit+ *ldl-d00: Regarding Thomas Sowell March 6 editorial-page article] Affirmative Action From 34 sentences, 48 hits, 29 misses, 62.34% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-070.wb': Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Cfd-d02: the U.K. Treasury [said Cfu-d02: U.K.+ Ldl-d00: LONDON+ 3 sentences, 3 hits, 8 misses, 27.27% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-071.wb': Cin-d01: American+ Cin-d01: America+ Cin-d01: Aluminum+ Co.+ Cfd-d00: PITTSBURGH Aluminum [Co. of America said Cfd-d02: Co. of America [said it collected 17.1 Cfd-d02: for each American [ Ldl-d00: PITTSBURGH+ 6 sentences, 5 hits, 5 misses, 50.00% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-072.wb': Pmr-d01: Secretary+ Elizabeth+ Dole+ said Pmr-d00: Rep.+ Tom+ Lantos+ D.+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Scannell+ said Pjn-d00: Alan+ McMillan+ Pjn-d00: Richard+ Leonard+ Pjn-d00: Glen+ Williamson+ Pjn-d00: Even so Rep. [Tom Lantos D.] Calif. chairman of Pbu-d01: White+ Epp-dxx: Glen+ Epp-dxx: Glen+ Epp-dxx: Scannell+ Pfd-d01: House+ soon Pfd-d00: hazards said Alan [McMillan an OSHA official Pfd-d00: Labor Secretary Elizabeth [Dole said there was Pfd-d00: renegade said Richard [Leonard director of special Pfd-d00: Glen [Glen Glen] Williamson an OSHA Pfd-d02: Glen Glen Williamson [an OSHA deputy regional Pfd-d02: since Gerard Scannell [took over as head Pfd-d00: so Rep. Tom [Lantos D. Calif. chairman Pfd-d01: Calif.+ Pfd-d02: Mr. Scannell [said the primary cause Pfu-d02: Gerard+ Pfu-d00: Glen [Glen Glen] Williamson an OSHA Cin-d01: Exxon+ Corp.+ Cin-d00: Chemical+ Cin-d01: Oil+ Cin-d01: America+ Cin-d01: Fish+ Engineering+ + Construction+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Labor+ Department+ Cin-d01: Phillips+ Petroleum+ Co.+ Cin-d01: The+ Labor+ Department+ Ctx-d00: moved to fine [Phillips Petroleum Co. 5.7] million accusing the Ctx-d01: Phillips+ said Ctx-d01: Phillips+ documents Ctx-d00: Phillips+ documents Ctx-d01: Phillips+ catastrophe Ctx-d00: Phillips+ Pasadena+ Ctx-d01: Phillips+ of Ctx-d01: Phillips+ documents Ctx-d00: Phillips+ plants Ctx-d01: Phillips+ is Ctx-d01: Phillips+ explosion Ctx-d00: Phillips+ 720 Ctx-d01: Phillips+ plants Ctx-d01: Phillips+ procedures Ctx-d01: Phillips+ own Ctx-d01: Phillips+ explosions Ctx-d01: of a huge [Exxon Corp. refinery] in Baton Rouge Ctx-d01: Phillips+ and Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: Labor+ Eco-dxx: Pasadena+ Eco-dxx: Fish+ Eco-dxx: Fish+ Eco-dxx: Fish+ Eco-dxx: Fish+ Eco-dxx: Fish+ Cfd-d00: The [Labor Department moved to Cfd-d02: The Labor Department [moved to fine Phillips Cfd-d00: to fine Phillips [Petroleum Co. 5.7 million Cfd-d01: Phillips Petroleum Co. [5.7 million accusing the Cfd-d02: Phillips [said it would contest Cfd-d02: The [alleged violations are viewed Cfd-d01: The [department Occupational Safety and Cfd-d02: uncovered internal Phillips [documents that called for Cfd-d00: by the Labor [Department will will note Cfd-d01: as the Phillips [documents however he said Cfd-d02: by the Phillips [catastrophe Cfd-d02: The [explosions and an accompanying Cfd-d00: 130 at Phillips [Pasadena Texas petrochemical plant Cfd-d01: The [5.7 million fine is Cfd-d00: 730000 against Fish [Engineering Construction Inc. Cfd-d00: Fish Engineering [Construction Inc. a Houston-area Cfd-d02: Construction Inc. [a Houston-area contractor on Cfd-d02: Fish [said it would contest Cfd-d02: OSHA accused Phillips [of 566 willful violations Cfd-d02: The [citations included failure to Cfd-d02: Fish [was cited for 181 *cfd-d02: [Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole] said there was Cfd-d02: discuss the Phillips [documents Cfd-d02: The [fire and explosions one Cfd-d02: one of America [biggest postwar industrial accidents Cfd-d02: Fish [has been the almost-exclusive Cfd-d02: at the Pasadena [site for about 17 Cfd-d01: at other Phillips [plants OSHA said Cfd-d02: worked for Fish [ Cfd-d02: Phillips [is not a renegade Cfd-d00: for the Oil [Chemical and Atomic Workers Cfd-d02: said the Phillips [explosion showed the cop Cfd-d02: The [last full sweep was Cfd-d01: OSHA fined Phillips [720 Cfd-d02: inspections of Phillips [plants in a four-state Cfd-d02: Contrary to Phillips [procedures and industry practice Cfd-d02: Phillips [own investigation asserted that Cfd-d00: The [Phillips explosions seemed to Cfd-d00: a huge Exxon [Corp. refinery in Baton Cfd-d02: Phillips [and Fish have 15 Cfd-d02: Phillips and Fish [have 15 days to Tch-d00: Secretary+ Tch-d00: Rep.+ To1-d00: director+ To1-d00: director+ To1-d00: chairman+ To1-d00: worker+ *to2-d00: at the same [plant killed one worker] worker and seriously *to2-d00: so Rep. Tom [Lantos D. Calif. chairman] of the House *to2-d00: Glen Williamson an [OSHA deputy regional director] said yesterday action *to2-d00: not a renegade [said Richard Leonard director] of special projects Lnw-d00: Glen+ Glen+ Glen+ Williamson+ Lcy-d01: [Glen Glen] Glen Williamson an Lnw-d01: Houston+ in Lnw-d00: Pasadena+ Texas+ Lnw-d01: Houston+ a Lnw-d01: Pasadena+ site 41 sentences, 69 hits, 38 misses, 64.49% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-073.wb': Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Pennington+ says Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Pennington+ recalls Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Pennington+ says Pjr-d01: Timothy+ M.+ Pennington+ III+ Pjn-d00: buy-out market says [Timothy M. Pennington III] co-founder of Brentwood Pjn-d00: Ronald+ D.+ Van+ Horssen+ Pfd-d00: market says Timothy [M. Pennington III co-founder Pfd-d00: Timothy M. Pennington [III co-founder of Brentwood Pfd-d02: times Mr. Pennington [says Pfd-d02: auction Mr. Pennington [recalls There Pfd-d02: leverage Mr. Pennington [says The Pfd-d00: Ronald [D. Van Horssen president Pfd-d00: Ronald D. Van [Horssen president and chief Cin-d01: Minstar+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Tuboscope+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Educational+ Publishing+ Co.+ Cin-d01: Prince+ Manufacturing+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Mobile+ Technology+ Cin-d01: Mobile+ Technology+ Cin-d01: The+ Mobile+ Technology+ Cin-d00: Mobile+ Technology+ Cin-d01: Mobile+ Technology+ Cin-d01: Mobile+ Technology+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Brentwood+ Associates+ Eco-dxx: Brentwood+ Eco-dxx: Brentwood+ Eco-dxx: Brentwood+ Eco-dxx: Brentwood+ Eco-dxx: Brentwood+ Eco-dxx: Brentwood+ Eco-dxx: Brentwood+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: Tuboscope+ Cfd-d00: co-founder of Brentwood [Associates Cfd-d00: buy-out of Mobile [Technology Inc. a closely Cfd-d02: Mobile Technology Inc. [a closely held provider Cfd-d02: The [completion of the deal Cfd-d02: drought for Brentwood [ Cfd-d02: smaller firms Brentwood [found itself priced out Cfd-d00: bidding for Mobile [Technology began last year Cfd-d02: pricey for Brentwood [taste The Cfd-d02: The [auction process started with Cfd-d00: Ultimately Mobile [Technology came back to Cfd-d02: The [equity requirement had gone Cfd-d00: The [Mobile Technology buy-out includes Cfd-d02: The Mobile Technology [buy-out includes equity of Cfd-d02: contributed by Brentwood [from a 140 million Cfd-d02: The [rest of the purchase Cfd-d00: officer of Mobile [Technology said the buy-out Cfd-d02: noting that Brentwood [philosophy is to grow Cfd-d00: Mobile [Technology had 1989 revenue Cfd-d02: The [company has 465 employees Cfd-d02: Brentwood [with more than 470 Cfd-d00: buy-outs of Prince [Manufacturing Inc. a tennis Cfd-d02: Prince Manufacturing Inc. [a tennis racket maker Cfd-d00: maker and Educational [Publishing Co. among others Cfd-d02: Educational Publishing Co. [among others Cfd-d02: Brentwood [most recent buy-out was Cfd-d00: was of Tuboscope [Corp. in 1988 purchased Cfd-d00: purchased from Minstar [Inc. for about 136 Cfd-d02: Tuboscope [was taken public last To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: executive+ To1-d00: officer+ *to2-d00: and chief chief [executive executive executive officer] of Mobile Technology *to2-d00: D. Van Horssen [president and chief chief] executive executive executive Lnw-d01: New+ York+ York+ buy-out *lnw-d01: from the big [New New New] New York York Lnw-d01: New New New [York York buy-out] firms Ldl-d00: LOS+ ANGELES+ 24 sentences, 56 hits, 6 misses, 90.32% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-074.wb': Cin-d01: Salomon+ Brothers+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: BARRETT+ RESOURCES+ Corp.+ Ctx-d01: debt [Salomon Brothers Inc. was] the underwriter Cfd-d00: BARRETT [RESOURCES Corp. a Denver-based Cfd-d02: BARRETT RESOURCES Corp. [a Denver-based oil and Cfd-d00: Salomon [Brothers Inc. was the Cfd-d02: Salomon Brothers Inc. [was the underwriter 3 sentences, 6 hits, 1 misses, 85.71% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-075.wb': Pmr-d00: Sen.+ Donald+ W.+ Riegle+ Jr.+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Yashiro+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Yashiro+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Yashiro+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Yashiro+ said Pjr-d00: Michigan+ Sen. Pjn-d00: Committee Michigan Sen. [Donald W. Riegle Jr.] has said that Pbu-d01: Sumitomo+ Epp-dxx: Yashiro+ Pfd-d00: Banking Committee Michigan [Sen. Donald W. Riegle Pfd-d00: Michigan Sen. Donald [W. Riegle Jr. has Pfd-d00: Donald W. Riegle [Jr. has said that Pfd-d01: Citibank+ Pfd-d02: Mr. Yashiro [said he still hasn't Pfd-d02: ministry Mr. Yashiro [said Pfd-d02: Mr. Yashiro [said Citibank will will Pfd-d02: Bank+ Ltd+ Pfd-d02: profitable Mr. Yashiro [said But Pfu-d02: Masamoto+ Cin-d01: Sumitomo+ Bank+ Ltd+ Cin-d01: Chase+ Manhattan+ Bank+ Cin-d01: Mitsui+ Taiyo+ Kobe+ Bank+ Ltd.+ Cin-d01: Taiyo+ Kobe+ Bank+ Ltd.+ Cin-d00: Mitsui+ Bank+ Ltd.+ Cin-d01: Dai-Ichi+ Kangyo+ Bank+ Ltd.+ Cin-d01: US+ Ctx-d01: Citicorp+ Ctx-d01: Citicorp+ Citibank+ in Ctx-d01: country major banks [Mitsui Bank Ltd. and] Taiyo Kobe Bank Ctx-d01: merged to form [Mitsui Taiyo Kobe Bank Ltd. the] world second-largest bank Ctr-d00: Senate+ Eco-dxx: Citibank+ Eco-dxx: Citibank+ Eco-dxx: Citibank+ Eco-dxx: Citibank+ Eco-dxx: Citibank+ Eco-dxx: Citibank+ Eco-dxx: Citibank+ Eco-dxx: Citibank+ Eco-dxx: Citibank+ Eco-dxx: Citibank+ Eco-dxx: Dai-Ichi+ Eco-dxx: Kangyo+ Cfd-d02: chiefly benefits Citicorp [ Cfd-d00: But Citicorp [Citibank in particular will Cfd-d01: Banking+ Committee+ Cfd-d02: in the US [ Cfd-d00: Dai-Ichi [Kangyo Bank Ltd. which Cfd-d00: Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank [Ltd. which acts as Cfd-d02: terms for Citibank [reverse discrimination though Cfd-d02: its part Citibank [the largest foreign bank Cfd-d02: will give Citibank [greater access to Japan Cfd-d02: in as Citibank [officials had feared they Cfd-d02: Masamoto Yashiro Citibank [chief chief] country officer in Cfd-d02: yesterday that Citibank [will will] start dollar-denominated loans Cfd-d02: noted that Citibank [already has noticed that Cfd-d00: major banks Mitsui [Bank Ltd. and Taiyo Cfd-d02: Mitsui Bank Ltd. [and Taiyo Kobe Bank Cfd-d00: Ltd. and Taiyo [Kobe Bank Ltd. merged Cfd-d00: Taiyo Kobe Bank [Ltd. merged to form Cfd-d00: to form Mitsui [Taiyo Kobe Bank Ltd. Cfd-d00: Mitsui Taiyo Kobe [Bank Ltd. the world Cfd-d02: Kobe Bank Ltd. [the world second-largest bank Cfd-d00: bank behind Dai-Ichi [Kangyo The Cfd-d02: in Japan Citibank [won't be a serious Cfd-d00: spokesman for Chase [Manhattan Bank here said Cfd-d02: Chase Manhattan Bank [here said Cfd-d02: Yashiro said Citibank [will will] continue to focus Cfd-d00: sold to Sumitomo [Bank Ltd Cfd-d02: Sumitomo Bank Ltd [ Cfd-d02: the moment Citibank [retail operation in Japan Cfu-d02: But+ Tch-d00: Sen.+ To1-d00: chairman+ To1-d00: chairman+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: officer+ *to2-d00: Masamoto Yashiro Citibank [chief chief country officer] in Japan To2-d00: chairman+ To2-d00: chairman+ Lnw-d01: New+ York-based+ bank Lnw-d01: Tokyo+ may *lnw-d01: without forcing the [New New New] New York-based bank Lnw-d01: Manhattan+ Bank+ here Ldl-d00: TOKYO+ 32 sentences, 66 hits, 39 misses, 62.86% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-076.wb': Ctr-d00: EC+ Ctr-d00: EC+ Ctr-d00: EC+ Ctr-d00: EC+ Ctr-d00: EC+ Ctr-d00: EC+ Cfd-d02: practices the EC [listed more than 50 Cfd-d02: The EC [report has been expanded Cfd-d02: done by EC [experts in identifying U.S. Cfd-d02: said the EC [report was a response Cfd-d02: has included EC [trade practices Cfd-d02: to the EC [document Cfu-d02: The+ Lnw-d01: Brussels+ were Ldl-d00: BRUSSELS+ 9 sentences, 8 hits, 16 misses, 33.33% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-077.wb': Lnw-d00: West+ German+ industry Ldl-d00: BONN+ 6 sentences, 3 hits, 8 misses, 27.27% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-078.wb': Pbu-d01: The+ Dow+ Jones+ Epp-dxx: The+ Epp-dxx: The+ Epp-dxx: The+ Epp-dxx: Dow+ Pfd-d00: The [Dow Jones Industrial Average Pfd-d02: Industrial+ Average+ lost Pfd-d02: The [erosion of bond prices Pfd-d02: took the Dow [industrials down nearly 33 Pfd-d02: The [30-year Treasury lost about Pfd-d02: The [dollar was mixed *cin-d01: Volume on the [New New New New York York Stock Exchange] totaled 152.9 million Ctx-d01: Dow+ Jones+ Industrial+ Average+ lost Ctx-d01: Dow+ industrials Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Cfd-d00: The Dow [Jones Industrial Average lost Cfd-d00: Dow Jones Industrial [Average lost 20.94 points Cfd-d02: 30 billion Treasury [refunding auction Cfd-d02: Wednesday long-term Treasury [bonds plunged more than Cfd-d02: on long-term Treasury [bonds to hit the Cfd-d02: on the Treasury [benchmark 30-year issue stood Cfd-d02: took the Dow [industrials down nearly 33 Cfd-d02: The 30-year Treasury [lost about 1/8 point Cfu-d02: The+ *lnw-d01: New New New [New York York Stock] Exchange totaled 152.9 Lnw-d00: New+ York+ York+ trading *lnw-d01: Volume on the [New New New] New York York *lnw-d01: New New New [York York Stock] Exchange totaled 152.9 *lnw-d00: In late [New New New] New York York Lnw-d00: New New New [York York trading] the U.S. currency 24 sentences, 13 hits, 18 misses, 41.94% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-079.wb': Pmr-d01: Minister+ Taro+ Nakayama+ and Pmr-d00: Minister+ Yuji+ Tsushima+ Pfd-d00: Foreign Minister Taro [Nakayama and Health and Pfd-d00: Welfare Minister Yuji [Tsushima plan to visit Cin-d00: Economic+ Investment+ Environment+ Research+ Group+ Cin-d01: International+ Ctx-d01: Eastern+ Europe+ could Ctx-d01: Eastern+ Europe+ in Ctx-d01: Eastern+ Europe+ are Ctx-d01: Eastern+ Europe+ Eco-dxx: Europe+ Cfd-d00: trade with Eastern [Europe could expand significantly Cfd-d00: mission to Eastern [Europe in late September Cfd-d00: businesses in Eastern [Europe are most eager Cfd-d02: Office+ of Cfd-d02: Trade+ and Cfd-d00: of ministry Economic [Investment Environment Research Group Cfd-d00: Economic Investment Environment [Research Group is to Cfd-d02: Environment Research Group [is to study the Cfd-d00: conditions in Eastern [Europe Cfu-d02: Soviet+ Union-East+ Tch-d00: Minister+ Tch-d00: Minister+ To1-d00: leader+ To2-d00: leader+ Ldl-d00: TOKYO+ 10 sentences, 27 hits, 27 misses, 50.00% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-080.wb': Cin-d01: North+ North+ America+ Cin-d01: North+ North+ America+ Cfd-d00: held in North [North America Cfd-d02: North North America [ Cfd-d00: 8% with North [North America Cfd-d02: North North America [ Cfu-d00: 8% with North [North America Cfu-d00: held in North [North America Lnw-d01: North+ America+ Lnw-d01: North+ America+ Ldl-d00: MANAMA+ Bahrain+ 7 sentences, 8 hits, 17 misses, 32.00% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-081.wb': Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Milken+ to Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Milken+ already Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Milken+ to Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Milken+ decides Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Milken+ would Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Milken+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Milken+ declined Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Milken+ would Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Milken+ could Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Milken+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Milken+ cooperate Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Milken+ as Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Milken+ had Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Milken+ was Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Milken+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Milken+ considered Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Milken+ rejected Pmr-d01: Judge+ Kimba+ Wood+ that Pjn-d01: Michael+ R.+ Milken+ a Pjn-d00: Arthur+ Liman+ Pjn-d00: Paul+ Weiss+ Pjn-d00: Lowell+ Milken+ Pjn-d01: Michael+ Milken+ has Pjn-d00: Roger+ Hayes+ Pbu-d01: Garrison+ Epp-dxx: Milken+ Pfd-d00: Prosecutors gave Michael [R. Milken a deadline Pfd-d02: Michael R. Milken [a deadline of noon Pfd-d02: enable Mr. Milken [to avoid the new Pfd-d02: Mr. Milken [already faces charges on Pfd-d02: investigating Mr. Milken [to convene in Manhattan Pfd-d02: If Mr. Milken [decides not to accept Pfd-d02: government Mr. Milken [would have to plead Pfd-d02: of Mr. Milken [prison term prosecutors would Pfd-d02: for Mr. Milken [declined to comment Pfd-d02: say Mr. Milken [would be unlikely to Pfd-d02: trial Mr. Milken [could face up to Pfd-d02: week Mr. Milken [legal team led by Pfd-d00: led by Arthur [Liman a partner at Pfd-d00: firm of Paul [Weiss Rifkind Wharton and Pfd-d02: Wharton and Garrison [has been negotiating nearly Pfd-d02: of the Milken [camp was the SEC Pfd-d02: that Mr. Milken [cooperate in the government Pfd-d02: with Mr. Milken [as recently as late Pfd-d02: pact Mr. Milken [had still not made Pfd-d02: said Mr. Milken [was less concerned about Pfd-d00: his brother Lowell [Milken who was also Pfd-d00: Although Michael [Milken has directed his Pfd-d02: indictment Mr. Milken [attorneys held a round Pfd-d02: positions Mr. Milken [considered key to a Pfd-d02: settlement Mr. Milken [rejected the offer in Pfd-d00: set by Roger [Hayes the deputy U.S. Pfd-d00: District Judge Kimba [Wood that a new Pfu-d02: Although+ Cin-d01: U.S.+ District+ Cin-d01: Exchange+ Cin-d01: Securities+ Cin-d01: Drexel+ Burnham+ Lambert+ Inc.+ Ctx-d00: chief chief of [Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc.] junk-bond operations have Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Eco-dxx: U.S.+ Cfd-d00: chief of Drexel [Burnham Lambert Inc. junk-bond Cfd-d00: Drexel Burnham Lambert [Inc. junk-bond operations have Cfd-d02: by the Securities [and Exchange Commission in Cfd-d02: Commission+ in Cfd-d02: of the SEC [ Cfd-d02: was the SEC [insistence that Mr. Milken Cfd-d02: the deputy U.S. [attorney in Manhattan who Cfd-d00: had told U.S. [District Judge Kimba Wood Tch-d00: Judge+ To1-d00: chief+ To2-d00: former+ chief+ chief+ Lnw-d01: New+ York+ York+ firm *lcy-d01: had told U.S. [District Judge Kimba Wood] that a new Lnw-d00: Manhattan+ today *lnw-d01: partner at the [New New New] New York York Lnw-d01: New New New [York York firm] of Paul Weiss Lnw-d01: Manhattan+ who Ldl-d00: NEW+ YORK+ 22 sentences, 75 hits, 8 misses, 90.36% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-082.wb': Pmr-d01: Chairman+ Richard+ Breeden+ said Pmr-d01: Chairman+ Breeden+ said Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Breeden+ also Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Breeden+ Pmr-d00: Rep.+ Dingell+ Pmr-d00: Rep.+ Markey+ Pjn-d01: markets SEC Chairman [Richard Breeden said] The Pjn-d01: Mary+ Schapiro+ said Pjn-d00: John+ Dingell+ D.+ Pjn-d00: Edward+ Markey+ D.+ Pbu-d00: Reps.+ Dingell+ Pbu-d02: Moreover Rep. [Dingell the head of Pbu-d00: Reps.+ John Pbu-d02: letter to Mr. [Breeden Reps. John Dingell Pbu-d02: Mr. [Breeden also said at Pbu-d02: for bonds Chairman [Breeden said Pbu-d02: markets SEC Chairman [Richard Breeden] said Epp-dxx: Markey+ Pfd-d00: SEC Chairman Richard [Breeden said Pfd-d00: SEC member Mary [Schapiro said that about Pfd-d02: bonds Chairman Breeden [said He Pfd-d02: Mr. Breeden [also said at the Pfd-d00: to Mr. Breeden [Reps. John Dingell D. Pfd-d00: Breeden Reps. John [Dingell D. Mich. and Pfd-d01: Mich.+ Pfd-d00: Mich. and Edward [Markey D. Mass. questioned Pfd-d01: Mass.+ Pfd-d02: Moreover Rep. Dingell [the head of the Pfd-d02: and Rep. Markey [who runs the panel Pfd-d00: prickly request Reps. [Dingell and Markey asked Pfd-d02: Dingell and Markey [asked the SEC to Cin-d01: US+ Cin-d01: US+ Cin-d01: Securities+ Cin-d01: National+ Association+ Cin-d01: Exchange+ Cin-d01: The+ Securities+ Ctx-d01: created by the [National Association of] Securities Dealers. Portal Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: NASD+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Ctr-d00: SEC+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Cfd-d00: WASHINGTON The [Securities and Exchange Commission Cfd-d01: Commission+ Cfd-d02: The [private-placement market is a Cfd-d02: The [market is estimated at Cfd-d01: under earlier SEC [rules reducing the liquidity Cfd-d00: The [SEC yesterday moved to Cfd-d02: The [rule will will enhance *cfd-d02: our domestic markets [SEC Chairman Richard Breeden] said Cfd-d02: The [result should be a Cfd-d02: The [rule would create a Cfd-d02: SEC [member Mary Schapiro said Cfd-d02: products the SEC [is loosening the rules Cfd-d02: But the SEC [said it will will Cfd-d02: The [agency said that more Cfd-d02: 144a the SEC [also approved establishment of Cfd-d00: by the National [Association of Securities Dealers. *cfd-d02: National Association of [Securities Dealers. Portal will] will act as Cfd-d02: The [electronic board also has Cfd-d02: push the NASD [to consider such a Cfd-d02: The [first entrants into the Cfd-d02: in the US [ Many foreign Cfd-d02: market the SEC [felt it didn't need Cfd-d02: with the SEC [for any kind of Cfd-d02: in the US [ Cfd-d02: of the SEC [to move in the Cfd-d02: The [two lawmakers said they Cfd-d02: asked the SEC [to report to the Tch-d00: Chairman+ Tch-d00: Chairman+ Tch-d00: Rep.+ Tch-d00: Rep.+ Ldl-d00: WASHINGTON+ 38 sentences, 47 hits, 21 misses, 69.12% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-083.wb': Pmr-d01: Comptroller+ of Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Rothschild+ says Pmr-d00: Mr.+ Rothschild.+ Mr.+ Morley+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Rothschild+ says Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Morley+ got Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Rothschild+ says Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Spies+ says Pjr-d01: Says+ Clifton+ A.+ Poole+ Jr.+ Pjn-d00: Malcolm+ T.+ Murray+ Pjn-d00: Donald+ Ratajczak+ Pjn-d00: Thomas+ Powers+ Pjn-d00: George+ Bartlett+ Pjn-d00: Douglas+ Rothschild+ Pjn-d01: Patrick+ Morley+ paid Pjn-d00: John+ Spies+ Pjn-d00: Charles+ E.+ Rice+ Pbu-d02: totally wrong Mr. [Rothschild says Pbu-d02: foot but Mr. [Rothschild says the real Pbu-d02: developers expected Mr. [Rothschild says Pbu-d01: listed rents says [Douglas Rothschild] a commercial broker Pbu-d01: Barnett+ Tower+ Pbu-d01: Barnett+ Tower+ Epp-dxx: Barnett+ Epp-dxx: Barnett+ Pfd-d00: ground rose Barnett [Tower 33 stories of Pfd-d00: years after Barnett [Tower was completed it Pfd-d00: Says [Clifton A. Poole Jr. Pfd-d00: Says Clifton A. [Poole Jr. a top Pfd-d02: Banks+ Inc.+ and Pfd-d00: correction says Malcolm [T. Murray the chief Pfd-d02: Malcolm T. Murray [the chief chief credit Pfd-d00: and Massachusetts. Donald [Ratajczak the director of Pfd-d00: says R. Thomas [Powers who directs economic Pfd-d00: 1980s says George [Bartlett the first vice Pfd-d00: rents says Douglas [Rothschild a commercial broker Pfd-d02: expected Mr. Rothschild [says Pfd-d00: for example Patrick [Morley paid the highest Pfd-d00: to Mr. Rothschild. [Mr. Morley who hasn't Pfd-d02: Rothschild. Mr. Morley [who hasn't returned repeated Pfd-d02: but Mr. Rothschild [says the real value Pfd-d02: Mr. Morley [got involved in the Pfd-d02: wrong Mr. Rothschild [says Everybody Pfd-d00: sun says John [Spies a Florida specialist Pfd-d02: 20% Mr. Spies [says The Pfd-d02: Banks+ announced Pfd-d00: to earnings Charles [E. Rice its chief Pfd-d02: Charles E. Rice [its chief chief executive Pfu-d02: R.+ Pfu-d02: Massachusetts.+ Cin-d01: Resolution+ Trust+ Cin-d01: Resolution+ Trust+ Cin-d00: American+ Metro-Study+ Corp+ Cin-d01: Resolution+ Trust+ Cin-d01: Resolution+ Trust+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Freedom+ Savings+ + Loan+ Cin-d00: Mellon+ Bank+ Cin-d01: Goodkin+ Research+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Georgia+ State+ University+ Cin-d01: First+ Union+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Southeast+ Banking+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Barnett+ Banks+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Latin+ America+ Cin-d01: Metropolitan+ Life+ Insurance+ Co+ Cin-d01: Lincoln+ Property+ Inc.+ Ctx-d00: the handiwork of [Lincoln Property Inc.] a Dallas developer Ctx-d01: Dallas developer and [Metropolitan Life Insurance Co ] With an Ctx-d01: Lincoln+ who Ctx-d01: Northeast+ and Ctx-d01: unexpectedly low revenue [Mellon Bank repossessed] the building and Ctx-d01: Northeast+ economy Eco-dxx: Barnett+ Eco-dxx: Barnett+ Eco-dxx: Barnett+ Eco-dxx: Banks+ Eco-dxx: Metro-Study+ Cfd-d01: Tower+ Cfd-d00: handiwork of Lincoln [Property Inc. a Dallas Cfd-d02: Lincoln Property Inc. [a Dallas developer and Cfd-d00: developer and Metropolitan [Life Insurance Co Cfd-d00: Metropolitan Life Insurance [Co With Cfd-d00: hub of Latin [America a first-class skyscraper Cfd-d02: Tower+ was Cfd-d02: partner of Lincoln [who now owns his Cfd-d00: banks including Barnett [Banks Inc. and Southeast Cfd-d02: Barnett Banks Inc. [and Southeast Banking Corp. Cfd-d00: Inc. and Southeast [Banking Corp. have increased Cfd-d02: Southeast Banking Corp. [have increased their loan-loss Cfd-d00: officer of First [Union Corp. a Charlotte Cfd-d02: First Union Corp. [a Charlotte N.C. bank-holding Cfd-d00: director of Georgia [State University Economic Forecasting *cfd-d01: of Georgia State [University Economic Forecasting Center] Center notes that Cfd-d02: If Northeast [and Midwest feeder markets Cfd-d00: research at Goodkin [Research Corp. in Fort Cfd-d02: Goodkin Research Corp. [in Fort Fort Lauderdale Cfd-d00: low revenue Mellon [Bank repossessed the building Cfd-d00: building and Freedom [Savings Loan now Cfd-d00: Freedom Savings [Loan now run by Cfd-d00: run by Resolution [Trust Corp. the federal Cfd-d02: Resolution Trust Corp. [the federal agency set Cfd-d00: sale by Resolution [Trust at 22 a Cfd-d02: as the Northeast [economy cools off that Cfd-d00: research firm American [Metro-Study Corp Cfd-d02: American Metro-Study Corp [ It didn't Cfd-d02: according to Metro-Study [ After a Cfd-d00: property by Resolution [Trust Cfd-d00: Indeed when Barnett [Banks announced in March Cfd-d00: property into Resolution [Trust An Cfu-d02: If+ Tch-d00: Comptroller+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: officer+ To1-d00: director+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: executive+ *to2-d00: E. Rice its [chief chief executive executive] executive said it To2-d00: first+ vice+ president+ To2-d00: director+ *to2-d00: T. Murray the [chief chief credit officer] of First Union Lnw-d00: New+ England+ Lnw-d00: Center+ Center+ Lnw-d01: Fort+ Fort+ Lauderdale+ Lnw-d01: South+ after Lnw-d01: North+ *lnw-d01: North [North Palm Beach County] has a 13- *lcy-d01: North [North Palm Beach County] has a 13- Lcy-d01: Palm+ Beach+ County+ Lcy-d01: Research Corp. in [Fort Fort] Lauderdale Lcy-d00: Economic Forecasting Center [Center notes that an Lcy-d01: Palm+ Beach+ County+ Lcy-d01: Biscayne+ Bay+ Lnw-d00: Dallas+ developer Lnw-d01: Miami+ emerging *lnw-d01: Brickell Avenue [Miami Wall Street] couldn't lose Lnw-d01: Miami+ real-estate Lnw-d01: Miami+ where *lnw-d00: the Southwest and [New New New] New England says Lnw-d01: Houston+ research Ldl-d00: MIAMI+ 81 sentences, 124 hits, 90 misses, 57.94% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-084.wb': Pmr-d01: President+ Bush+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Bush+ wants Pmr-d01: Rep.+ Leon+ Panetta+ of Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Panetta+ proposed Pmr-d00: Chairman+ Dan+ Rostenkowski+ D.+ Pmr-d01: Rep.+ Rostenkowski+ is Pmr-d00: Chairman+ Sam+ Nunn+ D.+ Pmr-d01: Sen.+ Nunn+ urged Pmr-d01: Sen.+ Nunn+ also Pmr-d01: Sen.+ Nunn+ singled Pmr-d01: Sen.+ Nunn+ said Pjn-d01: panel chairman Rep. [Leon Panetta of] California and other Pjn-d00: request of Chairman [Dan Rostenkowski D.] Ill. of the Pjn-d00: Services Committee Chairman [Sam Nunn D.] Ga. announced that Pjn-d01: Andy+ Pasztor+ contributed Pbu-d02: and yesterday Mr. [Panetta proposed the lower Pbu-d02: panel chairman Rep. [Leon Panetta] of California and Pbu-d02: programs than Mr. [Bush wants and for Pbu-d02: challenge to President [Bush It Pfd-d02: to President Bush [ It would Pfd-d02: than Mr. Bush [wants and for a Pfd-d00: chairman Rep. Leon [Panetta of California and Pfd-d02: yesterday Mr. Panetta [proposed the lower lower Pfd-d00: of Chairman Dan [Rostenkowski D. Ill. of Pfd-d01: Ill.+ Pfd-d02: increases Rep. Rostenkowski [is expected to refrain Pfd-d00: Committee Chairman Sam [Nunn D. Ga. announced Pfd-d01: Ga.+ Pfd-d02: numbers Sen. Nunn [urged removing 200000 to Pfd-d02: Sen. Nunn [also wants to save Pfd-d02: Sen. Nunn [singled out the Navy Pfd-d02: responsibility Sen. Nunn [said he will will Pfd-d00: Andy [Pasztor contributed to this Cin-d00: Armed+ Services+ Ctr-d00: Senate+ Ctr-d00: Navy+ Ctr-d00: Navy+ Cfd-d01: In the Senate [meanwhile Armed Services Committee Cfd-d00: Senate meanwhile Armed [Services Committee Chairman Sam Cfd-d02: out the Navy [for trying to avoid Cfd-d02: said the Navy [should be able to Tch-d00: President+ Tch-d00: Rep.+ Tch-d00: Chairman+ Tch-d00: Rep.+ Tch-d00: Chairman+ Tch-d00: Sen.+ Tch-d00: Sen.+ Tch-d00: Sen.+ Tch-d00: Sen.+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: chairman+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: chairman+ To1-d00: president+ To2-d00: president+ *to2-d00: The [Ways and Means chairman] is said to To2-d00: president+ To2-d00: president+ To2-d00: president+ To2-d00: panel+ chairman+ To2-d00: president+ Lnw-d01: West+ Germany+ Ldl-d00: WASHINGTON+ 30 sentences, 45 hits, 36 misses, 55.56% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-085.wb': Cin-d01: Weyerhaeuser+ Co.+ Cfd-d00: Wash. Weyerhaeuser [Co. said first-quarter profit Ldl-d00: TACOMA+ Wash.+ 3 sentences, 4 hits, 1 misses, 80.00% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-086.wb': Cin-d01: Datron+ Systems+ Inc.+ Eco-dxx: Datron+ Cfd-d00: Calif. Datron [Systems Inc. said it Cfd-d02: Datron Systems Inc. [said it may buy Cfd-d02: Datron [makes satellite-communications systems and Ldl-d00: SIMI+ VALLEY+ Calif.+ 3 sentences, 7 hits, 0 misses, 100.00% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-087.wb': Pjn-d01: David+ Readerman+ of Pjn-d01: Richard+ Sherlund+ of Pjn-d00: Robert+ Schechter+ Pbu-d01: 9% according to [Richard Sherlund] of Goldman Sachs Pfd-d00: down says David [Readerman of Shearson Lehman Pfd-d00: according to Richard [Sherlund of Goldman Sachs Pfd-d00: Robert [Schechter Lotus chief chief Cin-d01: Novell+ Inc.+ Cin-d00: Sachs+ + Co.+ Cin-d01: Sales+ Cin-d00: Lotus+ Development+ Corp.+ Ctx-d01: a strong rebound [Lotus Development Corp. said] first-quarter profit more Ctx-d01: Lotus+ first-quarter Ctx-d01: Lotus+ is Ctx-d01: Lotus+ based Ctx-d00: Shearson+ Lehman+ Hutton+ Ctx-d01: Lotus+ said Ctx-d00: Goldman+ Sachs Ctx-d01: Lotus+ had Ctx-d01: Lotus+ surprised Ctx-d01: Lotus+ is Ctx-d01: Lotus+ has Ctx-d01: Lotus+ chief Eco-dxx: Novell+ Eco-dxx: Novell+ Eco-dxx: Novell+ Eco-dxx: Novell+ Cfd-d00: strong rebound Lotus [Development Corp. said first-quarter Cfd-d02: Lotus Development Corp. [said first-quarter profit more Cfd-d02: Sales [rose to 165.5 million Cfd-d02: Lotus [first-quarter results were at Cfd-d02: Lotus [is entering a strong Cfd-d02: Lotus [based in Cambridge Mass. Cfd-d00: Readerman of Shearson [Lehman Hutton though he Cfd-d02: Shearson Lehman Hutton [though he expects them Cfd-d02: Lotus [said international sales were Cfd-d00: Sherlund of Goldman [Sachs Co. a Cfd-d00: Goldman Sachs [Co. a puzzling slowdown Cfd-d02: for which Lotus [had no good explanation Cfd-d02: Lotus [surprised the software industry Cfd-d00: merge with Novell [Inc. of Provo Utah. Cfd-d02: Provo Utah. Lotus [is the largest maker Cfd-d02: spreadsheets while Novell [is the leader in Cfd-d02: Lotus [has said that the Cfd-d02: Robert Schechter Lotus [chief chief] financial officer said Cfd-d01: two-thirds of Novell [shareholders offers no premium Cfd-d02: to the Novell [holders Because Cfd-d02: suggestions that Novell [large institutional holders might Cfu-d01: Utah.+ To1-d00: leader+ To1-d00: chief+ To1-d00: officer+ *to2-d00: Robert Schechter Lotus [chief chief financial officer] said the two To2-d00: leader+ Lnw-d00: Cambridge+ Mass.+ 21 sentences, 38 hits, 2 misses, 95.00% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-088.wb': Pmr-d01: Queen+ also Pjn-d00: Alfred+ A.+ Knopf+ Pfd-d00: HEPBURN Publisher Alfred [A. Knopf part of Pfd-d02: Alfred A. Knopf [part of Random House Pfu-d01: Publisher+ Cin-d01: Random+ House+ Inc.+ Eco-dxx: Random+ Eco-dxx: House+ Cfd-d00: part of Random [House Inc. acquired the Cfd-d02: Random House Inc. [acquired the world rights Cfd-d00: by Knopf. Random [House Ballantine Books will Cfu-d02: Knopf.+ Tch-d00: Queen+ 3 sentences, 11 hits, 7 misses, 61.11% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-089.wb': Pjn-d00: Charles+ Mancuso+ Pbu-d01: R.D.+ Smith+ Pbu-d01: Moody+ Pfd-d00: even said Charles [Mancuso senior analyst analyst Pfd-d02: Investors+ Service+ Inc+ Pfd-d00: analyst with R.D. [Smith and Co Cin-d01: Co+ Cin-d01: Exchange+ Cin-d01: Securities+ Cin-d00: Investors+ Service+ Inc+ Cin-d01: GLI+ Holding+ Co.+ Cin-d01: Greyhound+ Lines+ Inc.+ Eco-dxx: Greyhound+ Eco-dxx: Greyhound+ Eco-dxx: Greyhound+ Eco-dxx: Greyhound+ Eco-dxx: Greyhound+ Cfd-d00: weekend debt-laden Greyhound [Lines Inc. continues its Cfd-d02: Greyhound Lines Inc. [continues its struggle to Cfd-d00: unit of GLI [Holding Co. added several Cfd-d02: GLI Holding Co. [added several hundred new Cfd-d02: Transit Union Greyhound [only attracted about 44% Cfd-d02: high said Greyhound [spokeswoman Elizabeth Hale who Cfd-d02: bonds say Greyhound [has yet to maintain Cfd-d00: for Moody Investors [Service Inc Cfd-d02: Investors Service Inc [ The question Cfd-d02: a recent Securities [and Exchange Commission filing Cfd-d01: Commission+ filing Cfd-d02: Commission filing Greyhound [acknowledged that a prolonged Cfd-d02: in rejuvenating Greyhound [charter and package express Cfd-d02: Smith and Co [ The question To1-d00: analyst+ To1-d00: analyst+ To2-d00: analyst+ analyst+ *to2-d01: even said Charles [Mancuso senior analyst analyst] for Moody Investors Ldl-d00: DALLAS+ 14 sentences, 27 hits, 15 misses, 64.29% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-090.wb': Cin-d01: Big+ Board+ Cin-d01: Texas+ Air+ Corp+ Cin-d01: Exxon+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: International+ Business+ Machines+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Chemical+ Cin-d01: Chemical+ Cin-d01: Chemical+ Bank+ Cin-d01: Big+ Board+ Cin-d00: Big+ Board+ Cin-d01: Eli+ Lilly+ + Co.+ Cin-d00: Chemical+ Banking+ Corp.+ Cin-d01: Big+ Board+ Cin-d01: American+ Stock+ Exchange+ *cin-d01: flat on the [New New New New York York Stock Exchange] and rose 6.2% Ctx-d01: Amex+ short Ctx-d01: Amex+ reported Ctx-d00: 3903455 [Exxon Corp.] short volume slipped Ctx-d01: Amex+ short Ctx-d01: Amex+ issues Eco-dxx: Stock+ Eco-dxx: Exchange+ Eco-dxx: Eli+ Eco-dxx: Lilly+ Cfd-d00: York York Stock [Exchange and rose 6.2% Cfd-d00: on the American [Stock Exchange Cfd-d02: American Stock Exchange [ Cfd-d00: On the Big [Board Chemical Banking Corp. Cfd-d00: Big Board Chemical [Banking Corp. short volume Cfd-d02: Chemical Banking Corp. [short volume which had Cfd-d00: pharmaceutical concern Eli [Lilly Co. posted Cfd-d00: Eli Lilly [Co. posted the biggest Cfd-d02: On the Amex [short volume rose to Cfd-d00: year-earlier month Big [Board short volume was Cfd-d02: ago the Amex [reported 43663617 shares indicating Cfd-d00: by the Big [Board short interest ratio Cfd-d00: parent of Chemical [Bank sank to 2359516 Cfd-d02: been selling Chemical [shares short and then Cfd-d02: Chemical [later tightened the rules Cfd-d00: Eli [Lilly short volume grew Cfd-d00: bellwether issue International [Business Machines Corp. rose Cfd-d00: International Business Machines [Corp. rose 3.8% to Cfd-d00: Exxon [Corp. short volume slipped Cfd-d02: Leading the Amex [short volumes as it Cfd-d00: time was Texas [Air Corp Cfd-d02: Texas Air Corp [ The airline Cfd-d00: show the Big [Board and Amex issues Cfd-d02: Board and Amex [issues in which a *cfu-d02: New New New [New York York Stock] Exchange and rose *lnw-d01: New New New [New York York Stock] Exchange and rose Lnw-d01: New+ York+ York+ exchange Lnw-d01: New+ York+ York+ parent *lnw-d01: flat on the [New New New] New York York *lnw-d01: New New New [York York Stock] Exchange and rose Lnw-d01: Indianapolis+ pharmaceutical *lnw-d01: The [New New New] New York York Lnw-d01: New New New [York York exchange] reported that short *lnw-d01: volume for the [New New New] New York York Lnw-d01: New New New [York York parent] of Chemical Bank Ldl-d00: NEW+ YORK+ 24 sentences, 48 hits, 14 misses, 77.42% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-091.wb': Pjn-d00: Brian+ Fabbri+ Pjn-d00: Rich+ Spurgin+ Pjn-d00: Wayne+ Wong+ Pbu-d01: Toronto-based+ Thomson+ Pbu-d01: Dow+ Jones+ Pfd-d00: rates said Brian [Fabbri a managing director Pfd-d00: trend said Rich [Spurgin director of fixed-income Pfd-d00: marketplace said Wayne [Wong a managing director Pfd-d00: According to Dow [Jones Professional Investor Report Pfd-d00: suitor is Toronto-based [Thomson Corp Cin-d01: Tokyo+ Stock+ Exchange+ Cin-d01: Bank+ Cin-d01: Government+ National+ Mortgage+ Association+ Cin-d01: Mortgage-Backed+ Securities+ Mortgage+ Cin-d01: New+ New+ New+ New+ Jersey+ Turnpike+ Authority+ Cin-d01: Toronto-based+ Thomson+ Corp+ Cin-d01: Treasury+ Securities+ Cin-d00: York+ Marine+ Midland+ Bank+ Cin-d01: Technical+ Data+ Global+ Markets+ Group+ Cin-d01: Harcourt+ Brace+ Jovanovich+ Inc.+ Cin-d01: Midland+ Montagu+ Securities+ Inc+ Ctx-d00: Dow+ Jones+ Professional+ Investor+ Report+ Ctx-d00: Government [National Mortgage Association 9%] securities for May Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Ctr-d00: Treasury+ Eco-dxx: Harcourt+ Eco-dxx: Harcourt+ Eco-dxx: Harcourt+ Eco-dxx: Brace+ Eco-dxx: Brace+ Eco-dxx: Brace+ Eco-dxx: York+ Eco-dxx: New+ Eco-dxx: New+ Eco-dxx: New+ Eco-dxx: New+ Cfd-d02: Treasury [bond prices have dropped Cfd-d00: director at Midland [Montagu Securities Inc Cfd-d00: Midland Montagu Securities [Inc He Cfd-d02: The Treasury [is expected to issue Cfd-d00: bonds of Harcourt [Brace Jovanovich Inc. surged Cfd-d00: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich [Inc. surged on growing Cfd-d02: Treasury [bond prices began falling Cfd-d02: about the Treasury [big borrowing needs needs Cfd-d00: research at Technical [Data Global Markets Group Cfd-d00: Technical Data Global [Markets Group Cfd-d02: Global Markets Group [ We expect Cfd-d02: on long-term Treasury [bonds would bring a Cfd-d00: subsidiary of New [New New New] York York Marine Cfd-d00: New New York [York Marine Midland Bank Cfd-d00: York York Marine [Midland Bank Cfd-d02: Marine Midland Bank [ At this Cfd-d00: Treasury [Securities While bond yields Cfd-d02: on short-term Treasury [bills Cfd-d02: The Treasury [latest three-month bills were Cfd-d02: Other long-term Treasury [bonds offered even higher Cfd-d00: generally fell Harcourt [Brace junk bonds moved Cfd-d00: of some Harcourt [Brace bonds jumped three Cfd-d00: According to Dow [Jones Professional Investor Report Cfd-d00: Dow Jones Professional [Investor Report the rumored Cfd-d02: Professional Investor Report [the rumored suitor is Cfd-d00: suitor is Toronto-based [Thomson Corp Cfd-d02: Toronto-based Thomson Corp [ Cfd-d00: Harcourt [Brace 13 3/4% senior Cfd-d00: New [New New New] Jersey Turnpike Authority Cfd-d00: New New Jersey [Turnpike Authority 7.20% issue Cfd-d01: Jersey Turnpike Authority [7.20% issue of 2018 Cfd-d00: Mortgage-Backed [Securities Mortgage securities which Cfd-d01: Mortgage-Backed Securities Mortgage [securities which have fared Cfd-d00: Government [National Mortgage Association 9% Cfd-d00: Government National Mortgage [Association 9% securities for Cfd-d02: that the Bank [of Japan will will Cfd-d00: of the Tokyo [Stock Exchange Cfd-d02: Tokyo Stock Exchange [ *cfu-d00: New [New New New Jersey] Turnpike Authority 7.20% Cfu-d02: The+ Cfu-d00: New New York [York Marine Midland Bank *cfu-d00: subsidiary of New [New New New York] York Marine Midland Cfu-d02: The+ To1-d00: director+ To1-d00: director+ To1-d00: director+ To2-d00: managing+ director+ *to2-d00: a downward trend [said Rich Spurgin director] of fixed-income research To2-d00: managing+ director+ Lnw-d00: New+ York+ York+ Lnw-d00: New+ Jersey+ Turnpike+ Authority+ Lnw-d01: West+ German+ government *lnw-d00: a subsidiary of [New New New] New York York Lnw-d00: New New New [York York] Marine Midland Bank *lnw-d00: [New New New] New Jersey Turnpike *lnw-d01: close of the [Tokyo Stock Exchange] Ldl-d00: NEW+ YORK+ 51 sentences, 79 hits, 29 misses, 73.15% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-092.wb': Pjn-d00: Ivan+ G.+ Seidenberg+ Pjn-d00: Matthew+ J.+ Stover+ Pbu-d01: NYNEX+ Corp.+ White+ Pfd-d00: NYNEX [Corp. White Plains NY Pfd-d01: Plains+ Pfd-d00: NY Ivan [G. Seidenberg previously senior Pfd-d02: Ivan G. Seidenberg [previously senior vice president Pfd-d00: Group and Matthew [J. Stover previously senior Pfd-d02: Matthew J. Stover [previously senior vice president Cin-d01: American+ Express+ Co.+ Cin-d01: Worldwide+ Information+ + Cellular+ Services+ Group+ Cin-d01: NYNEX+ Corp.+ Ctx-d01: Nynex+ vice Cfd-d00: NYNEX [Corp. White Plains NY Cfd-d00: its new Worldwide [Information Cellular Services Cfd-d00: Worldwide Information [Cellular Services Group and Cfd-d00: Cellular Services [Group and Matthew J. Cfd-d00: communications at American [Express Co. was named Cfd-d02: American Express Co. [was named Nynex vice Cfd-d02: was named Nynex [vice president external affairs To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: president+ To1-d00: president+ *to2-d00: Express Co. was [named Nynex vice president] external affairs both *to2-d00: Matthew J. Stover [previously senior vice president] communications at American *to2-d00: of this telecommunications [concern was named president] of its new *lcy-d01: [NYNEX Corp. White Plains] NY Ivan Ldl-d00: NYNEX+ Corp.+ White+ Plains+ NY+ 1 sentences, 25 hits, 1 misses, 96.15% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-093.wb': Pjn-d01: Will+ corporations Pfd-d02: Chicago Tribune Will [corporations like Exxon and Ctx-d01: Exxon+ and Cfd-d02: corporations like Exxon [and the other capitalists/industrialists To1-d00: analyst+ Lnw-d01: North+ and Lnw-d00: Chicago+ Tribune+ 7 sentences, 6 hits, 12 misses, 33.33% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-094.wb': Pmr-d00: General+ Accounting+ Office+ study Pmr-d00: Sen.+ Edward+ Kennedy+ D.+ Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Austin+ said Pmr-d00: Sen.+ Alan+ Simpson+ R.+ Pjn-d00: Keith+ W.+ Crane+ Pjn-d00: Sen. [Edward Kennedy D.] Mass. the subcommittee Pjn-d01: Mario+ Moreno+ of Pjn-d00: such as Sen. [Alan Simpson R.] Wyo. a sponsor Pbu-d02: Sen. [Edward Kennedy] D. Mass. the Epp-dxx: Austin+ Pfd-d00: by economists Keith [W. Crane Beth H. Pfd-d02: Beth+ H.+ Asch+ and Pfd-d00: General General Accounting [Office study which found Pfd-d00: Sen. Edward [Kennedy D. Mass. the Pfd-d01: Mass.+ Pfd-d00: problems said Mario [Moreno of the Mexican Pfd-d02: said Duke Austin [an INS spokesman Pfd-d02: 1990 Mr. Austin [said That Pfd-d00: as Sen. Alan [Simpson R. Wyo. a Pfd-d01: Wyo.+ Pfu-d02: Duke+ Pfu-d00: by a General [General Accounting Office study Cin-d01: The+ Urban+ Institute+ Cin-d01: Naturalization+ Service+ Cin-d01: Educational+ Fund+ Cin-d01: Mexican+ American+ Cin-d01: American+ Bar+ Association+ Cin-d01: General+ Cin-d01: Urban+ Institute+ Cin-d01: Rand+ Corp.+ Ctx-d01: study by the [Rand Corp. and] the Urban Institute Ctx-d01: Rand+ is Ctr-d00: Senate+ Ctr-d00: INS+ Ctr-d00: INS+ Eco-dxx: General+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Eco-dxx: The+ Cfd-d02: ANGELES The [employer-sanction provisions of the Cfd-d00: by the Rand [Corp. and the Urban Cfd-d00: and the Urban [Institute Cfd-d02: The [joint report comes amid Cfd-d02: The [study also found that Cfd-d02: The [researchers analyzed labor market Cfd-d02: The [study was compiled by Cfd-d00: by a General [General Accounting Office study Cfd-d02: Subcommittee+ on Cfd-d00: including the American [Bar Association the U.S. Cfd-d02: American Bar Association [the U.S. Chamber of Cfd-d00: of the Mexican [American Legal Defense and Cfd-d00: Defense and Educational [Fund in Washington Washington Cfd-d02: Immigration+ and Cfd-d00: Immigration and Naturalization [Service contends that the Cfd-d02: Austin an INS [spokesman But Cfd-d00: The [INS expects to apprehend Cfd-d00: The [Urban Institute is based Cfd-d02: The Urban Institute [is based in Washington Cfd-d02: Washington D.C. Rand [is based in Santa Cfu-d01: Washington+ D.C.+ Tch-d00: General+ Tch-d00: Sen.+ Tch-d00: Sen.+ To1-d00: chairman+ To2-d00: subcommittee+ chairman+ Lnw-d00: Santa+ Monica+ Lnw-d01: Washington+ Washington+ to Lnw-d00: Washington+ Washington+ Lnw-d01: Austin+ an Lnw-d01: Austin+ said Lnw-d00: Washington+ Washington+ Ldl-d00: LOS+ ANGELES+ 24 sentences, 59 hits, 27 misses, 68.60% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-095.wb': Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Gorbachev+ has Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Gorbachev+ is Pmr-d01: President+ Vytautus+ Landsbergis+ has Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Gorbachev+ does Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Gorbachev+ has Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Gorbachev+ be Pmr-d01: Mr.+ Gorbachev+ is Pjn-d01: Karl+ Marx+ was Pjn-d01: Mikhail+ Gorbachev+ was Pbu-d01: Gorbachev+ Pbu-d02: shows that Mr. [Gorbachev is not the Pbu-d02: What might Mr. [Gorbachev be thinking Pbu-d02: Mr. [Gorbachev has been primarily Pbu-d02: If Mr. [Gorbachev does not stand Pbu-d01: Gorbachev+ Pbu-d02: Apparently Mr. [Gorbachev is willing to Pbu-d02: But this Mr. [Gorbachev has been lost Pbu-d00: than under communism [Mikhail Gorbachev] was supposed to Pfd-d00: unwilling peoples Karl [Marx was once moved Pfd-d00: under communism Mikhail [Gorbachev was supposed to Pfd-d02: this Mr. Gorbachev [has been lost and Pfd-d02: Apparently Mr. Gorbachev [is willing to give Pfd-d02: a different Gorbachev [on the TV screens Pfd-d00: President Vytautus [Landsbergis has said bravely Pfd-d02: If Mr. Gorbachev [does not stand for Pfd-d02: Mr. Gorbachev [has been primarily concerned Pfd-d02: might Mr. Gorbachev [be thinking Pfd-d02: that Mr. Gorbachev [is not the open Pfd-d02: Who lost Gorbachev [ He was Ctx-d01: Eastern+ Europe+ Ctx-d00: Eastern+ Europe+ Eco-dxx: Europe+ Cfd-d00: collapsed in Eastern [Europe In Cfd-d01: Radio Free Europe [analyst analyst] The campaign appears Cfd-d00: nation of Eastern [Europe true reform meant Cfu-d02: Radio+ Free+ Tch-d00: President+ To1-d00: analyst+ To1-d00: leader+ To2-d00: leader+ *to2-d00: to a Radio [Free Europe analyst analyst] The campaign appears Lnw-d01: West+ but Lnw-d01: West+ might Lnw-d01: East+ Germany+ the Lnw-d01: West+ European+ nations Lnw-d01: West+ have Lcy-d01: Tiananmen+ Square+ Lnw-d01: Beijing+ just Lnw-d01: Vilnius+ the *ldl-d00: Alluding to the Russian empire annexation of] unwilling peoples Karl 44 sentences, 41 hits, 60 misses, 40.59% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-096.wb': Pbu-d01: Daisy+ Brown+ Pbu-d01: Joshua+ Adams+ Pbu-d01: C.R.+ Reagan+ Pfd-d00: C.R. [Reagan Pfd-d00: Joshua [Adams Pfd-d00: Daisy [Brown 6 sentences, 6 hits, 15 misses, 28.57% efficiency. Running matchers on file `900420-097.wb': 2 sentences, 0 hits, 8 misses, 0.00% efficiency.